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The waiting room of this place was comfortable.
Decent chairs, radio playing, magazines to read. The receptionists were friendly, and for an hours wait, it did not feel too bad.

Well, it was a little less than an hour because I got asked inside the office, but it was still a decent length of time.

The office itself was definitely to Maya's taste. Not bright, painful colours, but neutral- but still not boring and dull at all. She sat on a grey sofa, and reached out for me, having me sat beside her so she could curl back into my hold.

"It's nice to meet you, Michael. I am Sancha. Maya has spoken all about you," she laughed, sitting down at a chair opposite, "Thank you for bringing her!"

"Of course,"

"We don't have much time so unfortunately I'm gonna have to cut to the chase. I would like to carry on seeing Maya, if that's okay?"

"That's more than okay,"

"I've kind of been, let's say, a leading professional for all her treatment with the past, so I do know who shes seen and where she's been. I am pretty confident right now that our sessions alone will be sufficient in terms of who she sees, and we have discussed that it's okay for me to talk about with you,"

"Yeah. Is that a weekly thing, or what? And do I need to pick up any medication or supplies for hobbies? And do you contact her outside of this,"

"Michael," Maya giggled, "Shush,"


"Well, it depends on your schedule, and though she has been on medication before for her depression, we have weighed up side effects, and the environment she is in, and Maya would like to do her best to avoid medication for now,"


"Maya can tell you best about her hobbies! I think you already know what she loves though,"


"As she always has. In terms of contact, I do have her number but she would like you to be first contact, if that's okay?"

"It all sounds perfect. What do you think then Maya? Would once a week suit you?"

"I dunno,"

"I think that sounds about right," Sancha said, "What time fits round work best?"

"The evening is probably better for us,"

"How is a Monday at 6?"

"We should just about make that,"

"But you won't have time to eat after work," Maya said.

"I'll bring a snack, we can do 6,"

"Perfect. Thank you for joining us today," she said, standing to shake my hand, "I will see you next week, Maya,"

"Thank you for letting me come back, it made me feel a lot better already,"

"Good! Have a great week,"

Maya took my hand, which was unusual, but I held it tightly as we went to the car, and opened the door for her.

"Can we go home for a bit before the library?"

"Of course. It's open until 8,"

"Thank you,"

On the drive home, she didn't say anything, but it was a rather comfortable silence in my opinion. I did wanna hear about her school day, but I wasn't going to prod right now.

When we got back, she kicked her school shoes to the side, and went into her room, shortly returning to the living room with joggers and a t-shirt on as I was searching the tv for something to watch. She sat the other side of the sofa with her head in her phone for about ten minutes, typing away, then stood up, and sat back down, turning to me.

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