Chapter 22: 10 months

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another smut chapter ! (again yes) they are celebrating their 10 months <3 i might do a chapter for their 1 year, but that comes after the next chapter! :) enjoy <3

It was 5:38 am when Wilhelm woke up. He wanted to make sure he was up pretty early so he could grab the things he needed and started getting things ready for when Simon woke up. Today was their 10 months, so close to a year!! They were halfway through their vacation, only had about 3 days left. Wille had been waking up early everyday to go to shops before Simon woke up so that he could get ready a little package for Simon. There was chocolates, and a little stuffy, and a new pair of slippers. There might have been a condom in their too... for... later events that might happen.. But Wille was excited.

Although, Simon had also planned something as well. The other day, Wille had to go with his parents to a little get together with some old friends and so that gave Simon time to go to a shop and he grabbed some little candies, and even some cute little knick knacks for Wille's room/dorm. He had it in their closet though so Wille wouldn't see it. Simon woke up and Wille looked at him.

"G'morning love" Simon said in his morning voice.
"Morning pretty boy" Wille smiled and leaned down and the two shared a kiss. Simon sat up and pulled the blanket over himself.
"I have something for you" Wille exclaimed.
"Mhm.." Simon smirked.

Wille got up and grabbed the tiny basket full of the chocolate and the slippers and Simon smiled.
"Aww babeee. I love you so much"
"I love you too, happy 10 months darling" Simon blushed when he called him darling.

"Oh i have something for you too" Wille looked confused. Simon got up and opened the closet and took out the little basket of his things and Wille smiled.
"Aww Simme, you didn't have to" Wille kissed his lover.
"But i wanted to!" Simon smiled.

The two hugged and kissed a couple times as they were so happy. Simon picked up the baskets and brought them to the table when he saw the condom.

"Oh my god Wille!"
"Did you really put a fucking condom in the basket?"
"uh... Yeah"
"Oh my god, i love you"
"yeah yeah i know" he rolled his eyes.

The two went to breakfast with Wilhelm's parents and eventually they had to go meet up with someone and they asked if they would be fine on their own until tomorrow. The two said yeah and they went back to the hotel. When they got back in they were very excited. Simon was actually thinking of using the condom that he found.

smut start —
They both got on the bed and they started making out. Wille's hand slid down the others shirt and pants stopping at his boxers. They both decided to take off all of their clothes, stopping at their boxers, they would take those off later. Wille pinned Simon down on the bed and Simon almost looked like a cherry. Wille smirked and started making out with Simon again. Wille went to the neck and collarbones and started making little hickeys here and there. Simon moaned at this and he wanted more.

Wille noticed that Simon wanted more so Wille took off both of their boxers. Wille got up and grabbed the condom that was on the table and he went back over to his lover and put the condom on. Wille looked up and asked Simon if he could go in and Simon said yes and Wille slowly went inside of Simon. Wille let Simon get used to him for about a minute before Simon started getting inpatient. Wille started thrusting slowly.

"Hhh... fuckk" Simon moaned out.
"You feel so good baby" Wille replied.

Wille started going faster and Simon arched his back and moaned loud.
"Willeee~" Simon moaned gripping his own thighs. Wille looked up at him.
"P-please.. touch me" he moaned out again.

Wille took his hand and he grabbed Simon's dick and started stroking it. Simon moaned so loud that his back arched so much more and he tossed his hands to the sheets and gripped them so hard.
"F-fuckk.. i'm not- i'm not going to last long~"
Wille started going faster and faster until all you heard in the room was the slapping of each other. Wille started thrusting so hard, and Simon's moans just stopped as he threw his head back, squinted his eyes, and opened his mouth wide.

Simon came unexpectedly, and he came on Wille's hand and his own stomach. "Fuck.. i'm going to cum.. shit~" Wille warned Simon. Seconds later Wille came with one more hard thrust into Simon. Wille collapsed on the side on Simon and he pulled out to catch his breath. The two finally caught their breath and Wille went up and threw away his condom, and he grabbed a cloth and dampened it and went back to clean up Simon.
smut end —

Wille climbed back into bed and changed both of them into boxers and they ordered take out and had Malin put it on their table. The two ate while watching tv and they ended up going to sleep after some time, they enjoyed their day so much.

sorry it is kind of short butttt i didn't want to go fully in detail and i didn't really know what else to write, see you guys in the next chapter :)
word count: 876

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