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4 weeks later

"Sit up properly,"

"I like being upside down,"

"Sit up. We have 15 minutes left. Drop your bombshell now," Sancha laughed.

"There is no bombshell. I'm happy,"

"Sit up properly, Maya,"

I huffed and swung my legs back round, sitting on the edge of the sofa.

"I got a B in my essay,"

"Well done. Your hard work is paying off then!"

"It's only my second one,"

"Then that's even better. How is your school mailer going?"

"Good. We are covering a fundraiser right now,"

"That's a great story! Is it still just you and Finn?"

"Yeah. Ellen takes photos,"

"I haven't heard about Finn in a while,"

"He's my boyfriend,"

"Right, so there is a bombshell,"

"I guess," I smiled, "We've had a date every Friday for the last five weeks. The movies, dinner, bowling, the arcade, and a picnic in the park,"

"That sounds very sweet,"

"I didn't kiss him until this weekend. I told him I had to have 5 dates... I am happy I waited longer to see,"

"It's really good to take what we have spoken about, and apply that in person, in the way you feel comfortable. You're happy with him then?"

"Him and Ellen are the best. I've never had friends like them before,"

"I can tell. Do you find it easy to communicate with them?"

"Yeah. We're all a bit fucked up so we relate,"

"Nobody is messed up,"

"Well we say we are,"

"Don't attach such negative labels to yourself,"

"Fine. I like it here now, at school and Michael's. I don't miss home anymore, and mum hasn't come since the hospital thing,"

"It takes some adjusting, you've definitely done well having some patience. How are you getting on day to day then? I gather you are maybe having some more positive than negative thoughts,"

"Yes. Right now I feel very content. I mean, it still hurts though, that I'm not loved by my parents. It always will I bet,"

"Well we can keep talking through that,"

"I have people here that love me though. That's better than before,"

"That's right... what about your day to day eating? Has that improved too, do you think?"

"A bit,"


"It's still hard but Michael makes the best food, and I eat school lunches with my friends,"

"Sounds to me like you're doing really well with everything then. Don't discredit your hard work! The last couple of months have been touch for you but you have come out of it in a brighter light,"

"I feel like it's easier to breathe again,"

"It looks like it's easier to breathe again. Who is picking you up?"

"Finn and Michael,"

"Go on then, see your new boyfriend," she smiled, "Keep doing what you're doing,"

I left the office with a bounce in my step and headed over to them, holding Finn's hand. On the way out, he spun me and I giggled, Michael having to catch me as I stumbled.

Life felt good. It felt a bit more worth living.

I would never be able to repay Michael for what he had done- he saved my life. I knew he had. He was teaching me to love music and singing even more, he was teaching me to be kind, he was showing me I deserved to be loved.

And he showed me how to have fun again.

Nothing was easy yet. I wasn't healed, I had my really shitty days, but for the most part I wasn't crying myself to sleep and waking up with a pit in my stomach.

I was excited for the things. I was just excited to be here, in the present, in my world again.

The people - the new people- in my life showed me everyone deserved good things. Even me.


the end mwah

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