Chapter 4: Kiss

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Sorry for it being such a late post !! but i decided that i'd just post the next chapter tonight and then ch5 tmr !! <3

Friday night came soon enough and Simon was getting clothes ready and a bag ready since he was probably just going to spend the night in Wille's room again. Their mom dropped them off at the school and the two went into the dorms. They met up with Wilhelm and Felice right in the corridors of the dorms and they all walked into the room where the movie was playing.

After one jump scare, Simon accidentally reached out for Wille's hand. Wilhelm looked over to Simon and Blushed a little bit. He moved his hand closer and Simon grabbed it a tiny bit. Another jump scare happened and Simon grabbed Wille's hand tighter. Wille noticed this and started blushing some more. Wille started to have an anxiety attack and he decided to leave the room to get some fresh air.

He got to a window in the hallway and opened it and sat on the ledge and took some deep breaths. Simon came to see Wille a couple minutes later. He asked if he was alright and Wille just said it was a little too hot in there for him.

"I'm sorry if i was holding your hand, horror movies aren't my favorite" Simon said shyly.
"No no that's fine!"
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable tho!" Simon stated.
"Simon it's okay! don't worry it's fine" He smiled and looked at Simon.
"I'm sorry I just don't want to do some-" He was cut off by Wille kissing him.
Simon kisses back and closed his eyes.
Wille broke the kiss.
"I am so so sorry i didn't mean to-"
"Wille it's okay" he smiled.

Wille asked if he wanted to go back to the movie and they ended up going back. After the movie was over everyone chilled in the room for a little and talked and then shortly everyone started going back to their dorms and Simon and Wille started going back to Wilhelm's dorm. They both got ready for bed and they climbed into their beds.

"H-hey Wille..?" Simon said nervously
"What's up Simon?"
"Can we talk. about earlier?"
Wille knew just where this was going, the kiss from earlier that night.
"S-sure.." Wille said.
"I- I like you.. i really do" Simon blurted out.
Wille's eyes opened out of shock.
"You do? i didn't think you were gay?"
"I am- have been for a while" he chuckled.
"I like you too Simme.. i have since probably the first time i met you that day when you sung that song" Wille looked down blushing.

Simon got up and sat down next to Wille. He grabbed his hand and put it on his lap. Wille looked up at Simon. "Can i?" Wille asked. Simon nodded and Wille put one hand on Simon's cheek and and they both inched closer to each other until their lips met. They kissed for a couple minutes and then Wille broke the kiss.

"You're a good kisser Crown Prince" Simon smirked.
"So are you, Simme"
Simon blushed.
"Hey Simon."
"Would you maybe want to go out with me..? of course you don't have to- i just thought-"

Simon smiled and kissed him cutting him off. Wille smiled into the kiss and then Simon broke it. "Is that a yes?" he asked quietly. Simon rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes" Simon looked at Wille. "So.. boyfriends?" "Yes!" Simon hugged him. Wille hugged back and they fell onto the bed laying down. They cuddled up to each other and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Again, thank you to whoever reads this ! :) and woo !! finally they are together! took them too long 🙄
word count: 596

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