"Knock knock,"
"What?" I said grumpily, "I was singing, you're not meant to be up here,"
"I could hear you singing downstairs. It sounds beautiful," Calum said, "Mind if we duet?"
"I've had a shitty day at work,"
"Fine. What happened?"
"A patient shouted at me in front of like, everyone," he said, grabbing a different guitar before sitting beside me, "Sucks when you're trying to do your job,"
"That does sound like it sucks,"
"I was doing my own songs so now you have to choose what we play because I dunno old people music choice,"
"I am not old!"
"You are to me,"
"What songs do you know?"
"Any song,"
"Come onnnnn,"
"Play me a song and I will just play it back on the guitar,"
Swiftly, he got his phone out and went onto his and Michael's playlist, which was his first mistake because every song that Mike knew, I knew.
I didn't sing though, I just hummed along.
"That was too easy,"
"You gotta go on like, new releases or something,"
Smugly, he did, and he smirked as we listened to it.
Then his smirk got wiped off his face when I played it back pretty decently."How the fuck?"
"I have been playing the guitar for like, 14 years,"
"Scrap journalism you need to get on stage. Can I read your lyrics?"
"No," I said, snatching the book up from the floor, "And I am not going on stage and singing. That's lame,"
"It is not lame when you have a talent like yours,"
"I'm mediocre,"
"You quite literally have the voice of an angel,"
"No I don't,"
"Yes you do," he laughed, "You are really talented. You know, if you wanted to do singing lessons, we could get you them!"
I looked up at him and shrugged, chewing on my lip.
No one before these guys had ever told me I was talented in any way, shape, or form. Part of me didn't even believe them because I knew they were all trying to encourage me 24/7 with anything and everything.I'd written off the idea of singing ages ago.
"Well I wanna do writing anyway,"
"You can do both,"
"Am I actually any good or are you just being nice?"
"You are very good. I'll contact a few people, price it up...,"
"I always wanted to be a singer. Mum and dad have a whole album of you guys in your band... you looked lame,"
"We didn't,"
"You did,"
I smiled, and put my guitar down, sheepishly shuffling over to him to give him a hug.
"Sorry about yesterday,"
"It's all good. I was never mad at you, and I am sorry it came across that way. I love you,"

undo// 5SOS
FanfictionParents always say they don't have favourites. Well, most of the time anyway. In some situations it was painfully obvious, like in Maya's. As the youngest, there were high expectations. Even higher when your brother is a doctor, and you're well...