Chapter 29: Wilhelm's 18th Birthday

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Summer break came quick enough, and Simon and Wilhelm went a vacation with Wille's parents again, but this time to Norway instead of Paris like they had gone the previous summer. They were there for about a week or so and then they came back to Sweden. Wille would occasionally stay over at Simon's house, and Simon would occasionally stay over at the palace, but then there were times where they didn't see each other because Simon was starting to go into the studio to record and produce his one song that he sung to Wilhelm, Breathe. He was very nervous, but he was very excited that he was taking a step into his Music career. One day while Simon was in the studio, Wilhelm had come to visit his boyfriend with some coffee and one of his favorite pastries.

But soon enough, School started back up again. They were finally 3rd years, and it was their last year of school. They were super super nervous, but they were so glad it was their last year of school. The two had all of their classes together surprisingly, and they were honestly so grateful they did. After their first day, Simon stayed the night with Wilhelm because why not. Wilhelm had talked about how he was turning 18 soon, and he thought it was crazy. Wilhelm's birthday was something that he didn't really like celebrating, but since he was turning 18 he guessed it would be worth celebrating. Since his birthday fell on a Wednesday, he and Simon were just going to spend the whole day together.

Soon enough, Wilhelm's birthday came around, and Wille was finally 18. He woke up to a bunch of texts from Simon.

Simon💕: Happy birthday my love <3 I love you so so so much and you are my other half. You are the sweetest, and best person i've ever met and i'm so lucky to be dating you for almost 2 years!!
Simon💕: You are such an amazing boyfriend, and i could never ask for anyone better. I love you so much and i can't wait to just be with you tonight my love <3
Simon💕: also... if you want to i'd be happy to pleasure you tonight ;) <333

Wille blushed at the last text and texted him back.

Wille🤍: Thank you baby <3 i love you too so so much, you are the best person to have come in my life and i can't wait to see where the future takes us!
Wille🤍: also, that honestly sounds great :)

Simon texted back, and then they texted for some time, until Simon texted him saying that he was walking up to his window. Wille opened the
window, and Simon got in, and he hugged Wille. They broke the hug and Simon put his bag down and opened it to grab a bag for Wille. Wille opened the bag, and inside there was a little picture book of the two of them, and a blanket that Simon had crocheted for him.

"Thank you baby, i love it so much"

Simon walked up to the other, and put his hands around Wille's neck and connected their lips. They kissed for a little while and then they went to their classes. After classes, they went to a fancy restaurant that Wille's parents were meeting them to have dinner and they enjoyed their meal. Wille's parents talked to both of them a lot, and soon after they had desert, it was starting to get late so they all said goodnight and Wille and Simon went back to Wille's dorm.

When they got back, they decided to cuddle and watch a movie since it was a little late, and they thought they would just fall asleep to the movie together, but Wille didn't know that Simon had other plans. As they were sitting together, Simon decided to be a little sneaky, and he slid his hand down to Wille's inner thigh which caused Wille to freeze up, since he wasn't expecting it. Simon got up and straddled himself over Wille and kissed him passionately. Wille kissed back, and he slowly slid his hands up Simon's chest and broke the kiss to take off his shirt.

"Tonight's all about you baby" Simon spoke and Wille blushed. Simon took off Wille's shirt and he slid off both of their pants. Simon palmed his boyfriend while they made out which made Wille moan in their kiss. Simon eventually took off Wille's boxers, along with his own and he grabbed a condom and he placed it on Wille. Wille asked how they were doing it, and Simon said he was going to ride him, so he didn't have to do anything and so all he did was sit back and relax and have his boyfriend pleasure him on his special day. Simon crawled on top of him, and he kissed Wille as he slowly sat on him. Wille moaned and threw his head back and then looked up at Simon. Simon moaned as he sunk all the way down Wille, and then he started slowly bouncing.

"Shit.. Simon.. oh my god" Wille moaned out.
"Damn Wille.. you feel so good" Simon said bouncing a little faster. Wille threw his head back again, and he reached up to grab the others hips. Simon bounced on his boyfriend for a while before he started to feel that knot in his stomach, but he knew he had to last longer than Wille, since it was his gift.
"Simon please.. faster.. god you're so hot" Wille moaned out and grabbed his hips. Simon started going faster, and then Wille warned Simon that he had to cum, and shortly after, he came into the condom and he threw his head back with a loud moan. Simon kept on bouncing, even though Wille was starting to get a bit overstimulated, but it really didn't mind him.
"Oh my god.. Please im going to cum" Simon said as he leaned down almost face planting into Wille's chest. Wille started pushing his hips up into Simon so that Simon's bouncing came into rhythm with Wille's hips.

Simon threw his head back while holding onto the sheets as he came on both himself and on Wille. Wille was inside of Simon still as he collapsed right on top of Wille. They caught their breaths and Simon got off of Wille as he whined from loss of contact.
"Thank you Simon for probably the best birthday i've had in a long time" Wille smiled and stood up even though he was really tired.
"of course baby, and sit down, i'll clean us up honey" Simon said as he got up to grab a damp cloth to clean himself up, and then he put on boxers, and then he went over to Wille and cleaned him off, and then Wille put his boxers on as well, and Simon put the cloth in the hamper and then climbed into bed with Wille and Wille grabbed Simon and brought him into a kiss.

"I love you"
"I love you too Wille, my perfect boy"
"uh no that's definitely you baby"
"Shut up and kiss me"

They shared another kiss before Simon put his head on Wille's chest and Wille put his arm around Simon and they fell asleep together.

<333 i just love them so much :) alsooo i was thinking about writing another fic, idk if i will yet but keep a look out :)
word count: 1222

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