Epilogue <3

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It has been about 3 years since Wilhelm and Simon had gotten married, and they were living their life to the fullest. After they got married, they went on a honeymoon trip to the Netherlands, and they had so much fun exploring. Queen Kristina had recently stepped down from the throne, and Wilhelm was crowned King, and so was Simon as they were already married by that time. It was their 3 year anniversary and they were enjoying dinner with each other, and then they came back home
and decided to have some fun. ( ;) )

"Oh shit.." Wilhelm said as he collapsed on top of his husband.
"We still do it so damn good" Simon breathed heavily.
"Damn right we do" Wilhelm smiled and leaned over and kissed Simon.
"I love you so much baby" Wilhelm said.
"I love you too my perfect husband" Simon replied putting his hands in his husbands hair.

Wilhelm got themselves cleaned up, and they put their boxers back on, and they both sat up and Simon was leaning against Wilhelm's chest. They have both talked about having kids, but they never really got too far with it, and they both promised not to talk about it until a couple years and so Wilhelm thought it would be a good time to talk about it.

"Hey Simme"
"What's up babe?"
"What do you think about having children?" Wilhelm looked down at the other, and Simon looked up.
"Actually, i think it's a great idea." He smiled.
"Wait really?!"
Simon got up and straddled himself on Wilhelm and laid down on top of him as the two hugged each other.
"I love you i love you i love you" Wilhelm said kissing Simon's head.
"I love you too my king." They both smiled.
"We should start looking for someone to carry our child!" Wille said.
"We could have Sara! than they would have both of our traits, and Sara even told me one time a little over a couple months ago that she'd carry for us!!"
"oh my god that's great! oh i'm so excited now!!"
"Me too!!"

Simon kissed Wilhelm and he kissed back, and it slowly turned into a passionate kiss. They both started grinding on each other, and one thing led to another, and they were back at it again. They had gone three more rounds after that, and they were doing it as much as they used to when they were younger, but both of them were just so excited.

Months later, Sara, Simon, and Wilhelm had gone to a doctor about Sara being their Surrogate, and things were going well, and Sara got pregnant after a couple months, and they were all so very happy and excited, and Sara was very happy to help her brother and brother in law.

Sara was finally 38 weeks pregnant, and she was actually getting ready to go into labor. Linda had helped her to the hospital after Sara found out that her water had broke, and Linda called Simon to let him know to come down. Simon had left by himself since Wilhelm was in a really important meeting, but after he was done Simon would text him.

"Hey Sara how are you feeling?" Simon asked.
"So ready to get this kid out of me" She chuckled.

No one knew the sex of the baby, they wanted it it be a surprise. Wilhelm and Simon already had names for their baby for when they found out when Sara gave birth, and they were very excited. Simon was sitting down with Linda when he heard his phone ring, which is was Wille.

Wilhelm🤍: Where are you?
Simon💜: Oh i forgot to text you!! Sara is in labor! come to the hospital quick!!
Wilhelm🤍: Oh my god Baby you could've interrupted my meeting for this!!
Simon💜: Sorry! i knew it was a really important meeting so i was just going to tell you after you were done, but get your ass over here ! :)
Wilhelm🤍: leaving now my love <3

After about half an hour, Wilhelm had arrived at the hospital, and he went up to their room, and when he walked in he was greeted with a hug from his husband and then Linda. They all talked for some time before Sara knew it was time. They called in the doctor and nurses and they got everything ready for Sara.

Only a short excruciating 3 hours later, their baby was born. They all were taking turns holding them, and the baby was sleeping peacefully. Sara was resting as Wilhelm and Simon were spending time with their new baby. Linda was talking to the two about newborns, and what to expect, and Linda took a picture of the three of them with the little one, and Simon ended up falling asleep on Wilhelm, holding their new baby.

They spent the night at the hospital, and so the Next day Kristina came to visit her new grandchild.
"Wille they have the same eyes as you!" She said smiling.
"They are so beautiful" Simon said holding Wilhelm's hand.
"They really are, i'm so glad we did this" Wilhelm said looking at Simon and kissing him.
"So, What's their name?" Kristina asked.
"You will see in a couple minutes, i'm about to post it on Instagram to introduce the little one to the world" Wille said pulling out his phone and Simon looking over.

 "You will see in a couple minutes, i'm about to post it on Instagram to introduce the little one to the world" Wille said pulling out his phone and Simon looking over

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"Erik... aw how sweet!!" Kristina said.
"It was actually my idea!" Simon spoke as Wilhelm wrapped his arm around the others shoulder.
"I think it's perfect for him" Wilhelm said kissing the side of Simon's face.
"It's a wonderful name" Linda said smiling.

After a couple days, they were all ready to leave and Sara came with them to the palace to help with breastfeeding and such, but later on she would just give them the materials they need for the baby. Everyone had congratulated them about baby Erik, and Simon and Wilhelm were the happiest now that they have a child. At first, they were slightly tired since the little one would wake up at night and cry, but they got pretty used to it overtime.

They were in the living room sitting together feeding Erik, and he smiled after Simon had pulled the bottle away, and both Simon and Wilhelm smiled and Wilhelm 'awed' at it.

"He's so perfect" Simon said wiping some of the milk off of Erik's chin.
"He is, and so are you" Wilhelm looked at Simon and smiled. Simon rolled his eyes and smiled.

Erik had fallen asleep in Wilhelm's arms and Wille put him in the crib and went back over to Simon and laid down on the bed with Simon resting over him. Wilhelm kissed Simon's head and then Simon looked up and kissed Wilhelm on the lips.
"I love you so much, you and Erik are the loves of my life" Wilhelm said looking into the others eyes.
"I love you so so much" Simon smiled.

Erik started to cry so Wilhelm picked him up and brought him over to Simon.
"Here, go to daddy!"
"Hi little one" He said kissing Erik's head and held him.
"Aww my boys"
"Shut it" Simon chuckled.

Wilhelm laid sat down next to Simon, who had gotten Erik to go back to sleep, and he placed him in between him and Wille, and Simon rested his head against Wilhelm's shoulder.
"I love you" Simon spoke.
"I love you too my husband"

Anddddd.... it's done!! 🤍 here is the long awaited epilogue. thank you guys so much for loving this fic, and i am currently making a new young royals fic so be on the lookout for it :)) <3 author out <3
word count: 1289

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