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"You don't look anywhere near as rough as you sounded yesterday,"

"Good," I laughed, "I don't feel it either. Yesterday sucked,"

"We've all been there,"

"It was fun though, right? You still had fun?" Ellen asked, satisfied when I nodded, "Good. I had fun,"

"Thanks for inviting me,"

"You're always invited,"

"Thank you,"

"I'll meet you guys at the canteen yeah?"

"We'll be there," Finn said, "Have fun in physics,"

"I will, actually,"

We split up and went separate ways, Finn taking my hand to swing between us.

"I booked the movie at 4, then I thought we could go and eat somewhere,"

"Um, I don't know,"

"We can find somewhere quiet,"


"Do you think Mike can give us a lift? I can ask my mum but, yeah,"

"I'm sure he can, depends if they're partying hard without me there for the night,"

"We won't be out late,"

"He'll get us, he does everything I want," I giggled, sitting at my seat, "Does Ellen know?"

"Yes. Haven't you seen her about to explode all morning? I told her not to bug you about it,"

"Thank you,"

"You still wanna go though, right?"

"Of course I do,"

He blushed and cracked a grin, turning his eyes down to the desk. He'd done his hair properly today, with gel, and brought a bag with him which I guessed was a change of clothes. The aftershave he wore was also extra strong, and he had shaved.

Even Miss Lauderdale said he looked dapper, which just made him all flustered again and he didn't wanna look at me other than out the corner of his eye. I mean, I had straightened my hair, and actually worn makeup, so I wasn't innocent.

When it was lunch, we went to the canteen, but Mike had packed me a lunch because he said he didn't know what state my stomach was in. It was fine, but I appreciated the gesture.

"Maya, you look really nice today,"

"Thank you,"

"I'm jealous of how pretty you are sometimes,"


"I just am,"

"Well I am jealous of you,"

She smiled and began eating her food, grinning harder as she looked between us both. Finn elbowed her side and she frowned, then he quickly apologised and hugged her, as he seemed to have upset her quite a lot.
She quickly recovered after that, but I had seen it had hit somewhere deep, and I wasn't used to seeing Ellen so upset so it wasn't the nicest feeling.

"Your lunch looks nice,"

"Mike made it,"

"Michael sounds so cool," she said, "Is it fun being rich?"

"It's fun being with Michael,"

"Did you know Calum too? Before you came?"

"Yeah. A bit. I didn't know much about any of them, but yeah,"

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