Chapter 8: Alone

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This chapter is going to have smut so if you don't like it, i have indentations where it starts + ends so you can just read past it or just don't read this chapter ! :)

After a week and a half, it was finally time for Simon to go to the palace, and it was also their 2 month anniversary! Simon woke up pretty early to just pack some things, he packed clothes for the next three days, and he looked into a drawer and grabbed a condom. He knew that him and Wille had been talking about doing stuff, but this was just in case they did it tonight, especially since they had the whole palace alone.

Around 10 am, a black car pulled up to his house, Wille came out of the back seat and went up to the front door and knocked fixing his hair at the same time. Linda opened the door, and greeted Wille. She called for Simon and Simon came out with his bag. He hugged his mom and hugged Wille and then went to the car, put his bag in the trunk and sat in the back seat with Wille.

The whole ride to the palace they help hands, and talked about their winter break so far. They had kissed a couple of times, but they were sweet short kisses. There was even one point where Simon had put his head leaning against Wille.

After about an hour, they finally arrived at the palace. Simon was shocked at how big it actually was. He had only seen it in photos, never in person. Wille held his hand while Malin got Simon's bag and they walked inside. Simon and Wille went straight up to Wille's room and placed his bag down. They went back downstairs to have some lunch since both of them were hungry, and they had some sandwiches and then they went back up to Wille's room.

"This place is so nice" Simon said flopping down onto Wille's bed.
"It's okay" Wille chuckled as he sat down onto the bed.
Wille climbed into bed and laid down and Simon crawled next to him. Wille raised his arm so Simon could lay on Wille's side and then he put his arm down resting on Simon's back. Simon looked up to Wille and Wille looked down at Simon and they connected their lips. Both of them had missed each other's touch.

They kissed for minutes on end and they even shifted to Wille being on top of Simon on the bed. Wille's hand started to creep up Simon's shirt and Simon broke the kiss for a second to quickly take off his shirt and tossed it somewhere in the room. Wille took off his shirt too and tossed it in the same direction. Wille stood up on his knees as Simon sat up so he was eye level with Wille's pants buckle. Simon looked up at Wille and Wille nodded. Simon started to unbuckle his belt and both of them took off Wille's pants. Wille did the same with Simon's pants which left the two in just their underwear.

(Smut start)
They began making out again and Wille ended up kissing down to Simon's neck leaving some tiny hickeys on his neck and collarbone. Simon softly moaned a bit. "Can i?" He asked as his hand was right in front of his boxers. He nodded and Wille's hands went down the boxers and started palming Simon. Simon arched his back a bit and moaned a bit. Simon ended up taking off his own boxers and Wille room of his. "I should go get a condom-" Wille stated. "I have one in my bag too.." "Oh so you came prepared"
"Shut it." Simon blushed

Wille reached into Simons bag and grabbed the condom that was in there. He put the condom on and he kissed his boyfriend again. They went back to making out for a little bit.
"Can i prep you?" Wille asked
Simon gulped n nodded. He was nervous
Wille got his lube and put some on his one finger and gently put it to Simon's entrance. He slowly pushed in and Simon squeaked and moaned.
"You okay?" Wille asked.
"Y-Yeah just.. never done this before.." He said with his eyes tightly closed.
A couple minutes later Wille had 3 fingers into Simon and they were slowly moving in and out.
"You seem ready?" he asked.
"Mhm..!" Simon nodded.

Wille took his fingers out of Simon and he whimpered at the loss of contact. Wille moved Simon's legs to a straddle and and he pressed the tip to Simon's entrance. Wille slowly pushed in and Simon moaned loudly. Wille stopped for a second so his boyfriend could get used to what was already pushed in. Simon gave him the okay to push in the rest so that's what he did. Simon arched his back and Wille let him get used to his length again.
"You're good.. just slowly.. please.."
Wille nodded and he pulled out and pushed back in. Simon moaned some more and so did Wille.
Wille started to pick up the pace a bit more, going a little faster.
"Holy fuck.. Wille..!" Simon moaned out.
"You are so cute" Wille replied.
Wille started going faster and faster each time he pulled out.
"feels- feels so good-!" Simon moaned arching his back
"You feel so good Simme- holy shit"

Simon told Wille to go a little harder than he had been going, so that's what he did. Wille shifted a bit and kept thrusting into Simon. After shifting he straight on hit his prostate.
"Holy fuck holy fuck-! there!! there!!" He cried out. Wille kept going that pace and in that direction and Simon was moaning non stop and so was Wille as he was approaching his orgasm.
"Wille.. i'm going to - shit !"
"M-me.. me too Simme!"
After about 4/6 more thrusts Simon came and then about 3 after Wille came in the condom.
Wille laid down partially on top of Simon still inside of him and trying to catch his breath.
"Holy fuck! that was fucking amazing"
Simon panted out.
"It was so good, so so good" Wille panted.

(Smut end)
Once they both caught their breaths. Wille slowly pulled out causing Simon to whimper as he was sore. Wille took off the condom, tied it up and went into his bathroom and threw it away and grabbed a washcloth and came back into the room to wipe Simon down. He threw the towel into a basket and grabbed some of their clothes that were thrown on the floor.

They got changed into sleep wear and they cuddled up next to each other, being careful of Simon's already sore lower half. They were both really tired so they just thought they would go to bed early.
"i'm glad i lost my virginity to you babe" Simon quietly said. "I'm glad i lost mine to you too love"
The both smiled after hearing that they both lost it to each other.
"Happy two months my pretty boy, i love you"
"i love you too!! happy two months my prince charming"
They kissed each other softly and they both fell asleep.

Here's the spicy chapter <3 also almost 100 reads??? omg thank you sm <3 😭
word count: 1176

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