Chapter 24: Sick

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Wille woke up the next day, and he got dressed. It was about 10 minutes before breakfast, and he wondered why Simon wasn't there yet. He got kind of worried, but he thought he would just text him to make sure he was okay.

Wille🤍: morning darling :)
Simon💕: morning !! sorry i'm not going to school today, not feeling very well this morning, so i decided not to go. I love you and miss you :(
Wille🤍: okayy! i just wanted to make sure you were okay baby. I love you and i hope you feel better <33 i miss youu
Simon💕: i miss you too <3 you'll probably get to class love, don't want you being late.
Wille🤍: or i could stay in my dorm and talk to you all day <3 ;)
Simon💕: as much as i would like that, you have to go to class Wille.
Wille🤍: okay okay fine, i'll talk to you around lunch okay? i love you :)
Simon💕: okayy <3 i love you too :)

Wille turned off his phone and he walked to breakfast.

Simon put down his phone and got up to go get breakfast. His mom was in the kitchen cooking up something for him to eat probably. He sat down at the table and his mom asked him how he was feeling. Simon replied to her saying he felt achy, but other than that fine. Linda grabbed the thermometer and gave it to Simon. 100. Well he had a fever. Linda put a plate of food in front of him and Simon started eating. After he was done, he went back into his room and just curled up with his blankets.

Wille was in his last class before lunch, and all he wanted to was talk to his boyfriend. He missed him so much. Class finished, and Wille walked straight to his dorm. He had a couple things of snacks that he could just eat, but he wanted to talk to Simon. He texted Simon when he got into his dorm, and Simon called him. They talked over the phone for some time before lunch was over. They got off the phone and Wille started walking back to his last set of classes for the day. When those classes were done, Wille just went back to his dorm. Around dinner, Wille grabbed his plate and went back his dorm to talk to Simon more.

The next day was the weekend, so Wille and Simon didn't have to get up early. Simon's fever was gone, and he woke up around 8 ish. He didn't really want to stay at home, so he asked his mom since his fever was gone, and his was feeling better if he could go over to Wille's dorm to see him. Linda said sure, but if he felt sick to come back home. Simon nodded and smiled, and he went to go pick up a bag with extra clothes just in case he ended up staying the night.

He walked to the bus stop, and the bus took him to Hillerska. He walked up the side of the dorm building, and he got to the window. He knocked on the window and a short couple of seconds later, Wille went to the window. Surprised, Wille opened the window and let Simon inside.

"Simme what are you doing here babe" Wille asked
"I can't come see my boyfriend?" Simon rolled his eyes.
"Of course you can, but i thought you were sick?"
"My fever went down last night and never came back, and i feel perfectly fine"
"Okay that's good!"

Wille brought Simon into a big hug and Wille walked them over to the bed. They laid on the bed and cuddled up with each other. They made out for a couple minutes once they laid down together, and they just spent time with each other. They went to lunch and dinner together, and Simon ended up wanting to stay the night because why would he want to go home after spending the day with his amazing boyfriend?

When they got back to the dorm, Wille grabbed some blankets from his closet and he went back over to his boyfriend. He put the pillows up so they were sitting up into the wall, and he placed the blankets on the bed. He went over and grabbed some popcorn and went back over. He claimed into his bed, and Simon climbed and got close to Wille while Wille opened his laptop and opened netflix and they picked a movie to watch.

They continued to watch the movie, until they became tired. They turned off the movie, and they cuddled up to each other talking here and there, but mostly just enjoying each other's touch.

poor simon feeling sick 😔 anyways here's the next chapter :)) yeah it's short but wtv lol
word count: 792

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