"I threw up,"
I stood beside him, squinting when he turned his lamp on; it was 8:27, so only 3 minutes before his alarm anyway.
"Are you okay?"
"It's from nerves,"
"Did you clean it up?"
"Okay. Let's get you some water and breakfast to settle your stomach,"
Before getting up, he checked the time, then he ushered me downstairs and sat me at the table, passing me some water. It wasn't long after that he put two plates of toast down for us, and ate beside me, meanwhile I stared at it with my stomach churning.
"Just a look round and a chat with the staff if we feel like it. The schools are two different vibes, it's 100% your choice, but I will help if you want,"
"We will make sure to see what the English department is like,"
One of the nice things about Mike was that he supported what I wanted to do. Mum and dad wanted me to be all sciencey like him, but it didn't interest me at all and they hated that. It was nice to finally have someone talk positively about it, even though I guessed it still embarrassed me because I wasn't used to the conversation.
Now I had company, I felt a bit better, so I got dressed into some of my new clothes and put my converse on, even though I preferred Mike's old ones. Everything here was so new and shiny and I certainly didn't feel that way.
Once he was dressed, we got in the car, but he didn't put directions in so I guessed it was local.
"Gonna be honest, I've heard good thing about this school, but I've never been inside it myself so this is all new for me too,"
"When would you have been in a school anyway?"
"Sometimes I go into the other one, the one this afternoon, and talk to students who wanna do medicine,"
"Long story. Friend of a friend of a friend works there, thought it would help. It does help,"
"Oh. Okay,"
"Applications are stressful,"
"I don't remember all that,"
"You always wanted to play with me and I would be revising, or doing interview practice. One time you told me very firmly I didn't need to practice, I needed to play,"
"I was right,"
"Yeah, we ended up playing,"
"We did?"
"Of course we did,"
Even though I didn't remember, I couldn't help but smile about the fact he took time to play with me when I was younger. When he told me his memories like this, it made me feel a little less like an imposter.
When we arrived at the school, he fixed his hair in the mirror then got out the car, so I just followed behind, twisting my bobble on my wrist. It was quiet, and Michael even kept his voice hushed as he spoke.
"Mr Clifford?"
"And Maya?"
"I'm Mr Ackhurst, I'm the deputy head. I'll take you round today and you can see all our facilities, and a couple of classes. You're 18, correct?"

undo// 5SOS
FanfictionParents always say they don't have favourites. Well, most of the time anyway. In some situations it was painfully obvious, like in Maya's. As the youngest, there were high expectations. Even higher when your brother is a doctor, and you're well...