Chapter 28: Memories

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"Great. My girlfriend has turned off her humanity and now, she's 10 times more likely to go on a killing spree in order to find and kill Isobel and Klaus." Damon sighed as he paced around the living-room.

"We got here as soon as we could. What's the issue?" Caroline asked, worried.

"Elena turned off her humanity." Damon revealed, still upset.

"She did WHAT?!" Bonnie and Caroline erupted, just as shocked and confused as Damon and Stefan.

"Yep. She's been missing since yesterday." Stefan rolled his eyes, unable to believe that his now ex-girlfriend was missing and possibly leaving a trail of bodies.

Walking away, Caroline answered her buzzing phone. It was a while before Caroline came back, a very worried look on her face.

"12 bodies found this morning. All 12 of them with bite marks on their necks." Caroline looked scared.

"Did you-" Damon was about to continue, but Caroline nodded.

"She doesn't suspect that it was you, me or Stefan." Caroline smiled slightly.

"So Elena has just started her killing spree with 12 bodies. How do we stop this?" Bonnie asked, worried.

"Memories. Every time someone has turned off their humanity, the best way to turn it back on is to either make them feel really angry, sad, happy, or make them remember memories." Stefan smiled.

Caroline and Bonnie knew exactly what to do. They had been friends with Elena since childhood.

Racing back to their respective homes, Caroline and Bonnie spent the next 4 hours searching their houses up and down, trying to find anything that would possibly make Elena turn her humanity on.

Within 5 hours, Caroline and Bonnie returned to the Boarding House, loading every single box and memory into the living-room.

"Is this everything?" Damon asked, looking at the piles of boxes between Bonnie and Caroline.

"Yes. Something in those boxes will definitely turn Elena's humanity back on." Bonnie smiled, starting to open the first box.

"Let's get looking then." Stefan sighed as he and Damon took some of the boxes, moving them around so more space could be created.

"Hey, remember when Jeremy got his head stuck in the banister of the staircase at my house? Elena had to use baby oil and butter to get him out while Caroline distracted him." Bonnie held up a picture of Jeremy, his head covered in baby oil and butter.

"I hope we can save Elena, before Klaus or Isobel kill her." Caroline sighed, feelings defeated.

"We can save her. We just have to find something, or a few things that can make her turn on her humanity." Damon was hopeful. He really wanted his girlfriend back, no matter what it took.

"Oh my god! Bonnie! Remember this? 4th grade, trick or treating, Halloween." Caroline passed the picture to Bonnie, who then showed it to Damon and Stefan.

"Yep. I dressed up as a witch, Elena dressed up as a vampire and you dressed up as a nurse. You also got a very large packet of raisins in your Halloween bag that year too." Bonnie laughed at Caroline, who had been searching more.

Looking at all these photos made Damon and Stefan realise that they really affected Elena's life. She was normal as a kid and had a really great life.

"Caroline, are you okay?" Stefan asked as Caroline held a piece of paper in her hand, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"It's her parents death certificate..." Bonnie spoke, Caroline unable to say anything. Caroline handed the certificate to Stefan, who showed Damon.

"I think I have a way to turn on her humanity..." Damon smiled. He didn't like the idea of using her parents death, but if it would save Elena from herself, then it was necessary.

"So, what's the plan?" Caroline asked, composing herself.

"We need to convince Elena that seeing her like this, without her humanity, wouldn't make her parents proud. We need to use her parents against her." Damon sighed.

Clearly everyone else wasn't happy with this plan.

"There has to be another way..." Bonnie tried to look through other boxes. Unable to find anything, Bonnie sighed.

"Looks like the parent trap is the way to go." Caroline rolled her eyes. She realised that she made a joke, but wasn't happy enough to even chuckle or giggle.

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