Chapter 7: Babe

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It was the last day of school before winter break and every student was excited. Every class was just chatting around the teachers didn't want to teach because like what's the point of teaching on the last day before winter break right? After the final bell rang, Wille and Simon walked out of the school building holding hands. They didn't care if people saw them, they didn't come out to anyone at school, but if they followed both of their instagrams, they would know.

Simon walks Wille too the black car that was headed to the palace.
"I'm going to miss you" Simon said hugging Wille. "I'm going to miss you too Simme, but hey we will see each other in about a week and a half!!" He cheerfully said.
"That's so longg" Simon complained.
"Okay okay i have to go, we will call i promise" Wille smiled kissing Simons forehead and sitting into the car.

Simon and Sara watched the car leave and then they found their mom and they went back home. Their mom asked how Wille was, and Simon said he was good. He asked his mom if it was okay still to go to the palace and his mom said it was fine.

Wille got to the palace and texted Simon that he got there safely. He went into his room and unpacked his clothes and sat on his bed. He laid there for some time before going back downstairs to be with his parents. They talked for some time, ate some dinner and then they went over some royal business.

After what felt like forever, Wille finally was done and he went up to his room and texted his boyfriend.

Wille🤍: Hi <3
Simon💕: hi!! <3 how was the royal business
Wille🤍: long and tiring, i'm so glad i don't have to do any more of that shit until after my parents come back.
Simon💕: good thing! you should probably sleep love
Wille🤍: i know but.. call? 😏
Simon💕: you know me so well, yes
Wille🤍: i do know you so well!

Wille called Simon and they stayed up for hours on the phone with each other, just talking about random things, future, literally anything they could think of, they talked about. Simon looked at the time out of curiosity, and it read 3:45 am. "Holy fuck- Wille it's almost 4 am!" Simon exclaimed
"Oh it is isn't it... i guess we should go to sleep!" Wille stated.
"But don't worry, after you come here we will be able to sleep a lot if you know what i mean"
Simon blushed, he knew exactly what he meant.

They both said goodnight to each other and they went to bed. The next day Wille got up early to do some more royal stuff that just had to do with things he'd have to start doing when he got older and became prince. He wasn't thrilled to be up so early. especially since he went to sleep fairly late, but he kept a positive attitude, he would just take a nap later.

Simon woke up around noon, but he was woken up but Sara, he would have slept later if she didn't wake him up. Sara and Simon decided to walk around the town and go to the store for their mom. They came home and unpacked the groceries and then turned on the tv to watch one of their favorite shows to watch together.

That night, Wille and Simon called again, just like they did for the past couple nights, except they didn't stay on very later since they were on late a couple nights ago. Simon had mentioned that he had a new song that he was making up in his head that he had started to write down on paper and Wille wanted to hear it.

"i'll do it on a thousand times to call you home, i will never lie about this, ain't no joke, you're cutting through the silence with a perfect tongue, if you break, then i break, we're not made of stone"
"That's beautiful Babe!" Wille said in shock
"Babe?" Simon said smirking.
"Sorry it just came o-"
"No i like that!"
"Okay babe!" Wille smiled.

They ended their call and Wille went to sleep and Simon tried to write some more lyrics to the song. He loved the first part of the song he had wrote so he needed to like the other parts. He ended up falling asleep in front of his desk face down on the page of lyrics.

woo another chapter lmaoo
word count: 762

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