Chapter 10: Breathe

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170+ reads? holy crap thank you guys sm what. the last time i checked this app was monday night and there was like 140 ish reads !! <3

Simon woke up early, he looked at the clock and it was 5:45. He decided to take his notebook out of his bag and he started writing more lyrics to his song. He was trying to finish the lyrics to the song before he made the title since he just didn't know what to name it.

Wille ended up waking up around 7 ish. He looked over to his boyfriend and smiled.
"What are you up to pretty boy" he said sitting up looking at Simon.

"Just finished my song!!"
"You did?! how long have you been up!! i thought you had a good chunk left"
"Uh yeah i've been awake since like 5:45"
"Simme! you could've woken me up!"
"I know but you looked cute in your sleep so i didn't wake you!!"

Simon reached down and kissed Wille, and Wille kissed back. Simon scooted down and they started making out. Simon broke the kiss and looked at his boyfriend. "I love you" Simon said smiling. "i love you too" Wille smiled. "What did you want to do today baby?" Wille asked. They had the whole day to themselves since the king and queen weren't coming back until later and Simon wasn't going home until tomorrow. "I kinda just want to cuddle with you honestly" Wille rolled his eyes and laid down.

"Can i hear your song though?" Wille asked.
"If you must" Simon said sarcastically.
"i'll do it on a thousand times to call you home, i will never lie about this, ain't no joke, you're cutting through the silence with a perfect tongue, if you break, then i break, we're not made of stone, It's gotta be that you remind me of
Every single song on the radio
You're the type of melody I can't live without, I can't breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, baby, on my own
I can't breathe, breathe, baby on my own, it's not that i'm afraid, i just have to say it for the world to know, That i can't breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, baby, on my own...." he sings the rest of the song to Wille.

"How'd you like it?"
"Simon that was so fucking good!! you have such a beautiful voice"
"stoopp your making me blushhh" Simon hid his face while he blushed and fell onto the bed on his back.
"I like making you blush though" Wille chuckled. He took Simons hands off of his face and he leaned down and kissed his boyfriend.
"You should try to release it! the song! produce and release it!"
"you think i should?"
"Fuck yeah!! it's a beautiful song"
"Wille i don't even have a name for it"
"Breathe, name it Breathe, i mean you say it a lot!"
"Wait that's a great name... Breathe it is!"

They laid down and cuddled up to each other and just talked about things, basically being therapists for each other. The two were happy being in each other's arms and they loved how they were together.

if you didn't know- i used Omar's song Breathe from his album OMR !! <3 it's personally one of my favs from his album, what are yours? (if you've listened to it!!)
word count: 502

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