Chapter 29: Attempt at normality

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The longer they took searching for Elena, the more dangerous she got. Damon and Stefan searched outside of Mystic Falls, all the way to New Orleans. Bonnie and Caroline searched within Mystic Falls and the surrounding areas.

Even Alaric, Matt, Tyler and Liz Forbes were searching. Alaric was concerned mostly about Jeremy and the fact that Elena might hurt him without meaning to.

Matt hated the idea of Bonnie being in so much danger, even though she was a witch.

Tyler was hoping that if he helped, Caroline would be more likely to date him.

As for Liz, she loved Elena like a mother loved her daughter. She considered Elena to be Caroline's sister through a very special bond that they shared.

While searching surrounding towns for Elena, Liz got a radio call from the police in New Orleans.

"Sheriff Forbes, we have about 25 bodies here in New Orleans. We suspect that they may be linked to your crimes over in Mystic Falls." The officer explained, worrying Liz. Elena had already left a trail of 37 bodies.

Grabbing her phone, Liz sent a group text to everyone looking for Elena.

Liz: A trail of 25 bodies were found in New Orleans. Officers in that area suspect that the killer who left bodies here, aka Elena, has done the same thing in New Orleans.

Damon: Stefan and I are about 20 minutes from there. We'll check it out.

With the text from Liz, Damon and Stefan sped toward New Orleans, hoping that they could finally get to Elena before she tried to kill Isobel and/or Klaus. Searching the entire city for Elena, Stefan shot Bonnie and Caroline a text when they found someone lurking in an old abandoned building on the outskirts of New Orleans.

Stefan: We think we found her. Get here ASAP.

Caroline: On our way.

Both brothers spent the next 34 minutes following the lurking silhouette, seeing where they went. Every second waiting for Bonnie and Caroline made the brothers nervous. One wrong move and they would possibly lose who they think is Elena.

When Bonnie and Caroline finally showed up, the four seekers found Elena in a position that they'd all feared.

Elena was feeding. Her mouth and chin were completely covered in blood. Her fangs were drenched and the veins under her eyes weren't disappearing. She was hunched over a female, blood dripping down her torso, staining her grey shirt. This female was her 38th victim.

"Elena?" Damon asked, trying to remain as calm as possible. Her head snapped around, locking eyes with her boyfriend. Her fangs and the veins disappearing, she wiped blood from her face, a smirk appearing.

"Well, well. Look who we have here. The boyfriend who doesn't know when to quit. The brother who would've let me die rather than become a monster. The best friends who think they can save me." Elena laughed, feeling extremely powerful.

"Elena. Look at yourself. What would your parents think if they were here?" Damon asked, getting the plan started.

"Who cares what they think. They aren't here anymore. They don't matter anymore." Elena hissed. She didn't seem scared in the slightest.

"I think that if they were here right now, they'd be disappointed in you." Damon started, knowing that Elena would either turn on her humanity, or she'd get worse.

"They wouldn't recognise you." Caroline stood forward, wanting her best friend back.

"They'd fear you. You'd really not care if your parents feared you?" Bonnie stood next to Caroline, holding her best friend's hand.

"They don't matter!" Elena defended herself.

Trying to speed up the process, Bonnie stared daggers at Elena, forcing Elena to cry out in pain.

"AHHH!" Elena yelled in pain, her fangs and the veins under her eyes appearing.

"Look at you Elena. You say that you don't care, yet you're in so much pain." Stefan stood forward, watching as his ex-girlfriend fell to the floor in pain, her hands firmly holding her head.

"Get. Away. From. Me." Elena cried out, unable to stop the pain she was feeling.

"We all know that your parents wouldn't like what you've become. Please, turn on your humanity. Not just for our sake, or your sake, but for Jeremy and your parents sake. You being like this is not how your parents envisioned your future." Damon got to Elena's level, his hands holding her head gently as he stared into her eyes, having never felt so much love for someone like this.

Closing her eyes, she wanted the pain to go away. She wanted Bonnie to stop using her magic against her. After a few minutes Elena opened her eyes and Bonnie stopped. The pain that had been threatening Elena was gone.

Turning around, Elena looked down at the body she had left after feeding. Feeling her heart sink, she felt the tears spilling down her face.

"Oh my god..." Elena whimpered as she dropped to the floor, crying.

"What have I done." Elena cried, feeling every emotion that she had pushed away since she turned off her humanity.

"What have I done?!" Elena screamed as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her torso. Damon was comforting her. He knew exactly what she was going through. He needed to support her.

"Welcome back, Elena." Caroline smiled at her friend, who was now as normal as she was before turning off her humanity.

"What do we about Isobel? She has Jeremy and one word from Klaus means she'll kill him..." Elena asked.

"We'll sort them out later. For now, we just need to clean up the mess you made." Caroline smiled at her best friend, her and Bonnie giving Elena a massive hug.

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