Night shifts were always trippy.
The fact that Luke had been working while I had gone home and slept made me feel bad, enough though I knew he would be going home to sleep while I worked in an hour.
Still, seeing him was weird when he walked through the curtains.
"Morning. How did you sleep?"
"She slept like a bloody log," he laughed, "And I don't blame her. Her chest isn't sounding too great, she's definitely got the nasty end of this back to school sickness deal,"
"Oh bless her,"
"If I can see her eat and drink, and keep it down, I am happy to take her home, but you're gonna have to be off tomorrow to keep monitoring her,"
"Shall I wake her up?"
"If you can,"
Gently, I brushed my thumb on her cheek and spoke to her, watching her eyes flutter open. Clearly I had pissed her off, but I had to agree she seemed well rested.
"Good morning sleepy head, I am sorry I am waking you up!,"
Suddenly, she burst out into a coughing fit, so I gently tapped her back, passing her some water.
"That sounds nasty huh?" Luke said, "Those antibiotics will get to work in a day or two,"
"That hurt my back," she said quietly, her voice really strained, "Ow,"
"Why doesn't Michael go and get you some breakfast? And I'll take another listen to your chest,"
I kissed the top of her head and grabbed my wallet, heading down to the canteen. I was really hungry, so I was planning the whole shebang, but I wasn't sure what to get Maya.
As I waited in the queue, I checked out the fridge, hearing a familiar voice ahead of me having a go at the staff. It wasn't uncommon for me to recognise voices, but no one else I knew would be speaking such a foul way to the staff, and that sent chills down my spine.
I kept my head low, but I was a fool to think a mother wouldn't recognise her son.
"What are you doing here?"
"Your dad was doing some DIY and he hurt his arm, he will be fine,"
"Why did you drive to this hospital when there is a perfectly good one near you? In fact, don't even answer that one,"
I turned my back and ordered Maya and I food, then collected the boxes from the end.
"Who is all that for?"
"I'm taking it up before we start work,"
"You're here early,"
"Why was dad doing DIY so early?"
"He did it last night," she said sharply, "Why are you being so rude?"
"Mum, I really do not have time for this,"
"How is Maya?"
"Maya is great. I hope dad feels better soon,"
"Can I walk with you?"
"Why not?" she asked, following me anyway.
"Mum, seriously leave us alone,"
"Us? Is Maya here?"
"No, mum! You don't get to know where Maya is anymore, or what she is doing. You decided that and you have to deal with that,"
I walked off and decided to go through the nearest staff only door I could, redirecting myself from there.
Maya looked super tired when I walked in, but I knew she was hungry, so we sat the bed up and put the food infront of her."If she can keep this down then that's great. I might order a chest scan,"
"I wanna go home,"
"We will get you home as soon as we can. Sometimes your condition can change really quickly so we just want to make sure,"
"I'm gonna stay for a few minutes, then leave for a bit and visit later,"
She looked at me with a wobbling lip, but tucked her hair behind her ear and started to eat her oatmeal. When Luke seemed satisfied that she hadn't been sick in the first few minutes, he sanitised his hands and left.
We both ate in silence for a bit, then I finished and left to find a bin. I found one the other side of the ward, then checked my watch and sighed, knowing I'd have to work soon.
On my way back, I saw someone leave Maya's section, and picked up my pace, pulling the curtains back to find mum sat in my seat with a visitor badge on.
"Get out,"
"You told me she wasn't here,"
"Mum I swear to god get out of here before I call security,"
"You can't,"
"Get out," I said, standing infront of Maya's face, which was crinkled up as if she was crying, but no tears or noise was coming out because she physically couldn't do it.
I slammed the nurses button down, but she stayed put, trying to reach past me.
"I am begging you to leave us alone," I said, my eyes stinging, "I am begging you,"
"You are my children,"
"We aren't children anymore. Can someone call security?"
"Don't be ridiculous!"
"Maya lives in my house now. My house. My rules. You aren't allowed to interfere anymore,"
"Well maybe I regret that, Michael!"
"Good. I hope you regret this your whole life," I spat, "I hope you soak up all that regret for the rest of your pathetic life,"
"I did nothing but treat you well,"
"Maya deserved that too,"
"She got it until she started ruining everything,"
"You clearly regret absolutely nothing. You just miss control. Get. Out,"
She refused, so she stood there until security took her out, which was just way more embarrassing for her than if she left herself. I watched until she left, then took a deep breath.
"Are you okay?"
"I just need a moment," I said, not looking at Maya, "I'm just gonna stand outside,"
I stepped outside the curtain and brought my sleeve over my hand, holding it over my mouth. The room was practically spinning, and I was getting hotter and hotter by the second.
I didn't even know where to look.
My chest felt tight and it made me feel so fucking stupid. I always told Maya it was okay to feel like this but I felt stupid.
This wasn't meant to impact me. They hadn't really done stuff to me like they had to her. Just, the change, the cutting off, the manipulation- it was a lot. Cutting them off was the only, and the right, option, but I was on my own. I was an adult, I was absolutely fine being alone, but it did hurt to see your parents be like this.
I adored them once.
I really did.
Luke rushed round the corner and stopped infront of me, before going behind the curtain to see Maya, who should've been my main priority.
But my feet wouldn't turn round to see her.
I needed Calum.

undo// 5SOS
FanfictionParents always say they don't have favourites. Well, most of the time anyway. In some situations it was painfully obvious, like in Maya's. As the youngest, there were high expectations. Even higher when your brother is a doctor, and you're well...