Chapter 1: Meet

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Wille definitely did not have a normal life. He was the Prince of Sweden, and it was a difficult life for him. He knew he always was different since every boy his age was getting girlfriends but he didn't want that. He didn't want a girlfriend. He didn't even like girls like that. He didn't know what his sexuality is but he just said he was queer to make it easier on him. He had come out to most of his family one day at home at dinner. His mom wasn't too happy about it, but she let him be himself. Now Wilhelm wasn't going to be the King of Sweden since his big brother Erik was the King, but that soon changed when Erik died in a car accident. Now that Wilhelm was the Crown Prince, his family decided it would be best for him to go to Hillerska boarding school to help him for his future. He wasn't very fond of it, but he thought it would be a different scenery for once.

So there he is, his first day at Hillerska. He was in the choir hall for the choir to preform a song to welcome him into the school. He spots this one boy in the choir who had the most beautiful voice he's ever heard. Afterwards, he went to his dorm and settled into his dorm and said goodbye to his parents and then went to his first class. He walked into his class and the choir boy was sitting next to a girl. At least the boy was in his classes. At lunch, he grabbed his plate and put food on it, and then sat down next to the cute choir boy.

"Hey" he said sitting down.
The choir boy smiled.
"Hey" he said.
"I'm wilhelm, and you?"
"You have an amazing voice Simon" Wilhelm stated.
"Thanks" He smiled more and continued eating

The two kept talking to each other for the rest of their lunch period, and then the two ended up having the same classes. They walked around the campus for a little while.

"Ah the time, i have to go home Wilhelm, but it was good meeting you!!" he said smiling
"Yeah! you too!" he said smiling.

He went back to his dorm and laid on his bed. Just the thought of Simon made him blush. Was he starting to develop a crush on Simon? Is this how you feel when you have a crush? He didn't know but he decided to just sleep it off.

"Wille!!" Wille woke up to the sound of knocking on his door.
"What" he said opening the door to see August.
"C'mon Wille! You can't be lazy and sleep all morning!" Wille rolled his eyes.
"Meet us downstairs in 15 minutes" he said walking away.

Wille groaned and closed his door. He looked out of his window and saw Simon with the group that August with and he quickly got dressed and went outside to meet the group. The group ran and worked out for about a half an hour and now they were on their little "break"

"So me and my friend group are having a party this weekend, all of you are invited by the way" August told the group.
"Are you coming?" Wille asked Simon.
Simon shrugged.
"You should, then i wouldn't be lonely" Simon rolled his eyes.
"Fine, I will come" Wille smiled.

_______________________________________Here is the first part to my Wilmon story !! <3 thank you for reading and sorry if it's bad it's my first fic 🤍

word count: 599

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