Chapter 31: Talk

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i know i left off yesterdays chapter with a cliffhanger, butttt here's what happens next!! wille was stupid to break up with him over text, but now we get to see them talk it out finally!

Malin closed the door as Simon stepped inside and Wille took a deep breathe, and slowly let it out. It was very obvious that Wille had been crying, which he had been for the whole morning. Simon sat in the chair and didn't look at Wille, but then he spoke.

"What the fuck Wille." he looked up at him.
"I- I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't enough, why did you just randomly break up with me, like you were perfectly fine all day yesterday, and then all of a sudden there's a message from you at 11:30 last night breaking up with me?" Simon blinked so he wouldn't start tearing up.
"Simon i'm sorry.. i'm not in the right head space."
"Wille. communication is so important, why couldn't you just have talked to me over the phone, or at least not broken up with me over fucking text."
"Simon you won't understand why i did what i fucking did okay, i said im sorry. i understand if you hate me, i hate myself too for this okay? you deserve someone that's not a fucking crown prince."
"I don't even care if you are or aren't. I loved you for who YOU are, not your fucking reputation." Simon got up out of his chair.
"Why'd you do it"
"Why did you break up with me, tell me the truth Wille. did you use me for my body? did you just lie to my face everyday for the past 2 years. 2 Years Wille"
"What Simon, using you for your body? why the fuck would i do that. I broke up with you because i got scared okay? is that what you wanted to hear. I'm fucking scared. Now please just- i'm sorry"
"What do you mean you're scared"
"I had a nightmare that you broke up with me because you couldn't handle me being king and all of the cameras and just everything"
"Wille why would i do that"
"I don't know."
Simon sat back down, and looked back at Simon.
"you could have at least texted me that. since you had to break up with me over text"
"i didn't want to wake you"
"But then i woke up anyway and i made me whole fucking family comfort me for hours last night because i was uncontrollably sobbing Wille! don't you fucking understand?"

Simon stood back up, and he started crying again. Malin opened the door to let Simon know that his last classes were going to be starting soon, and Simon wiped his tears and headed for the door.

"Wait Simme, skip and we can talk."
"obviously you didn't want to do that last night so what's the point in doing it now, fuck off" Simon scoffed and walked out of the room and went back to his classes. Simon got back to the class building but then he ended up just going to the library. He sat down by this one corner, that him and Wille would sit sometimes when they didn't have a class or after school. He sat down and just immediately started crying, he just wanted his boyfriend back.

He texted Sara that he was back there so that she could come there after classes were done for the day, which she did. After the last bell rung, she walked over to the library and she found Simon in the little area and she sat down next to him and asked him what had happened. He explained it all too Sara, and Sara just held him.

"What an asshole, here!" Sara pulled out a little box that was just randomly in her bag.
Sara told him to take off the necklace and ring that he had given him, and Simon took them off and put them in the box. Simon took a piece of paper and wrote on it, and slipped it in the box and he walked over to Wille's dorm and gave it to Malin and told her to give it to Wille, and then he went home with Sara.

Malin opened the door, and she handed Wille the little box. Malin walked back out and Wille opened the box, and almost immediately started crying. He saw the ring, and the necklace that he had given Simon, and then he saw the note. He picked it up and unfolded it..

Dear Wille,

I understand that you are scared about the future, hell i am too. But communication is so fucking important in a relationship, especially one that has lasted for 2 years. But here's the things you gave me back, and if you want i can give your hoodies back too. I will always love you Wille, and i hope you the best.

love, Simon

Wille cried after reading it, and he wished he had never texted Simon. He ruined everything they had, everything was good but then his anxiety made him do something so stupid.

A week went by and neither of them talked to each other. Wille had tried to talk to Simon, but he would just look at him, and he would walk away. Simon had been going home every night and crying so much each night because he missed Wille so much, but he was just so upset. Wille had been talking with Felice about what to do, and how to get him back, and Felice had some good ideas but Wille got scared that Simon would just reject him..

One day in class, the teacher was putting groups together, and she had placed all of the names on the board for the students to read. Wille looked for his name before he even looked for the group members. Seconds later, he saw his name, and then he looked at the group members.


Shit. Just his luck, of course he ended up having Simon in his group. The group met up at their table, and Simon took a deep breath as he sat down next to Wilhelm. After talking for a while, Wille ripped a piece of paper and wrote on it and slid it over to Simon before they all left class. Simon picked it up and looked at what it said.

Hey, i know you don't want to talk to me, and i'm sorry but i want to make things right... meet at our spot by the water? :)

Simon rolled his eyes, but deep in his heart he really wanted to be near him. After classes that day, Simon watched Wille walk out of the building and he headed towards the woods. Simon met up with Sara and told her he had something to do, so he would be home later and then he walked off to the woods. He saw Wille kicking some leaves that were on the ground, and Simon walked up to him.

"Hey.." Simon spoke. Wille looked up at him.
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Will you let me speak all the way through?"
"Yeah." Simon sat down on the rock.
"Simon, i'm so so sorry for my stupidity. I had a super mad nightmare that night and my anxiety got so bad that i knew that the dream was going to become reality and to save myself in the future i thought it would've just been better to break it off now, but now i know that it's stupid and i shouldn't have done that, especially without communicating with you, and fuck.. Simon i really fucking miss you... i love you so much and i really want us to just work this out and i want us to be together for many many many more years to come, i know you are mad at me, and want nothing to do with me but it was worth a shot." Simon was shocked when he heard it all out.. He didn't know what to think.

"Wille, i love you. I know you are scared for the future, but i really want this to work out, us to work out, and i do forgive you.."

Simon w stood up and walked over to Wille and stood only inches away. Simon closed his eyes and kissed Wille, which Wille kissed back. Simon knew he should be mad that Wille broke up with him, but he didn't care anymore. Simon wanted to be with Wille and that was it. Seconds later, Wille broke the kiss and smiled down at Simon who was looking up at him.

"i'm really sorry" Wille said putting his forehead on Simon's shoulder.
"It's okay"
"Can i?" Wille looked down at Simon's lips and looked back up at Simon. Simon nodded and Wille leaned down and connected their lips. Simon kissed back and Wille pushed Simon up against the tree they were by and they just kept kissing. After a couple of minutes, they broke the kiss to catch their breaths.
"So.... back together?" Wille asked nervously.
"Yes..of course" Simon smiled.
Wille reconnected their lips and Simon wrapped his arms around Wille's neck.

They walked back to Wille's dorm, and Simon walked into his dorm and sat on the chair. Wille closed the door, and walked over to his desk and opened a drawer. Simon knew what he was pulling out and he actually got excited to get his ring and necklace back now that they were back together. Wille opened the box, and first he pulled out the little ring. He took a deep breath and kneeled down in front of the chair Simon was sitting in.

"Simon, i would like to give the promise ring back, but i would like to make another promise to always be with you, even in the future"

Simon smiled and Wille pushed the ring onto his finger and then he grabbed the necklace and put it on Simon. Simon smiled and he basically launched himself back onto Wille and kissed him. They went to dinner, and when they got back to the dorm they just cuddled for some time.

and ofc they are back together <3
word count: 1673

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