Chapter 16: Micheal.

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Heyyy i'm back!! <3 sorry for not posting another chapter, but ta da! here's the next chapter!! What does Micheal do in this chapter? idk read to see ;)

A couple weeks went by, and Simon, Wille, and Micheal were a good trio. Micheal started liking Wille after spending so much time with him, but he knew he couldn't really do anything about it. Wille and Simon celebrated their 3 months in Wille's dorm by just being with each other, and no one else.

Micheal and Wille were now at the tables in the courtyard working on some work for a class. Simon wasn't there since he was sick and didn't come to school. Micheal thought that this would be the perfect time to tell Wille.

"Hey Wille, could i ask you something?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"Hypothetical question, but what would you say to someone if they expressed that they liked you."
"Um.. i would probably say sorry, since i like someone else, and i'm dating said person i like.. why?"
"Oh i was just going to say that i think i like you.."
"Micheal, you know about me and Simon.. Im sorry i just don't feel that way- i-"
"Yeah no i know.. i just don't know being with you makes me happy and i just like you so much. What if you dated me and Simon! like dating Simon to the public, and then me in secret."
"No. What the fuck. i'm not going to cheat on Simon. I love him with everything in my heart. Why are you saying these things.."
"Because i want to be with you wille."
"Well tough luck because that's not going to happen.. i-.. i'm going back to my dorm.."

Wille put his binders in his bag, and stood up and started walking away. Micheal was pissed, all he wanted was to be with Wille. He thought of a way that would sabotage his relationship with Simon. He liked Simon, he thought he was cool, but he just wanted Wille to himself. He thought of an idea and he ran up to Wille. He grabbed Wille's Arm and turned him around.

Wille asked what he was doing and Micheal kissed Wille and took a picture of it before Wille pushed him away.

"What the actual fuck Micheal."
"What" he snickered.
"What do you fucking mean 'what' you just fucking kissed me."
"And. Did you like it?"
"The fuck? No. you know Micheal, i thought you were a cool person, and a good friend. But you are really not. not at all. leave me alone."

Wille started walking back to his dorm. Micheal snickered and posted the picture of him and Wille to an anonymous instagram account. After 2 hours the post had gone viral and had almost 40,000 likes and 30,000 comments. Comments saying that Wille was cheating on Simon, Comments saying that the Wille was a homie hopper, etc.

Simon was in his bed, when Sara barged into his room. Sara told him about the picture and Simon looked at the instagram account. He was so pissed. He took a screenshot of the post and sent it to Wille.

Simon💕: *sent image*
Simon💕: Wille what the fuck is this shit..
Wille🤍: What? Where did you find that.
Simon💕: Sara told me about it. Are you cheating on me with Micheal?
Wille🤍: What? omg No! He forced himself onto me and kissed me. I didn't know he took a picture. He likes me and he just told me a couple hours ago and he went crazy and kissed me. Please Simon i'm not..
Simon💕: Yeah right Wille. Micheal wouldn't do that, he's a nice person. Yk what. fuck you.
Wille🤍: What? Simon? Please
Wille🤍: Please. Simon
Simon💕: Fuck you. we're done.
Wille🤍: are you fucking kidding me? Simon please just let me explain. Please.
Wille🤍: Simon come on.

Wille shut off his phone and started sobbing. He was so done. Why did Micheal do this? Why would Micheal want to sabotage him and Simon's relationship. Wille was so upset and he just couldn't stop crying. Wille cried so much that his body just didn't cry anymore tears. He tried calling Simon but Simon just didn't answer. He called Sara and she didn't answer either. He looked at the clock, 4:00... He watched a show and just cried all night, thinking, why did Micheal do such a thing??

Poor Wille and Simon :( <3 ew Micheal... we don't like Micheal around here... anyways, i'll post the next chapter tomorrow morning so get ready for some, stuff happening :))
word count: 709

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