Chapter 32: Simon's 18th Birthday

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omg only one more chapter 😭🤍

It was the last month of their final school year, and they had exams coming up, and both of them were stressed. Wille and Simon both studied and studied for days for their first exam for their first class, and they were both really nervous. They helped each other and then a afterwards they ate some dinner and Wille and Malin took him home afterwards. Wille went back to his dorm and he got changed. Tomorrow was Simon's birthday, and Wille was so excited. Wille's phone buzzed and he picked it up to find a text from Simon.

Simon💕: ikr lol, but question.. would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow with my family and Rosh & Ayub? :)
Wille🤍: of course i'd like to baby!! it's your 18th!! why would i want to miss it smh
Simon💕: okay yayyy <333 n shhh lol
Wille🤍: :) well baby get some sleep. tomorrow is a big day :) <3 i love you
Simon💕: i knowww and i will <3 i love you too
Wille🤍: god i love you
Wille🤍: you are so pretty
Wille🤍: i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you
Simon💕: i love you so much <33 and i can't wait either :))

Wilhelm put down his phone to go take a shower, and then he came back and started watching a movie. Simon called him wile he was watching the movie and so Wille stopped the movie to talk to Simon, and they both ended up falling asleep on the call.

The next day, Wille woke up before Simon, and so he ended the call so he wouldn't wake his sleeping boyfriend. He texted him this sweet paragraph since it was his birthday, and then he got up and started getting changed. Simon texted him back and that he would be there soon, and Wille was excited to see his boyfriend. Simon knocked on the window and Wille opened it and let him in, and then closed it back up when he got in. They hugged for some time and kissed here and there, and then Wille broke the hug to grab a little bag.

"Wille, you didn't have to" he spoke.
"Shhh open it"

Simon opened the bag to find this cute little stuffed animal of a frog, along with a new set of really nice headphones.

"Oh my god are these the headphones i've been wanting for like ever?"
"Yes they are, i thought with you going into the studio to make your music, these headphones actually work great in music studios!!"
"Oh my gosh i love you so so much"
"i love you too baby"

Simon put them down, and hugged Wille tightly. Wille hugged him back and kissed his head lightly and Simon pulled back from the hug and connected their lips. The two laid down on the bed for some time, and then it was time for breakfast so they got up and went to grab some breakfast. They went to their first class, which they were taking their exam in, and before class, Wille gave Simon one last hug to calm him down, and to tell him that he's going to do great.

After class, Simon stood up to leave and met up with Wille outside of class and hugged him.
"How do you think you did?"
"i think i did terrible, you?"
"i think i did okay, and you didn't do terrible"
"what if i d-"
"you didn't"
"i love you"
"i love you too"

After all of their classes and exams were done, Simon and Wille met up with Sara at the bus stop, and then they went back to their house. They had Simon's favorite meal as their dinner, and they played some games afterwards. Rosh and Ayub left shortly after they played the games, and so it was just Simon and Wille in Simon's room.

Simon and Wille were in his room, and they were on the bed making out. Wille started kissing down Simon's neck planting some hickey's here and there and Simon loved it. Wille brought his face back up to kiss Simon, and Simon wrapped his arms around the others neck. After some time, they both did some stuff, had some fun, and then they hugged each other and fell asleep.

At class the next day, the teacher was handing out their exams from the previous days and she handed Simon's too him, and then Wille's since they were sitting next to each other.

"babe what did you get?" Simon asked
"93%, you?"
"see you did good!! we both did!"
"yeah i know!! i'm so glad"

Both of them ended up doing very well in all of their exams, and with only 2 more weeks until graduation, they didn't really have much work left to do in classes, they were really just little assignments. Simon stayed for dinner at school, and then he and Wille just hung out in the dorm, and watched a movie. Simon fell asleep on Wille, and Wille realized that both of them were still in jeans and clothes, so he carefully woke up Simon.

"Mm i'm up" Simon said with his eyes still closed.
"Baby, let's get dressed for bed"
"I don't want to get up"
"What you want me to change you?"
Simon smiled and opened his eyes a bit. Wille kissed him.
"okay i'll get up now" Wille rolled his eyes.

Both of them got undressed and put on whatever they wanted to sleep in. The two walked back to the bed and Wille climbed in first, Simon followed after. Wille laid down and Simon used his chest as a pillow as he laid down next to him.

"i can't believe we graduate soon." Simon spoke.
"i know, it's crazy" Wille played with Simon's curls.
"What are we going to do after school ends? i mean you will be in the palace, and i'll be starting college in the fall"
"i think we'll be fine, we might not see each other as much as we are used to, but we will try to make time for each other"

Simon smiled, and he started thinking of life after school. Simon was going to a music college in the fall, and he was really excited. The two were nervous of not seeing each other as much, but they knew they would work it out. They both ended up falling asleep shortly after they talked. Simon fell asleep first to Wille playing with us hair, and Wille fell asleep to the movie they played in the background.

i can't believe the next chapter is the last chapter </3 i've been posting a chapter of this story since September and it means so much that i have 4.6k views on this story <3 ily guys!! <3
word count: 1094

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