Chapter 16: Accident

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The drama between Stefan, Elena and Damon was hurting Elena. She wasn't happy. She needed to get away.

Packing up a bag, Elena intended to get out of Mystic Falls for a couple of days, 4 at the most. She had told Jenna, who hoped that she'd be careful enough.

Driving past lots of shops, Elena stopped when she received a text.

Stefan: Elena, please come back. Can we talk? Bonnie told me about...the kiss.

Elena: I'll be back in a couple of days.

Putting her phone away, she turned on the radio and spent the next 45 minutes on the road, unsure of where she'd end up. Knowing that she'd need to feed, she put 6 bags of blood in her back seat, covering them with a blanket to be careful. She felt better after passing the LEAVING MYSTIC FALLS sign.

As for Stefan, receiving the text back from Elena, it worried him. The longer Elena stayed away from Mystic Falls, the more Stefan wanted to hit and hurt Damon for kissing his girlfriend, but he couldn't. He wanted to talk to Elena first.

Her hands firmly gripped the wheel, Elena looked at the road, finally settling on a destination. Atlanta. It was a little further away than she wanted, but at least she could get away from the mess she had found herself in. Feeling trapped within her own head, she panicked when she saw a figure in black standing on the road, not moving at all. Unable to brake fast enough, the figure went straight into her windshield, causing the car to flip over and roll down the road.

After what seemed like forever, any cut or wound that Elena had sustained was gone, due to fast healing, but her eyes couldn't stay open for long. Seeing the figure move itself around to look normal, Elena started panicking, unable to move from her position.

"AHH! AHH!" Elena screamed, seeing the figure get closer and closer, freaking her out.

Without warning, the figure disappeared, leaving Elena stuck upside-down in her car.

"How are you doing in there?" Elena heard a familiar voice, Damon.

"Damon...thank god." For the first time ever, Damon felt excited that Elena was happy that he was there.

"You look stuck. Do you need some help?" Damon asked, Elena nodding.

"Let me get you out. I want you to put your hands on the roof." Damon instructed, Elena following what he said.

"Just like that. You ready?" He asked, Elena nodding.

"1...2...3." Damon counted before breaking off the seat belt, allowing Elena to speed out of the car and onto the road. She tried to sit up, but she felt woozy.

"Are you okay? Can you stand up?" Damon asked. He was definitely glad that she was a vampire which meant fast healing.

Attempting to stand up, Damon was worried when Elena couldn't hold her own weight for more than a few seconds, causing her to fall over.

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena." Damon was now extremely worried about her.

He was glad that her injuries weren't physical, but he was worried about how out of it she was.

"Elena...look at me. Focus." Damon looked at Elena, who couldn't keep her eyes open.

"Look at me. Okay. Up we go." Damon sighed, lifting Elena off the road, bridal-style. Getting her into his car, Damon drove off, heading the way that Elena had planned to go.

Seeing that Elena was waking up from her short nap, Damon smiled.

"Hey, Elena. How you feeling?" Damon asked, holding her hand for comfort.

"I feel fine, but my head a lot." She admitted, trying to remain as calm as possible. Removing his hand from hers, he kept driving for another 4-5 hours before stopping, the sun already out.

"Damon, pull over please." Elena asked, Damon doing what she said.

"Morning." Damon smiled, pulling over.

"Where are we?" Elena asked, sitting on the grass. She tried to focus on Damon, who was leaning against the car.

"Georgia." He smiled, Elena sighing.

"How are you feeling?" Damon asked, Elena lying down.

"My head still hurts. Hasn't changed since the last time you asked." Elena smiled.

"There's no broken bones. I checked. You seemed to be mostly healed from the accident. Thank god for vampirism." Damon laughed.

"What happened to my car? I mean, I hit a man. But then he got up and- who was he?" Elena asked, confused.

"Your car, I moved it off the road, so no one should see it for a wile. As for the man, that's what I would like to know." Damon explained, feeling Elena's phone buzzing. Pulling it out of his pocket. He watched as Elena nodded.

"Hmm. It's Stefan. I'll take it. Elena's phone." Damon smiled, answering the call.

"Elena, well, she's right here. Yes, she's fine." Damon tried to calm Stefan down.

Using her super-hearing, she was able to hear Stefan's side of the call.

"Where are you two? Let me speak to her." Putting the phone on speaker, Damon smiled.

"I'm fine, Stefan. Just a in the head." Elena admitted.

"That's good. Please, Damon, bring her home safely." Stefan asked.

"Yep, sure. You have a good day. Mm-hmm. Buh-bye now." Damon ended the call, handing the phone to Elena.

"How far away are we from Atlanta?" Elena asked, looking around.

"We're just outside Atlanta. There's a little place about 5 minutes from here. We can take a time-out and relax." Damon offered, Elena happily accepting as she sipped on a bag of blood that she found in Damon's back seat.

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