Chapter 12: Fight

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tw: f slur ! (i'm gay btw :) )

At school that following week, Simon had woken up pretty early and he took the bus early so that he could go see Wille before school started. He got to Wille's dorm room window and knocked on it. Wille opened it and smiled.

"Well good morning" Wille helped him into his room.
"Morning!!" He said excited.
"Why are you up so early?"
"because i wanted to see you"
"You're so cute love"

Wilhelm hugged Simon while Simon nudged his head into his boyfriends chest. They laid down in Wille's bed and they cuddled for some time. After some time it was almost time for breakfast so Wille got dressed and the two went to get some breakfast from the dining hall.

After they had breakfast, they went to their first class. Simon sat with Sara and Wille sat with Henry, but they sat in the same line of desks.
Every once in a while Wille would look over to Simon and one time Simon caught him and Wille blushed a bit.

After classes, Simon and Wilhelm went back to the dorms and they studied for some time. About an hour went by and they were still studying, but they were about to finish up since they had been studying for more than an hour. Simon picked up his phone and he saw texts from Sara.

Sara✨: Simme are you coming home for dinner? Or are you staying with your boyfriendd
Sara✨: Simme?
Sara✨: Helloo? Simme.
Simon💕:Sorry! i was studying with Wille, yes i'll be home for dinner i'll be home in half an hour.
Sara✨: Okay, you were "studying" 😏
Simon💕: Sara! we were studying, not having sex ! jeez 😭
Sara✨: Okay good, i'll see you later.

Simon laughed at the conversation. Wille looked so confused and Simon told Wille what Sara had said.

"She thought we were fucking?"
"Yeah" Simon chucked.
"I mean..."
"Wille!" Simon playfully punched his arm.
"I have to get home, i'll see you tomorrow okay?"
"Okayy if you have to go" Wille frowned.

Simon rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag and put on his coat. Wille opened the door to his room and Simon started walking out. Wille grabbed his arm and Simon looked confused. Wille kissed Simon and Simon was shocked, but he kissed back. They broke the kiss and Simon walked away.

Simon got home and he put his bag in his room and took off his jacket and hung it on his chair and went back into the living room. He talked to his mom for a little while and then dinner was ready. The three of them ate their dinner and just talked.

"Hey mama" Simon said.
"Yeah Simme?" Linda replied.
"Are we doing anything this weekend?"
"No i don't think so, why?"
"Could Wille come over this weekend?" Simon asked.
"Yeah sure of course!" Linda replied.
"Thanks mama!" Simon smiled and continued to eat.

Wille went to the dining hall and picked up a plate and put some food on it and sat at the end of the table and started eating. August went to sit down next to Wille. Wille rolled his eyes as he saw August sit don't sit next to him.

"Wille, Wille, Wille" August said.
"What do you want August" Wille reluctantly said.
"What's going on with you and the little socialist boy"
"What do you mean August"
"People have been saying you and him are dating" August looked at him.
"There's plenty of women to date and you choose to be with that Fag"
"AUGUST SHUT UP" Wille yelled and stood up from his chair.
"What did he turn you into a fag too?" August stood up.

Wille punched him. August felt blood from his nose and he punched Wille back. The two kept fighting for some time and the housemaster came into the dining hall and broke the two up. Wille and August were sent to the nurse. Wille ended up having a black eye and August had a bloody nose and a slight bruise on his jaw. After they saw the nurse, they went to the principal.

"I don't want to here you two bickering anymore, August stop saying homophobic remarks to the crown prince, and crown prince please don't use violence. If you two need to work something out, do it in here next time. Now to your rooms." She said.

Wille went back to his room and he laid down. He texted Simon back for a little while but didn't tell him what had happened, and eventually he went to sleep.

stupid august 🙄 august is an ahole smh
word count: 761

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