"What's that sound?"
"Maya crying,"
"She's been crying since we got back from school," I said to Ashton, "Some pizza might do the trick. I got told to fuck off. Don't take anything she says to heart,"
"What the hell have you done to her?"
"She's decided to give school a go,"
"Michael, it's 7pm,"
"How long has she been crying?!"
"A long time," Calum mumbled, taking a slice of pizza from the box, "Feel free to try and calm her down,"
"You two suck,"
He shoved the pizza into Luke's hand, who had just walked into the house, then jogged over to Maya's room, shutting the door again behind him.
She was quite upset. Obviously.
All the stress about school was really at a peak now, and I had sat with her for 2 hours when we got back, but she just needed space to let it out. Or someone that didn't have my face.
"What's going on?" Luke asked, letting Cal take another piece of pizza.
"She's starting school again,"
"Oh shit. Back to work?"
"I could do with your help this weekend,"
"Fine, I just don't want her coming back to an empty house the first couple of days,"
"We should get a dog then," Calum said, "You know it would help both of you,"
"Not having this conversation right now,"
All our heads turned as Maya's door opened, and she came out with Ashton, her cheeks red and sore.
She came over and grabbed my wrist to check for the bracelet, then rested in my side and started crying again.
"We have pizza!"
"We do,"
"I don't wanna go to school,"
"You will have so much fun," Luke said, "It takes time to settle in and make friends, but once you have, you'll have so much fun,"
"I've not had friends in ages, but everyone is gonna be younger than me,"
"Ash is older than us, that's never made a difference! Plus she said there were some people your age," I said, "I promise it will work out,"
"But what if no one talks to me?"
"But what if they do and they become your best friend ever?"
"Yeah. If there's bad what ifs there are usually good what ifs too,"
"Its completely normal to be anxious about school," Ash said, "We will do something fun at the weekend, how about that? Send Mike and Luke to work and we'll go and have ice cream,"
"Not ice cream. I don't want this pizza. I don't want ice cream," she said angrily, "I'm not anxious,"
I kissed the top of her head and held it close to my chest, gently placing more kisses on her head.

undo// 5SOS
FanfictionParents always say they don't have favourites. Well, most of the time anyway. In some situations it was painfully obvious, like in Maya's. As the youngest, there were high expectations. Even higher when your brother is a doctor, and you're well...