Chapter 33: I like you, and that is not fake

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The morning of graduation was pretty crazy, but everyone was very excited. Simon was home with Sara as they were getting all ready, in their hillerska uniforms and getting their hair all done. Wille was in his dorm getting himself ready, and his parents called him to let him know that they were coming for the graduation, and that they would be there soon. When it was time for them to go out, Wille met up with his parents outside and Simon and Sara came up with Linda.

"Hey babe" Wille said hugging Simon.
"Oh mom, this is Linda, Linda this is Kristina" Wille let go of the hug to introduce the two.
"Oh it's so lovely to meet you!! your son is such a nice gentleman and we love him!"
"Oh so is your son! Wilhelm is just an amazing boy"

The two started talking more, and Sara went to go find Felice and Simon and Wille walked off. It was time for the graduation, so all of the families sat down on the chairs, and The students sat on the stands waiting to be called. One by one, each student went up and grabbed their diploma from the principal, and walked off the stage. After everyone was done, the teachers and administrators gave little speeches, and Wille even gave a little speech, since he was the crown prince. Afterwards, they all had dinner in the big dining hall where Parents day was held, and Wille and Simon's family sat together at the table.

Since the kids were leaving that night after dinner, and their dorms had to be cleaned out, Simon helped Wilhelm pack the rest of his things and carry it to the car. Once they were done, Queen Kristina asked if Simon would like to come with them, and Simon turned to Linda, and Linda nodded sure and Wille and Simon hopped in the car. Once they got to the palace, Malin and the other guards helped bring in Wilhelm's things, and Wille and Simon just went straight up to Wille's room since it was getting late. They both got changed.

"Now can we get married?" Simon asked as he cuddled up to Wilhelm.
"Not yet baby" They both smiled and they went to sleep.

The next day, Wilhelm and Simon walked around, held hands, cuddled, and did really whatever they wanted. Weeks after that, they tried to see each other every weekend if they could, and if they could have dinner with each other at least once during the weekdays, they did.

Simon started at the Music College that fall, and he was staying in a dorm there, which made it harder for the two to see each other, but Wille came over and Simon snuck him into the dorms on the weekends. Wille was almost stuck at the palace most of the times learning how to be king, and everything he needs to know for the future. The two were adjusting to their new life's, but they knew that they were right for each other.

It had been a couple years, Simon was done Music College, and at this point he had released 2 singles and 1 album. Simon was almost living at the palace full time with Wille, and they loved it. They had been together for a total of 6 years by now, and even though they had their ups and downs here and there, they still loved each other so much and they always had each other's backs.

One night, they both were having a good time at home, but Linda wanted to see the two of them since she hadn't seen either of them for quite some time, so Wille and Simon drove to go see her.

"Oh my goodness!! i missed you two!"
"i missed you too mama!" Simon hugged her.
"it's good to see you again Linda!"
"It's always nice to see you Wilhelm!!"

They all hung out for some time, and they had lunch together, and Sara even came over and hung out with them. While Simon was in the bathroom, Wilhelm had a specific question to ask Linda that he couldn't have asked her if Simon was around.

"Hey Linda"
"What's up Wilhelm?"
"So.. um i had this question for you.."
"Go ahead!"
"Could i have your blessing to marry Simon?"
"oh my gosh!! yes! of course you do Wilhelm! you guys are meant for each other!!"
"Really? oh gosh thank you!"

Wilhelm hugged Linda, and then they talked a little bit more, and then Simon came back into the room, and they played some more games.

The next night, Wille had a big dinner for the two of them at a fancy little restaurant. Simon didn't know what the occasion was, but Wille just told him they haven't had a nice night by themselves in a bit, which they haven't. They started getting ready for dinner a little less than an hour before their reservation, and Simon was excited while Wilhelm was nervous.

They got to the restaurant, and they just talked and listened to the music. They got their meal, and they both enjoyed it, and after they were both done, they took a walk around Stockholm, and Wille took him to this cute little area that everyone loved taking pictures, because it was filled with fairy lights and string lights, and it was just a beautiful area. Wille hugged Simon from his back, and then he told Simon to stay there, and don't move. Wille kneeled down and told him to turn around.

"Simon... these past 6 years have been the best years of my life, i love you so much and i would do literally anything to be with you for the rest of my life. You are the best person to come into my life, and i've learned something. Most people are fake, they are just random metal people in the world. But i like you, and that is not fake, so if you would, would you like to be my husband" He said as he pulled out the ring.

Simon started crying with joy, and he shouted
Wilhelm got up and connected their lips and Simon wrapped his arms around his neck, and they stayed like this for a while. Wille pulled back, and placed the ring onto his finger.
"Oh my gosh it's beautiful! i love you so so much"
Wille hugged him again and then they ended up taking some engagement photos, which they both posted on their instagrams.

They walked back to the car, and Simon called up Linda and told her the good news and she was so happy for the two of them. They got back to the palace, and they told Wille's parents that Wille had proposed to him, and they were very happy too. They went back upstairs, and had some fun, and afterwards they cuddled up with each other.

"I love you so so much Wille, i'm so excited to be your husband"
"I love you so much too Simon, and i'm glad that you will be my husband"
"Goodnight my soon to be husband" Simon said falling asleep.
"Goodnight my baby and soon to be husband"

Well! that's it! they story is over! thank you guys so so much for reading this and getting it to 5k views (which is insane since i never thought i would even get 1k) but i hope you guys liked it :)) if you guys would want an epilogue, or a chapter with instagram posts from the first couple chapters (or this one) lmk :)! <33 author out :)
word count: 1207

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