Chapter 30: Break Up

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As months went by, the two enjoyed their 2 year anniversary together and they hung out almost every weekend. Soon it was Christmas break once again, and Simon was away for the whole break to see family, and they missed each other so much. The day that Simon came back, Wille had gone to his house that night to hang out with Simon and his family. He thought it would be easier to stay with them so that he could just get back to Hillerska quicker. When it was the weekend that Wille had to go back to his dorm, Simon came with him to spend the night with him since they had school the next day.

They both got up pretty early and then they went to breakfast before really anyone was there, and then they came back to the dorm to get changed. Even after being together for 2 years, Wille still turns around when Simon changed, and Simon thought it was cute.

"I think it's cute that we've been together for 2 years now and when we change in the same room you still turn around" Simon smiled.
"I want to give you privacy, plus you're pretty"
"You've seen me naked before Wille" Simon rolled his eyes.
"Yeah but that was when we were having sex Simme, i don't want to get hard watching you get changed babe"
"Horny motherfucker"
"Shut up" Wille rolled his eyes and the two finished getting changed.

They headed to their first class and they started finishing up a project that they had done prior to winter break. For lunch they just went to the dining hall and had lunch there. Simon had laughed at something Wille had said and Wille who had his phone out, took a picture of him and Simon noticed.

"Stopp" Simon put his hand near the camera of the phone"
"But you're pretty how can i not take a photo"
"Not when i'm laughing like an idiot"
"Shush pretty boy"
Simon instantly shut up and he started blushing and Wille laughed at him.

Soon after, they went back to their last couple classes and then Simon and Sara went back home, and Wille walked back to the dorms. Wille was laying down, and he started falling asleep. He fell asleep, and his dreams ended up waking him up a couple hours later. Wille woke up from the nightmare and he started crying. He started crying so much, and then his anxiety made him overthink...

Was Simon going to break up with him because he won't be able to handle the stress of being on camera?? His brain started hurting from all of the stress that his nightmare caused him. His nightmare was him being king, and him and Simon lived in the palace and Simon broke up with him because he couldn't handle the stress of being the king's boyfriend, and then everyone started hating him. Wille started shaking because all he was thinking about was the nightmare, and he texted Simon.

Wille🤍: I'm sorry.. I don't think we should keep this up.
Wille🤍: I don't think we should be together.. I will always love you, but i'm breaking up with you.

Wille couldn't believe he had broken up with the love of his life, the person who he spent the most time with for the past 2 years of his life. Wille turned off his phone and slid it across his room and he curled up in a ball and just cried. He knew Simon wasn't going to answer, Simon had texted him saying that he was going to sleep earlier, and he knew that his text wasn't going to wake him up.

Simon ended up waking up because of a spam call, and he looked at his phone after declining the call, and he saw that he had notifications from Wilhelm. He read the texts and he kept rereading them because he was so confused. He finally caught reality that Wille had broken up with him and he texted back.

Simon💕: Huh? Wille what the hell?
Simon💕: What happened? you were fine earlier at lunch, and when you walked me to the bus and now you are breaking up with me? i'm sorry that's bs.

Simon's eyes became teary and he called Wille to talk. Wille noticed his phone buzzing from Simon, but he didn't pick up his phone or answer.

Simon💕: Wille. Wille please Answer. I just want to talk baby..
Simon💕: actually nvm. i don't want to talk anymore, i'm sorry that i obviously wasn't enough for you.. i guess these past 2 years were all a joke..

He turned off his phone and he just started sobbing his eyes out. Had these past 2 years been a joke, and Wille dating him was a joke? Did Wille use Simon for sex and nothing more? Why did he just randomly break up with him.. especially over text. Simon's cry got louder as he got up, and went to his moms room, waking her up.

"Simme what's wrong?"
"I-" Simon couldn't speak and he just went into her bed and hugged her and just cried.
"Shh.. it's okay take your time..." She hugged him back, and she rubbed his back until he calmed down.
"Did you have another nightmare over Micke?"
Simon shook his head as he wiped some tears.
"What happened Simme.."
"Hey i heard crying, is everything okay?" Sara entered the room, and saw Simon crying. She sat down next to him and hugged him.
"Wille...Wille broke up with me"
"What? why?" Linda asked
"I-i don't know" He started crying again.
"i woke up from a spam call, and i looked at messages and there were two messages from him, and he broke up with me"
"What a jerk.. Simon i'm so sorry"

Sara and Linda hugged him tightly as he just cried. Linda had given him some advice, but Simon didn't really want to hear it.

"for some reason i thought he just used me for my body.. for sex" He said to his mom. Linda looked at him and rubbed his shoulder.
"I'm certain that's not it Simon, and if it was that's messed up.."
"Simon he definitely wasn't using you just for that, i promise.." Sara said playing with his hair.
"Maybe we weren't meant to be." Simon said wiping his tears and pulling a blanket over his legs.
"And maybe you are right, but there are plenty of other people out there okay? you'll find the right person"

Simon and his family cuddled up together, and talked, and they ended up falling asleep.

The three of them woke up that morning a couple hours later and Simon and Sara got ready, and left for school.

"Are you sure you want to come?" Sara asked.
"Yeah, i'm not going to let him screw with me today.."

They got on the bus, and Simon just listened to his music for the way to school. Once they got into school, Simon went to his first class, which no one was in yet since they bell for first class hadn't rung yet. Once the bell rung, students walked in and soon enough all students were inside... except for one. Wilhelm. Simon thought it was quite odd that he wasn't in class.. maybe he got his classes changed? or maybe he just wasn't coming.

Wilhelm had woken up around 6 am, he saw Simon's texts, but he didn't respond. He told Malin that he wasn't feeling very well so he wasn't going to classes, and she understood. Wille didn't go on his phone much just in case someone texted him, he didn't feel like talking to anyone. Wille was heart broken. He regretted what he had done, what his brain made him think and do, but it was probably too late to even do anything about it. He wrapped himself in his blanket, and he just stared out of his window, thinking about all of the memories him and Simon had shared.

Simon was at lunch, and he felt so weird, it was so weird being anywhere in school without Wille. He wanted to make sure that he was okay, even though he didn't want to talk to him, but he thought it would be the best thing to do. So Simon started walking to Wille's dorm. Sara was at lunch with Felice when Felice knew something was off with Sara.

"Hey, you seem to be upset. Anything on your mind?"
"Wille broke up with Simon last night with no explanation, and i feel so bad for Simon."
"Oh my god really?"
"Yeah.. me and mama were up for hours last night to make sure he was okay"
"Oh my gosh.. i feel so bad for both of them.."

Simon ended up in front of Wille's dorm, where Malin was standing.

"Hey Simon, Wille isn't feeling very well."
Wille heard from behind him. Fuck. Simon was here...
"I understand, could i go inside to make sure he's okay?"
"Of course!" Malin knocked on the door.
"C-Come in" Malin peeped her head in the door.
"Hey, Simon is here"
"Thanks.." Wille said nervously.
Malin opened the door, and Simon walked inside.

i just had to add another drama in the story :) sorryyy
word count: 1540

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