Chapter 26: Hoodie

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I'm back!!! my shoulder is finally better and i can use it again!! so glad to be posting again <3

Simon ended up going home the next morning since he needed to do stuff with Sara. He got home, and he went to his room to change into a new pair of jeans. He put on a new shirt and he grabbed a hoodie that he stole from Wille, which Wille didn't know- and he put it on and walked out to the living room and saw Sara sitting there.

"Damn Simon, Wille ate you alive jesus" Sara said looking at the many hickeys that were on Simon's Neck.
"Shit i forgot about these-" He said.
"I'm guessing your one year went very well"

Simon blushed and said yeah. Sara wanted to here all of then details, and so Simon talked to her about them, but when he got to the point where they were doing the deed- Sara stopped him.

"Simon stop i don't want to hear about my little brothers sex life" She chuckled. Simon smiled along with her.
The two got up, and they went to the store for their mom since she was at work. They picked up the groceries, and took them home and put everything away and then they watched tv for some time. Simon was focused onto the tv until Wille texted him.

Wille🤍: babyyy
Wille🤍: simme did you take my Hillerska hoodie?

Well that didn't take long for Wille to figure out..

Simon💕: .....noo?
Wille🤍: Simme..
Simon💕: okay yes i did- but i love it. it smells like you and i wanted it :)
Wille🤍: ughhh fine i can't be to mad at you. it probably makes you look adorable.

Simon walked into the bathroom and took a picture of him in it.

Simon💕: *sent image*
Wille🤍: shit... i was right it does make you look adorable.
Wille🤍: damn i love you so much.
Simon💕: i love you too <33 so does this mean i get to keep it?? :)))
Wille🤍: ...maybe... only bc you look fcking hot in it- holy fuck.. damnit i wish you were here.
Simon💕: horny ass mf 🙄 <3
Wille🤍: you damn right.
Wille🤍: baby that picture is deadass making me hard. i hate how you are so adorable what the actual fck.
Simon💕: i know i'm just sooo hot
Wille🤍: fuck yeah you are. ugh there's no way you could come here in exactly .2 seconds right?
Simon💕: unfortunately i do not think i can. Also i'm still very sore from last night 👎🏻
Wille🤍: well i did make you cum like 3 times 🤷🏻
Simon💕: yeah- yeah you did.. oh and here
Simon💕: *sent image of Simon in the hoodie again and with the hood up*
Wille🤍: dammit baby 😭 fck you for making me hard ugh i hate youu
Simon💕: you love me <3333
Wille🤍: you right.. ugh i should make you take care of this! you are the cause of it 🙄
Simon💕: mmm you can take care of it ! <3
Wille🤍: ughh fine
Simon💕: have funnn <333

Simon giggled and turned off his phone and went back into the living room. Oh how he loved how he made his lover hard, he loved that he had that affect on that boy. At the dorms, Wille turned off his phone and he groaned at the fact that he was like this. fuck simon really ? fucker had to tease me like this. He thought. Wille decided to take care of himself, and he thought of Simon the entire time.

After he was done, he went to dinner with the rest of the forest ridge students, and then he went back to his room. He called up Simon, but he didn't answer so he grabbed his laptop and started to watch his favorite show. He texted Simon to tell him to text him back when he can, and then he put down his phone to watch the show.

Simon was having dinner with his family when Wilhelm called him, so he didn't answer. He finished dinner and helped Linda and Sara with the dishes, and then he went back into his room. He saw that Wille had texted him, but he didn't respond and he just went to get dressed. He went back into his room and texted Wille back.

Simon💕: Hey babe sorry i was having dinner with mom and Sara.

He put down his phone, and went to go feed his fish and it didn't take long for Wilhelm to respond.

Wille🤍: it's okay <33 would you want to call baby?
Simon💕: sure !! you know i'm always up to call :)

Simon called his lover, and the other picked up the phone and they talked for some time. They talked for about 2 hours, and then Linda ended up coming in and telling Simon he had to go to bed. Simon looked at Wille and rolled his eyes and Wille laughed. The two said goodnight to each other and turned off their call. Wille texted Simon that he was going to bed, and so they both went to sleep.

word count: 848

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