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"Wait wait wait, where did this story happen?"

"At the restaurant,"

"What restaurant?"

"The one I worked at," I giggled, "I told you this already,"

"You worked at a restaurant?"

"Yeah? Look, my hands are so fucked from the hot plates... well actually it's getting better but,"

"Your hands are tiny," Finn said, putting his large hand over mine, "It disappears,"

"Maybe you just have huge hands,"

"Yknow what they say,"

"Huge hands huge ego," I said, pushing his hand back away from me, "Will you meet me at the gate tomorrow?"

"Yes. We will meet you every day,"

"Thank you,"

"Do you feel okay at school now?"


"I can't wait to write our first mailer. We should go to the football game on Monday and write about it,"

"I'm sorry, I can't do Monday,"

"Oh, no problem. I'll still go,"

"I have therapy. Promise I'm not ditching,"

"Mines on Wednesday,"

"Damn we've lost two weekdays then,"

"Ellen's is on Friday," he laughed, "So three,"

"Fuck off do we all have to go to therapy,"

"Friend group is in itsissues era,"

"Sertraline gang,"

"I'm more of a fluoxetine guy,"

"I don't fuck with that shit. I'm not on anything anymore but that was not fun,"

"It's not meant to be fun," he laughed, "I'm still on it. Dosage just keeps getting higher and higher baby,"

"I hope this one works out for you,"

"Me too. Sorry, I kinda overshared,"

"No such thing. I've just told you all my embarrassing stories,"

"You do have a lot of them,"

I nudged his arm and he nudged me back, then I knelt up so I could push him over, laughing when he immediately sat back up, and rather gently leant into me until I fell onto my side on the sofa.

It still made me cough a bit, but it was between the laughs, and I shuffled away to catch my breath.

There was a knock at the door and he looked outside, seeing it was his mum's car. Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed, but Michael came downstairs to answer it so we couldn't buy any time.

Once Finn put his prosthetic back on, he stood up to give me a goodbye hug, then shook Michael's hand and waved at the door to me. I waved back, then started tidying the blankets on the sofa that we had messed up.

"Did you have a fun day?"

"Yeah. Thank you,"

"You should probably head to bed, I'll tidy up,"

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome, go and get ready and I'll come and tuck you in,"

I went and changed into my pyjamas, then brushed my teeth and tied my hair back into a ponytail.
Michael brought me my medicine, then tucked me into bed and sat beside me, brushing his hand over my hair repeatedly.

"If you need tomorrow off then that is okay,"


"I love you, sleep well. I am glad you had a good day,"


I did sleep well.
Would've been better if school didn't start so early, but I felt okay when Michael woke me up.

"Morning sunshine. Mind if I take your temperature and listen to your chest before you head to school?"

"Fine, but you're not in work so you're weird by the way,"

"How's your throat feeling?"


"That's really good. Deep breath in, and out. And again,"

I checked the time and it was later than I usually got up, so I felt a bit rushed, especially because my hair was a state.

"No fever for you, hooray. You are absolutely not doing pe today though,"


"Go on, I'll get you some breakfast,"

I changed into my uniform, then brushed my hair out and sprayed dry shampoo in it. I sprayed a ton of perfume, then shoved mascara on and called it a day.

Michael presented me with a bowl or porridge, and a pile of my medication at the table, so I ate, and took it all. Him and Calum were rushing around, so I brushed my teeth and packed my bag, then sat by the door with my shoes on waiting.

Eventually, they both made it to the door and Calum slapped lunch money into my hand, then pulled me up and ushered me out to the car. It was 8:28, so we weren't even late, really.

"Do you have your house key?"


"Take Calum's. You need to be ready to leave bang on 5:30,"


"Have a good day sweetheart," he said, kissing my head, "Take it easy,"

I took Calum's house key and shoved it in my bag, then climbed out the car and headed round to the gate, finding Ellen and Finn already there.

"Good morningggggg," Ellen said, throwing her arms round me, "We have music,"

"I know,"

"She's well good at the piano,"

"That's not really what I play though. I'm a guitarist,"

"Er, it sounds like you play it!"

"I know," I grinned.

"So do you feel better?"

"Mostly. Mike says I can't do PE,"

"Fairs. Are you here all day today?"


"Yay," Finn said, "Ellen is gonna come to the game tonight and take notes with me,"

"Cool. Sorry I can't be there,"

"Nonsense. I'll see you two later, yeah?"

Ellen swung us round and took us down a different corridor, giggling to herself.

"He's obsessed with that mailer,"

"He's wanted to do it a while, it seems,"

"Fucking ages. Thanks for doing it with him, I know he comes across as pretty cheerful but the last few months haven't been easy for him, and I think he's really happy he's got someone to share his excitement with thats not just a teacher. I know fuck all about English, I'm useless,"

"You really look out for him, huh?"

"We look out for each other. All three of us, but yeah, he's like my brother. We can just be ourselves around each other, you know? All of us,"

"Yeah, I do like that," I smiled, "This is really lame but I actually feel kind of exited to come to school, and I haven't felt that in forever,"

"Awh. We love ya, Maya. Feels like we've known you for ages. I'm sorry if I put pressure on you yesterday... I had one too many energy drinks,"

"It's cool. We should do it again soon,"

"Ugh. Yes please. Michael is loaded I love it there,"

"Oh Ellen, I do love being your friend,"

"I love being yours even more,"

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