Chapter 19: Studying

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oh would you look at that, it's another smut chapter!! read on your own terms <3

Wille woke up before his alarm, and surprisingly him and Simon were still on the call. Wille whispered into the phone to see if his boyfriend was awake. He heard a moving noise followed by a little noise of Simon rolling over.

"Morning Wille" Simon said in a morning voice
"Morning baby" Wille replied

Simon started to get ready for school and they both ended up hanging up since Simon and Sara were about to get on the bus. When they arrived at school Simon went directly to Wille's dorm and knocked. Wille opened the door and Simon walked in and put his bag down on the chair and sat on Wille's bed.

"How are you love" Wille asked sitting next to him.
"Tired" he replied putting his head on his shoulder.

Wille hugged Simon from the side and kissed his head. Simon looked up and kissed his boyfriend on the lips making Wilhelm smile in their kiss.

"Want to stay over tonight?"
"Yes. is that even a question?"
"I guess not" he laughed.

The two got up and they went to their classes. They were excited to go back to their classes since Micheal was no longer going to be there. Once they had lunch they just brought it to Wille's dorm to avoid questions and Micheal.

Once school was over, Simon went over to Sara and told her that she was going to be spending the night with Wille. Sara said it was fine and she left for the bus stop. Wille grabbed his boyfriends hand and they walked over to his dorm.

They got inside and they did some homework. Simon was getting frustrated over his math problem and Wille tried to help him. Simon just didn't understand it and he was stressed.

"I- i just don't get it. i'm just so stressed i can't do this anymore"
"Hey hey it's okay. do you want to do something else to take your mind off of everything?"
"yes please"

Simon nodded his head and they both got up and went over to the bed and Wille climbed in first and laid down, followed by Simon laying down and cuddling up to Wille. Wille held Simon close to him and after some time Wille started running his hands on Simon's hips. He slowly placed kisses on his boyfriends neck. He left a hickey or two on his neck and Simon turned around and Wille kissed him.

"Do you want to do some stuff"
"yes." he said quickly.

They both smiled and Simon sat up and pulled his shirt off quickly. Wille threw his off as well and the two got their pants off so they were left in their boxers. Wille got up and went to and grabbed a condom and went back over to his boyfriend.

— Smut start —

"Hey wille can we try something?"
"yeah what are thinking about?"
"could i possibly pleasure you by giving you a blowjob?"
"i like this Simon" he smirked

Simon blushed and looked away.

"I mean hey if you want to do it, we can"

Simon nodded and Wille laid down on the bed and put the condom on the table and Simon scooted over and pulled Wille's pants down. Simon took Wille's member and he put his mouth over it. Wille moaned and Simon went up and down on his member.

"holy shit.." Wille moaned out.

Wille came in Simon's mouth and Wille told him he did a good job.

"Now can i pleasure you?"
"fuck yeah"

Wille lifted Simon off of him and laid Simon down on his back and Wille grabbed the condom and put it on his member and he took off Simon's boxers and lined up with his entrance. He looked at Simon and Simon nodded yes for consent and Wille pushed into his boyfriend.

"hh... Wille aren't you sensitive?" Simon moaned out.
"Not really, i want to make sure you have fun too" He winked at him.

Wille started to thrust into Simon at a slow pace, that was until Simon asked him to go faster. Wille picked up the pace and he started thrusting into him faster. Simon arched his back and he gripped the sheets with his hands.

"Oh... Fuck.. Wille-" he moaned out.
"Gosh.. you feel so good.. shit" Wille told him.

Wille was getting a little overstimulated since he had already came, but he pushed through so his boyfriend got the pleasure he deserved. Wille picked up the pace more and at that point Simon was just getting railed.

"Fuckk... there.. stay there!!" Wille had repositioned himself and he was hitting right at his prostate. Simon's legs started shaking and Simon was moaning uncontrollably and his eyes were almost rolling in the back of his head. He felt so good.

"So good... so fucking goodd" he moaned out.
"Holy fuck- Wille.. I'm going to cum-"
"Same..." Wille replied.
Smut end—

After a couple more thrusts Simon moaned louder than the other times, and he came on his stomach and Wille's stomach and Wille came in Simon. They caught their breaths and Wille pulled out slowly and took the condom and threw it away, and got back into bed after putting both of their boxers back on.

"I love you so so much" Simon told him as he cuddled up to his boyfriend.
"I love you too Simme" Wille rubbed his back.
"Does this count as your 'make up sex' " Simon asked and snickered.
"Yes. Yes it does Simme" He smiled and kissed his boyfriends forehead and the two ended up going to sleep.

sorry for a i guess quick smut chapter lol i didn't know what to write so i just did it lol.
word count: 934

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