Chapter 27: Holiday's

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i can't believe there's only 6 more chapters :(( this story meant so much to me making it and i really hope you all enjoyed reading this <3 it really means a lot !! <3

A couple months went by, and it was finally Winter break. Wilhelm was home at the palace and Simon was at his house with his family. They had called almost every night, and they texted every chance they could get. They unfortunately weren't able to see each other since Simon went away for a week to see his family for christmas, and Wille was too caught up with his parents helping out the royal stuff and learning about being king. It was finally night and the two were on a call together.

"I miss you so much.. I wish we could see each other" Simon stated.
"I miss you too baby, and i know, i wish we could see each other."
"What are you doing for New Years?"
"Probably doing something with my family, you?"
"Same most likely.."

They talked some more, and Simon ended up talking about how his grandma wishes he had a girlfriend.

"And then-"
"Simon ! Deja el teléfono, es casi medianoche tienes que levantarte temprano !" (Simon ! Get off the phone, it's almost midnight you have to get up early.)
"Sí mamá! Me iré en un minuto!" (Yes mom! i'll be off in a minute)
"Sorry" he said to Wille.
"No it's okay!! what was that all about"
"Mom wants me to get off the phone since it's almost midnight, she says we have to get up early"
"Awww noo boo"
"i knoww. i want to keep talking to you!"
"We can just text baby"
"Okayy, i guess.. okay byee"

They hung up, and then they texted for a little over an hour. Wille's dad came in around 1:30 am and told Wille to get off his phone and so he said goodnight to his boyfriend, and both of them ended up falling asleep.

It was finally New Year's Eve, and everyone was pretty excited. Wille was sad that he couldn't see Simon for the holiday, especially since all they've wanted to do together was share a new years kiss together. They'd end up doing it one day when they get older so they weren't too upset, but they still wish they could hang out. The king and Queen were hosting a New Year's party at the palace, and they had invited so many people, people Wille didn't even know. Wille didn't really want to go, but unfortunately he had too. He walked out of his room to grab some lunch before he started getting ready for this party, when his mom asked him something.

"Hey darling"
"Would you want to invite Simon over for the party? i know you haven't been able to see him since school got out, and i know you are going to be bored here, so i wanted to ask if you wanted him over"
"Wait he's allowed over here?"
"We never sad he wasn't!"
"Oh my gosh thank you!! i'll call him right now, but wait how would he get here?"
"Malin can go into his town and pick him up."
"Okay thank you thank you thank you!!"

Wille got up and put away his dish, and he walked fast to his room and picked up his phone and called Simon. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before a sleepy voice was speaking into the phone, Wille guess that Simon had just woken up. He asked about the party, and Simon got up and asked his mom. Linda said sure, since they didn't have much planned, they just planned to stay home. Simon asked how he would get there, and Wilhelm said that Malin would be leaving shortly. They hung up the phone and Wilhelm got happy. Simon got a bag together, with only 2 pairs of clothes, and a tux that he had found in his closet.

Malin came and picked Simon up, and they left to go to the palace. When they got there, Wille met them outside, and as soon as they parked, Simon got out of the car and ran up to Wille and hugged him like no tomorrow. Wille hugged back and squeezed him harder. They went up into the palace, and by that time, it was almost time to get to the party, so both of them left to get dressed and they went to the party. Wille got introduced to a bunch of people by his parents, and whenever he had breaks he went over to Simon and he grabbed his hand and pulled him up to dance for a little. They laughed and then they got stuff to eat and drink. By the time they looked at the clock, it was 11:50... only 10 more minutes of the year..!

Those 9 minutes went by pretty fast, and it was finally 11:59.

"10...9..8..7..6...5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" They both screamed.
Wille pulled Simon into a kiss when they were out on the balcony when the fireworks went off and everyone was yelling.
"Happy New Years baby"
"Happy New Years love"

They both smiled at each other, and Wille smirked and asked Simon if he wanted to go up to his room and get away from the party and Simon said sure. Wille went to go tell his mom that he was going up, since they were both kind of tired of socializing, and his mom said fine and Wille grabbed his boyfriends hand and they ran up to Wille's room.

When they got into the room, Wilhelm instantly threw off his tux coat, and his belt went flying in the room. Simon tossed his tux coat somewhere as well, and they both got together and kissed. Wille kissed him, and he had pushed them so that they fell onto the bed, still kissing. They started getting undressed more, and Wille put his hand down Simon's boxers and started palming him. Simon moaned into their kiss, and he had both of his arms over the others neck. The two definitely missed their physical touch, because all they wanted was to be near each other. Wille took off the others shirt and started kissing down Simon's chest. Simon moaned out.

"Wille please.." He said arching his back.
Wille looked up at him, and he slowly went down to his lovers thighs, pressing little kisses on the insides of his thigh.
"Fuck.. Wille stop teasing.." He said gripping the sheets and moaning from the bites. Wille got up, and walked over to his drawer.
"Shit, i don't have anymore condoms"
"Fuck the condoms, come back"
"Wait Simon-"
"It'll be fine with just lube"
"Okayy.." he said smiling and walking back over and went back to the bed and started kissing the other.

Wille pulled both of their boxers off, and he grabbed the lube bottle off of the countertop and put some on his fingers.
"Skip the prep i need you... now"
"You sure?"
Wille put the lube onto himself and rubbed it a little bit before lining himself up with Simon, and looking down at Simon for consent. Simon nodded and threw his arms up to wrap around Wille's neck as he pushed inside of Simon. Simon threw his head back and moaned loudly, and he waited a couple seconds to let the other adjust before he slowly started thrusting into his lover.

"Fuck.. faster Wille please.."
Wilhelm didn't need to hear that twice, and he started to go faster, and Simon gasped with every thrust that his boyfriend did, coming close to hitting his prostate each and every time. Wille ended up going even faster, and Simon couldn't keep quiet anymore, he had tried to close his lips but with Wille hitting his prostate, his mouth kept opening.

"Fuckk.. fuck fuck.." Simon moaned out.
Wille leaned down, and put little hickey's along the others collarbones, right where the other loved them. Simon felt so good, and all the pleasure made him want to just cry out.
"Fuck.. i'm close baby" Wille said.
"Me.. me too.. touch me please-!"

Wille leaned up, and he grabbed Simon and started jerking him off, and Simon felt that slightly uncomfortable pull in his lower stomach. "Wille- im gonna come, fuck don't stop" He said throwing his head back. After a few hard thrusts, Simon came and his legs started to shake, but Wille kept going since he was close as well. Wille told Simon to look at him, and Wille looked at him all sweaty and overstimulated, and it pushed Wille off the edge and Wille pulled out and came.

He collapsed next to Simon who could barely catch his breath, and Wille slowly caught his breath again. Wille got up, and grabbed a cloth to clean up the both of them, and he went back into the bathroom, and grabbed a nice cold cloth for Simon. He walked back over and put the cloth right under his neck, and he helped his boyfriend get dressed. Wille got into his bed next to his lover, and cuddled up to Simon who was almost asleep.

"How are you?" Wille asked planting a kiss on the others neck. "Amazing.. you?" "Amazing" They both smiled, and Simon rolled over to face Wille and he cuddled up into his chest, and both of them fell asleep.

i know in a previous chapter that there was going to be 30 chapters, or something like that, but i decided to add two more just because i felt like the last 3 were very rushed, so there will be in total 33 chapters of this story, again thank you for reading this and i really hope you liked this story <3
word count: 1582

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