Chapter 8: Intention

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"How's she doing?" Stefan looked at Elena, who hadn't moved from his bed for over an hour.

"She's still pretty shaken up." Caroline sighed, trying to comfort her best friend.

"Okay, let's skip the pleasantries and get to the real reason why we're here. Isobel knows that Elena is a vampire. How? No idea." Damon rolled his eyes.

"If she knows that Elena is a vampire, that means that she might blab to Klaus and the last thing we need is Klaus coming after Elena again." Stefan sighed, knowing that Elena was in a lot more danger now that Isobel knew.

"Let him find me...I don't care." Elena sighed, her eyes red from crying and her cheeks puffy from all the tears.

"No, Elena. Klaus is not going to come back after you because we're going to find him first, and kill him." Damon smiled, finally happy that he might get to kill someone again.

"Problem, Damon. We don't know where Klaus has been since he bit Elena, meaning he could be halfway across the country by now." Caroline sighed, watching as Elena got up and went to the bathroom, taking a bag of blood with her.

"Is Elena okay, Caroline?" Damon asked as he listened to the sound of Elena throwing up.

"It's been like this for a while. She'll down a whole bag of blood before vomiting. I think she's rejecting the blood after what she did in front of Isobel." Caroline sighed, Stefan worried about Elena.

"She never deserved this. She was never supposed to become like us..." Stefan rolled his eyes.

"We can't change the past. Besides, I think that with a bit of time, Elena will be okay." Damn sighed, moving away from the bathroom door.

"Okay, can we focus less on how we want to change the past and focus on why Isobel knows about Elena?" Caroline snapped, watching as Elena walked out of the bathroom taking a sip of blood before vomiting more than she swallowed.

"I think it's safe to say that she needs rest..." Stefan sighed, lifting his girlfriend onto the bed.

"Done." Caroline smiled as she put her phone away.

"Done...what?" Damon worriedly looked at Caroline.

"I set up a meeting. You, Stefan and Isobel will meet in an hour at the Grill." Caroline smiled.

"What?! Why?!" Stefan was worried.

"You want to find out how Isobel knew that Elena was a vampire, so, you're going to find out in the nicest and calmest way possible." Caroline explained, leaving the room.

"We can't just meet up with her! I mean, sure, we need answers, but we shouldn't result to talking to a woman who could snap our necks if she gets angry!" Damon objected Caroline's meeting.

"Damon, maybe Caroline's right? We need answers and I have a feeling that Isobel might be the only one who will give them to us." Stefan tried to calm Damon down.

"I'll go with you..." Elena stood up, having wiped the blood up with a few tissues.

"No way. You're staying here so Caroline can make sure you're okay." Stefan objected, holding his girlfriend's hand.

"Stefan, I'm okay, really. Besides, Isobel is less likely to give up information to two vampires who would try to kill her. If I help and talk to her, seeing as she's my mother, she'll be more likely to talk to me." Elena smiled.

"She's right, you guys. She has a much better chance at getting information." Caroline agreed with Elena, who hoped that Stefan and Damon would agree.

"Fine. You can come with us. But, if even one thing goes wrong, we're getting out of there before you turn into a human collector." Damon smirked at Elena, who rolled her eyes.

"When are we meeting her again?" Stefan asked, wanting this conversation to end.

"In an hour at the Grill." Caroline reminded the boys and Elena, who was laughing at how irritated Damon looked by this whole situation.

"Drink some bourbon. You'll feel less irritated." Elena patted Damon's shoulder, unable to stop smiling.

"Shut up Elena." He hissed, now even more irritated than before.

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