"We will get results in a couple of days, however if both those tests are negative then I am pretty sure you will be just fine. We are also testing for a couple of other issues that might've made you feel a bit crappy," Ashton said, "Did you get the morning after pill?"
"I didn't have time,"
"Alright, mind if I ask you a couple of questions without Calum here?"
Calum had taken me to get pancakes for breakfast, then we got a couple tests and did them, before coming to hospital for my blood test. Mike was still not responding to any of us, and Ashton expected he had been caught up in a trauma otherwise he would've come to the page.
"Right, you're 18, which makes me feel insanely old now!" he mumbled, filling out the form, "Address? Shall I use Michael's?"
"Okay, that's that form. Are you on any birth control?"
"No. But we were safe,"
"Good! Is this a boyfriend?"
"Erm, friends with benefits,"
"You're judging me,"
"I'm not judging you, I am just deciding whether to test you for...anything else,"
"Done that,"
"Awesome. My only concern is, if you're not pregnant, you've still been experiencing some symptoms that have made you think you are. Can you talk me through that?"
"Something different might be going on that I can help with,"
"You can talk to Calum instead if you want,"
"Yes please,"
He went outside for a few moments, then Calum came back in and gave me a smile, perching on the end of the exam bed I was laid on.
"What's been going on then ay?"
"Just stuff,"
"What stuff?"
"Embarrassing stuff,"
"I've heard all the embarrassing stuff there is to hear in the entire world,"
"I just, throw up in the morning sometimes, and I gained weight, and I got hungrier, and really emotional, and tired. I also missed my last period,"
"Do you perhaps feel like you've been a bit stressed lately? More than usual?"
"Very. I have no motivation anymore. I don't, I don't feel worthy of anything anymore," I whispered, "I'm so stressed that I am choosing to talk to my brothers friend about- about this because he's the only one who will listen,"
"Okay, you're going to get worked up" he said, as I started to cry, "If this comes back negative then I think a big part of this is that your body is honestly just trying to cope with all this stress. Sometimes anxiety makes us feel sick, and hungry, and emotional,"
"I am so stressed,"
"I don't blame you sweetheart. Is your mental health something you've struggled with in the past?"
"Wanna talk about it?"
"That's okay. You were not silly for worrying about being pregnant though, especially if you missed your period. It's okay,"

undo// 5SOS
FanfictionParents always say they don't have favourites. Well, most of the time anyway. In some situations it was painfully obvious, like in Maya's. As the youngest, there were high expectations. Even higher when your brother is a doctor, and you're well...