Chapter 15: New kid

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That next morning, Sara went into the room to tell them that breakfast was ready. When she got into the room she saw them cuddling up to each other. She decided to just leave them be since it was still pretty early for a Saturday.

Wille was the first to wake up, he looked down and kissed the others forehead. He reached over carefully to not bother the sleeping one, and grabbed his phone. He took a couple pictures of Simon sleeping and he went on instagram to just scroll through.

Simon started to wake up some time after and Wilhelm noticed. Simon opened his eyes and looked up at his boyfriend. He closed his eyes again and cuddled up even more to Wille's chest.

"Morning love" Wille said.
"Morning" Simon mumbled still half asleep.

Wille rubbed Simon's back for some time while Simon was still waking up.

"How do you feel?" Wilhelm asked softly.
"good, and you?"
"Good" they both smiled.

Wille and Simon shared a kiss for a couple seconds before the decided to get up. They went out to the kitchen and they grabbed themselves a plate and got some of the breakfast. Once they got their breakfast they sat down with Linda and Sara in the dining room and they all just chatted for some time.

After they got done eating, Simon and Wille went back into his room and cuddled for some time, just enjoying each other's company and talking. They ended up going around town to just walk around and Simon showed him some of his favorite spots in the town. He showed Wille this one spot, that was by a creek and it had a little playground near it. They sat on the swings for some time and they were trying to see who can go the highest.

"I can go the highest!!" Simon yelled.
"No i probably can!" Wille exclaimed trying to swing higher.

They both ended up going about the same height so they just said it was a tie. Simon took Wille into town and went to one of Simon's favorite little bakery cafes. Simon and Wille both ordered hot chocolate and a croissant. They sat together and ate and drank their orders.

They walked to the football field for a little while and then they went back home. When they got back Linda was working on Dinner. They ate dinner, and went to watch a movie in Simon's room. They watched a random disney movie and they both needed up falling asleep to the movie.

Monday came around and Wille was still at Simon's. He had figured that he would just stay with Simon on Sunday night and just go with him and Sara to school the next morning, which he did. They all got to school and they went to their first class. Simon and Wille sat next to each other and Sara sat with Felice.

When the teacher walked in, there was another student who didn't look familiar that walked in after the teacher. The teacher introduced him to the class and he sat down at one of the desks that were open. Micheal. The new kids name was Micheal. He seemed nice, he had a cool sense of style, kinda fruity.

After class, everyone was in the dining hall, and for the first time in a week or so, Simon and Wille sat in the dining hall. Micheal came in and grabbed his plate and came over to Wille and Simon.

"Hey." Micheal said sitting down.
"Hey!" Wille replied.
"oh hey! you are the new kid in our class right?" Simon asked.
"Heh- yeah that's me" Micheal smiled.

They all ended up talking to each other for the lunch period and they all had classes with each other. After school, Simon went home and Micheal and Wille hung out to get to know each other. Micheal was in Wille's room and Wille was helping him with classwork.

"So wilhelm." Micheal said.
"Hm?" Wille looked over at him.
"So is there something going on between you and Simon?"
"Yeah, i guess you could say that. We've been dating for almost 3 months"
"Oh okay so you two are gay?"
"Simon is gay, i'm queer, so yeah i guess"
"Oh okay cool, so i'm not going to be the only gay kid here." He replied
"You're gay?"
"Yeah haha"

They ended up not talking about school, and instead just started talking about life and each others sexuality. Micheal went back to his dorm room and he started thinking that he was developing a crush on Wille.


Micheal... cant wait to see what's going to be of him... also sorry for not posting again </3 i've had some medical issues for the past couple days which has made me not be able to write or post, but i think i'll be fine!! <3 thanks for 450 views!!
word count: 768

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