"Your friends are here,"
"They're early,"
"How early?"
"Like twenty minutes,"
"Ah well, I'll go and let them in for you,"
"Can you tell them I'm getting ready? I wanna eat lunch on my own,"
"Will do,"
I took my lunch to my room and sat at my desk, trying to eat a bit faster. At school it was okay, I just copied what Ellen had and then knew no one was thinking about my food. Eating with other people was definitely still a hard thing for me if we didn't have the same food, and I didn't know them very well.
I heard them come in and start chatting to Cal and Michael- Ellen was able to talk to everyone about anything. I thought that was pretty cool, but it did kinda make me sad because I used to be able to do that too. Like, a long time ago.
Perhaps she would help me get there again.
Once I was done eating, I looked in the mirror and made sure nothing was round my face, then slipped an oversized top over my vest top, and wandered into the living room.
"Maya! How are you feeling? I brought some flowers, they're from my parents," Ellen said, "I can't believe you went to hospital. I wondered why you hadn't been texting,"
"Thank you,"
"I'll put them in a vase. Downstairs is all yours," Michael said, "Don't break anything,"
"We won't,"
"What if we do?" I panicked, "I can't pay to fix it. I spent the last of my money on those burgers,"
"I was being stupid. Well, do try not to break anything, but just have fun,"
"How are you feeling?" Finn asked, patting the spot beside him, "We missed you,"
"A bit better, I'm gonna come to school,"
"Only come if you feel up to it,"
"I know,"
"I'm sorry you went to hospital," Ellen said, "Sorry I gave you it,"
"We don't know where she got it," Finn said, "It's no one's fault,"
"Hospital was fine. I'm not scared of it, I just slept,"
"Oh good,"
"My acne has gone crazy cos I'm sick though,"
"You still look great," Finn said, "Where's the remote?"
"I know I look great it just hurts like a bitch, and Ellen is sat on it,"
She chucked it over to me and I turned the tv on, then she took it back because she saw a film she liked.
"Please please please can we watch this? We don't have this at home,"
"I'm into whatever,"
"Thank you,"
She grabbed a blanket, and snuggled into the sofa- she seemed more comfortable here than I did. I just sat the other side of Finn and sipped on some water since Michael was being very persistent about keeping me hydrated.
I thought Ellen would be the type of person to be talking throughout the movie, but she was fully engrossed in it. Finn was kinda watching, and kinda on his phone... and I was honestly going to fall asleep.

undo// 5SOS
FanfictionParents always say they don't have favourites. Well, most of the time anyway. In some situations it was painfully obvious, like in Maya's. As the youngest, there were high expectations. Even higher when your brother is a doctor, and you're well...