Chapter 14: Simon's house

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Another smut chapter!!! <3 sorry for not posting i've been really busy, but i wrote this and 2 other chapters today so i'll post the next one on Sunday!! i would post tomorrow, but im going to a concert so i'll be busy!! <3 love you!!

Friday came along and Wille and Simon were about to finish up their lunch in Wille's room. They had been eating lunch in there ever since the incident. They went back to their last couple classes of the day. After classes, they went back to Wille's dorm so he could grab his bag for the weekend. Once he grabbed his bag, they both headed to the bus stop where Sara was waiting for them.

They got on the bus and they went to Bjärstad. Once they got there, they all went inside. They all sat in the living room and waited for Linda to finish up dinner. Once dinner was ready, they all ate together and they talked for some time. They decided to play a board game for some time just to hang out. Sara won the game they were playing and they were about to start another game when Wille texted Simon.

Wille🤍: wanna go to your room? 😏
Simon💕: and do what wille 🙄
Wille🤍: oh idk,, "study" or "watch a movie"

Simon started to blush as he looked over to Wille who smiled.

Simon💕:One more round of this game? 🤭
Wille🤍: okay ;)

They looked at each other and smiled. They decided to play another round of the game with Sara and Linda. After this round, Simon won the game, and they decided to clean up the game. Simon and Wille told the other two that they were going to play some video games in Simon's room and so they went into Simon's room and locked the door behind them.

Simon smiled at Wille after he locked the door and Simon walked towards Wille. They inched closer together and Simon wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck. They closed the gap between them and kissed each other. They made out for a couple minutes until Wille started playing with the hem on Simon's shirt. They broke the kiss and took off Simon's shirt and threw it somewhere in the room.

actual smut starts here !!
They went back to kissing and Simon led them to the bed. Simon laid down on his back on the bed while Wille got on top of him. Simon started playing with the hem of Wille's shirt and he broke the kiss to get it off of him. Wille leaned down and started kissing down Simon's jaw line down his neck making small marks. Then he went down more to his stomach kissing slowly while Simon moaned just a tiny bit.

"W-Wait" Simon stopped.
"What's up? are you okay?" Wille asked as he didn't know if Simon wanted to stop.
"Hold on" Simon got up.

He went over to his tv and turned on a video game and turned the volume up a tad bit. He went back to the bed and got back in and smiled at Wille. Wille continued to kiss down his lovers stomach until he reached the buckle of his pants. He looked up at Simon and Simon nodded. Wille leaned back up and started unbuckling the belt. As he got it undone, he took off Simon's pants. and Simon got up and started taking off Wille's pants, leaving both of them in just their boxers.

Wille went back down and started kissing Simon again. They kissed for some time and Wilhelm went back down to Simon's collarbone and started making a hickey while Simon moaned loudly.

Wilhelm looked up at Simon.
Wille smiled.

He got up off of Simon and went to his bag and got out a condom. Simon blushed and watched Wille walk back to him.

"Do you want to prep?" Wille asked.
"No.." Simon replied.
"Baby i don't want to hurt you, are you sure?" Wilhelm asked again.
"Wille i'm okay! i promise" he reassured him
"Okay babe" Wille smiled.

Wille started palming Simon slightly while kissing Simon. Wilhelm took off both of their boxers and he sat down next to Simon and put on the condom. He got in between of Simon's legs and Simon straddled them for his boyfriend. Wille got up and lined up with Simon's entrance and slowly pushed inside of him. He leaned down a bit and Simon grabbed onto Wille's shoulders as he moaned a lot.

"Fuck.." Simon moaned.
"Tell me when i can move" Wille told Simon and Simon nodded.

Simon started to relax a bit and he got used to his boyfriends length. Wille saw Simon nod and so he started to pull out of him and push back in. He kept going in and out for some time at a slow pace so Simon could still get used to his length.

"F-faster.." Simon closed his eyes and moaned out.

Wille nodded and started thrusting faster into Simon and Simon started moaning loudly. Simon started scratching Wille's back a bit as he kept thrusting. Wille started going faster while sucking on Simon's collarbone once more.

Wille changed his position and he was thrusting right into Simon's prostate.

"FUCK..!" Simon moaned out.
"Holy shit.. Right there..!!!" Simon arched his back and closed his eyes tight.
"You feel so good Simme.." Wille moaned out as he thrusted into his prostate.

Wille thrusted more into his boyfriend and both of them were moaning.

"Simme i'm going to cum.. fuck"
"S-same.. keep.. keep going" Simon moaned out.

Wille's hand wandered down to Simon's dick and started slowly pumping it. Simon's mouth opened to form an O, and he moaned. After a couple pumps, Simon came over Wille and himself. Wille kept thrusting into Simon a couple more times n Simon closed his mouth not trying to moan louder since he was getting overstimulated. After two more thrusts Wille came into Simon.
smut end :)

They cleaned up some and they got right back into clothes and Simon turned off the light and the tv and laid down cuddled up into Wille. Wille put his arm around Simon and kissed the back of his head.

"I love you so much Simme" Wille told him.
"I love you too Wille" He said looking up at Wille.

The two found a good position to be in and they fell each other cuddled up into each other.

word count: 1029

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