Chapter 5: Dating

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Simon woke up first and he was being hugged by Wilhelm. Wille is quite the hugger in his sleep. Simon said to himself. He carefully rolled over so he was facing Wille and he snuggled his head into the others chest. Wille's eyes fluttered open to see Simon cuddling into his chest. He rubbed circles into his back which made Simon look up at him.

"Morning" Wille looked down at Simon and kissed his forehead.
"Morning" Simon looked up at Wille.
"You're warm" He said to Wille hugging him.

They continue to cuddle for a little while longer. After some time Malin knocks on the door making the two jump.
"Crown Prince, Breakfast closes in half an hour"
"Yep! th-thanks Malin!" he said.

The two got up and got dressed and walked to breakfast. Grabbed their plates and food and sat down and ate their food.
"What do you want to do today Simon?"
"Cuddle." He said smiling.
Wille rolled his eyes
"okay yeah ofc" Wille blushed a bit

They went back into the dorm and they cuddled for some more time. Simon loved the way that Wille smelled. He smelt of a warm vanilla with a hint of cinnamon and Simon loved it so much.
bing bing bing SARA bing bing. Simon groaned. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at his texts. Sara told him to meet him at the bus stop since they needed to get home.

"Ughh" Simon groaned.
"What's up?" Wille asked
"I have to go home" He frowned.
"Awee" Wille frowned
"Sara wants to meet at the bus stop" He said starting to get up.
"Want me to walk you?" Wille asked sitting up watching his boyfriend get shoes on
"Sure!" He smiled.

Wille got his shoes on and put a jacket on. Simon remembered that he didn't bring a jacket and so Wille gave Simon his Hillerska one that smelt like him and it had Wille's name on the corner of it. They then walked to the bus stop and saw Sara waiting for them. They talked for a little while and then the bus was in view. Wille said goodbye and Simon pecked him on the lips. Sara looked at Simon shocked and Wille blushed a bit. Simon and Sara got on the bus and the bus left the stop.

"What was that!" Sara looked at him
"mm.. nothing" Simon looked away
"Simme you kissed him. Are you guys dating?"
"Fine- yes, yes we are okay?"
"Omg you guys didn't, you know, yet right?"
"Sara oh my god! No! we just made it official last night!"
Sara hugged Simon "so proud of you!!"
Simon thanked her and they got home.

They got home and they did stuff with their mom and they just hung out. Simon missed being with his boyfriend, but he did love hanging out with his family too. The three of them played some board games and Simon invited Rosh and Ayub. They all played board games until Rosh and Ayub and Simon went into Simon's room.

"How are you and Wille?" Rosh asked Simon.
Simon smiled "Good"
"What's that smile, what aren't you telling us?" Ayub interrupted.
"Me and Wille make it official last night" Simon said happily. "That's amazing Simon!!" "So proud of you!!" both of them congratulated Simon.
"Thanks!! i'm so happy that we did"
"Tell us everything." Rosh said.

Simon rolled his eyes and told his two friends about the night prior and what had happened. They talked about it for hours on end while playing video games and they had a great night.

Aww Simon telling ppl that he's dating Wille <3 :) hope you guys liked this chapter!
word count: 606

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