Chapter 3: Crush

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Here's a slightly longer chapter !! :) Maybe i'll do 2 chapters in one day? 👀 maybe just maybe :)

Wille was the first to wake up. He looked over to Simon who was rolled over sleeping peacefully. God he's so fucking cute. Wille thought. He snapped himself out of it. What if this was a crush..? He doesn't even know if Simon is Gay or not. Should he ask him? No. Who just asks their best friend if they are gay, even if you do have a crush on them..? He picked up his phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

"Morning Wille" Simon said in a morning voice.
Wille rolled over to see Simon sitting up.
"Morning! How did you sleep?"
"Pretty well i think, and you?"
"Great" Wille spoke.

They both got dressed and went to Breakfast. August was walking around and everyone was chanting "Get on the table" a million times. Wille and Simon sat down and finally Nils got on the table. He spoke about what he and Madison did at the part last night and everyone went crazy.

"She was a whole 9" he said.
"a 9? No way" One said.
Everyone was freaking out and August shut them up.
"Anyone else want to share?" He looked at Wille.
He walked over to Wille.
"Wilhelm?" Wille looked at him.
"You disappeared last night" August stated.

Everyone started chanting the get on the table again and Wille started to panic a little bit and Simon could see it. Finally the housemaster came into the room and shut all of them up. Wille but his nails and rubbed his chest as his heart was beating a million times a minute.

"You okay Wilhelm?" Simon asked.
Wille looked over to Simon.
"Yeah i think so" Wille told Simon.

Everyone went to their first class and started the school day. After school was done most students went to go study at the library. Simon and Wille sat a table and Felice, Madison, and Sara sat at a table behind them.

"Simon we got to get home" Sara said standing up.
"Yeah okay" Simon stood up and collected his things.
"Hey guys! there's a movie night coming up next Friday if you two want to come!" Felice shouted before they left.
"We will be there!" Sara said and then they both left.

Simon and Sara got home and they sat down in their living room. They studied some more and they talked some. "So about Wilhelm" Sara asked.
Simon looked at her. "Huh?"
"Do you like him?" Sara asked.
"I don't even know if he's gay Sara!" Simon stated
"Simon he literally came out as queer months ago! Did you not see that?"
"I guess not.."
"Shut up, yes, there happy"

Sara smiled. She talked to him more and then their mom got home and they had dinner. Simon told her about the movie night coming up and asked if they could go. She of course said yes and they kept eating. Simon went into his room and Wille and him were chatting on text. Simon eventually texted goodnight to Wille, and they both fell asleep in their own beds.

Thank you to whoever is/has read this so far :) i'm thinking of posting the 4th chapter later today but i'll see !
word count: 527

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