Chapter 23: Hillerska 2nd years

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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1k views!! <3 i love you guys so muchhh <3 personally i didn't think this fic would even get over 500 but it's now at 1.12k ! thank you guys :)

It was the first day of their second year of Hillerska. Next year would be there last year, which was scary but they were both very excited. Simon had woken up very very early, just so he could take a shower, get a good outfit ready, and he left the house about 20 minutes earlier than what he usually would have. Simon just wanted to see his boyfriend before school, which he hasn't seen since they dropped Simon off at his house after coming back from Paris.

Simon got to Wille's window, and he carefully knocked on it. Wille arrived at the window seconds later and he opened it and let Simon inside. Wilhelm wasn't fully dressed yet, but he did have pants on, that's for sure. Wille went to grab a shirt while Simon placed his bag at the table.

"You look cute today" Wille looked up and smiled.
"oh so i don't look cute everyday?" Simon pouted.
"Oh believe me, you do. You look amazing everyday" He put on his shirt and walked over to his boyfriend. Simon rolled his eyes.
"i just hope i don't have to fight someone off this year for you"
"Babe you won't, why would i want to date anyone else when i love you more than everything?"

Wille shrugged his shoulders and smiled. God i want to marry this man... i love him so much. Wille thought. Wille looked down at Simon and kissed him on the lips. The kissed for a couple minutes before Malin knocked on the door saying that breakfast starts in 10 minutes. Wille said okay and he asked Simon if he had eaten. Simon wanted to tell him yes, but didn't want to lie to him so he told him he didn't. The thing about Simon was that since he was little, money was always tight. With Micke being an addict, and with 4 people, money got tight so whenever they had food, Simon would let everyone else eat, but he didn't have any for himself.

"No.. i guess i forgot to grab something before i left." Simon said.
"Well you can come with me to Breakfast then!" Wille said happily.
Simon pretended to be happy, he honestly was just not really hungry..

The two went to the dining hall and Wille grabbed a plate and put some food on it, Simon grabbed a plate and grabbed some food and sat down next to Wille. Wille started eating and Simon kind of just played with the food with the fork. He didn't really want to eat, but he took a forkful of potatoes. Wille watched him as he slowly ate his potatoes and he noticed that Simon looked uncomfortable.

"Hey you don't have to eat it all if you don't want to!" Wille smiled.
Simon smiled back and he put his fork down.
Wille smiled back and hugged his boyfriend from the side.

Wille and Simon had their first class together so they held hands and walked to class. The two finished their first 3 classes, which they had together, and then they went to lunch. They grabbed their plates and sat down. Simon looked nervous to eat, but tried too. They talked about their next set of classes, which were only 2 more but they were long classes.

"I have maths next, do you?" Wille asked.
"No, i have chemistry" Simon replied.
"Damn i have chem last class"
"Nooo we don't have second set of classes together" Simon frowned.

They continued to talk until lunch was over and Wilhelm walked Simon over to his class.

"Wille you didn't have to walk me to class" Simon smiled.
"Oh so i can't do a good boyfriend duty to walk you to your class? rude" Wille frowned.
"Ba- Wille i'm joking, i loved that you walked me to class" He rolled his eyes.

The two said bye to each other and Simon walked into his class, and Wille walked over to his class. Wille was kind of sad that Simon wasn't in his classes, just because he loved being around him, and Wille didn't really talk to anyone else in school beside Simon. He got into class and he sat down. Simon sat down in class and started paying attention.

School was done for the day, and Simon had texted Wilhelm to meet him at the tree in the courtyard outside of the classes. Simon walked out and saw his boyfriend sitting under the trees, and he walked over to him. They talked for some time, and then they went their separate ways. Wille to the dorms, and Simon to the bus.

they are back in school!!! i hope this year goes well :) anyways there's only 7 more chapters.. that's crazy..
word count: 773

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