Chapter 11: Meeting Parents

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230 reads? thank you guys so much <33 and #2 in wilhelmandsimon tag? wow 😭

"Wille we're home!" The queen yelled up the stairs.
"Okay!" Wille yelled back.
"do you want to go down and meet them?" Wille asked.
"sure! should we try to cover these though?" Simon pointed at the visible hickeys on his neck.
"Up to you" Wille replied
"Okay then let's go downstairs" Wille smiled and they went downstairs.

Simon was greeted by the king and queen and they all went and sat down at the table and they had talked to get to know Simon a bit better. They had asked Simon what his hobbies were and he explained that he was trying to go into the music career since he's one of the top singers in the hillerska choir and he writes his own songs.

"He has a great singing voice!" Wille said.
Simon started to blush a tiny bit, but only enough for Wille to notice.
"We'd love to hear it one day! If we ever attend Hillerska to see the choir we will definitely hear you!"
"Y-Yeah!! definitely!"

They talked for some more time, and eventually they had lunch and then Wille and Simon went back to his room.
"do you think they like me?" Simon asked sitting on his bed.
"I think they love you babe" Wille sat down next to him and put his arm around him and kissed his forehead.
"I hope so" he chuckled.

They ended up walking around outside the palace and they went to the creek that Wille loved going to. They sat on the rocks, put their feet in the water, and just enjoyed each other's company and took pictures of themselves.

Simon loved a picture that he took of him and Wilhelm and so he posted it on Instagram. Wille got the notification on his phone and he looked at it. "You are so cute" He said smiling at Simon. Simon chuckled and continued to throw rocks into the river.

"I love you" Wilhelm told Simon as he rested his head on his shoulder.
"I love you too!" Simon replied.
"How did i get so lucky to have you" Wille chuckled.
"Wilhelm, i should be lucky to have you, i mean anyones lucky to be dating a royal!" Simon looked at him.
"I know, but i never would have thought i would be dating the perfect person"
Simon blushed and hid his face from Wille.
"We should probably go back soon, it's almost dinner time"
"Yeah let's go!"

The two got back to the palace and hung out in the main room for some time while dinner was being made. They all ate their dinner in the dining room and they just talked. After dinner, Wille and Simon went into Wille's room and they both got changed for bed, they were both really tired so they just thought to go to bed early. Simon cuddled up to his boyfriend and soon enough, the two fell asleep in each others embrace.


"I wish you didn't have to go" Wille frowned as Simon started packing his bags.
"I know, but we will see each other at school in a couple days Wille !" Simon reassured him.
"That's so longggg" Wille whined.
Simon rolled his eyes while smiling and picked up his backpack.
"Are you coming to take me home or are you staying here?"
"I'm coming with" Wille replied and they went to the car.

The car ride wasn't too long, so soon enough they ended up at Simon's house. The two walked to the front door and Simon opened the door. The two walked in and they said hi to Sara and Simon's mom. Wille and Simon went into Simon's room and Wille put Simon's bag down on the chair and they walked back out. They walked outside and said their goodbyes. Wille Kissed Simon and then Wille walked back to the car, and they drove away. Simon watched them drive away and then went back inside.

"So how was it?" Linda asked.
"It was fun! we did a lot together"
"I'm glad you two are so close"
"Thanks mama!" Simon smiled and sat down next to Sara.
Simon went back to his room shortly after catching up with his family and shortly after, Sara came back to his room.

"So tell me, how was it, you know, it" Sara had to ask.
"It was.. fun" Simon smiled.
"Okay fine, it was amazing, it was so good-" He had to stop himself before he got carried away telling Sara about him and Wille's spicy time.
"Was it his first time too?"
"Yeah it was, but it felt like he knew exactly what to do"
"And he didn't hurt you right?"
"No of course not Sara!"
"okay okay good, just don't want my little bro getting hurt" She smiled and walked out of his room as he rolled his eyes.

Simon and Wille texted each other for a couple hours, and then Simon started feeling tired so he said goodnight to Wille, and he put his phone in the charger and turned it off. He stood up, put on pj's and put on one of Wille's hoodies, did a skin care routine, and washed up before getting back to his room. He turned off his lights and laid down on his bed and played some music and he ended up falling asleep almost right away.

word count: 894

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