Chapter 18: Make Up

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Wille woke up with Simon snuggled up to him, he was awake but he felt safe close to Wille. Wille brought his hand up to Simon's curls and started playing with them. Simon looked up at Wille and smiled slightly.

"You're so pretty.." Wille said quietly.

Simon blushed a bit and he sat up. Wille sat up as well and asked if he was okay. Simon nodded and he laid his head down on Wille's shoulder.

"What's going to happen with us.."
"I don't know.. but i love you, and i want us to get back together,"
"I do to.." Simon said so quietly that Wille barely heard him.
"Hey Simon.." Wille got up and went to his drawer and pulled out a box.

Wille kneeled down in front of Simon and opened the box and revealed a necklace to Simon.

"I was going to give this to you for our four months, but i figured i'd just give it to you now to ask you.. would you want to be my boyfriend again?"

Simon smiled and he took his hands and put them up on Wille's cheeks and brought his head up to his own, and Simon kissed him. Wille smiled into the kiss and he put down the box and grabbed Simon's hips and pulled him closer. Simon fell back onto the bed and they made out for some time. After some time Simon broke the kiss.

"i'm guessing that's a yes?"
"You dumbass.. yes it's a yes" he smiled

Wille smiled and they went back to kissing each other. They broke the kiss again and Wille grabbed the box with the necklace and he put it on Simon. Simon held the locket and opened it to find one of their favorite picture of them kissing. Simon smiled and they laid down and just cuddled and every once in a while they shared a short kiss.

Simon soon went home and he felt so much happier than he did for the past couple weeks. Simon walked into the house and no one home. Linda was at the shop with Sara and so Simon went to his room and started texting Wille until he heard the door open. Sara walked into Simon's room and said hi.

"Hey, howd it go with Wille?" she asked
"Great.. we got back together" he replied
"I'm so happy for you Simme!!"
"Wait did i hear that you two got back together?" Linda walked into the room.

Simon explained what had happened, about Micheal and about the fight and everything that went down. After talking for some time about it Simon showed them the necklace that Wille got for him. They both said it was beautiful and they congratulated him for getting back together with Wille and Linda went to go make some dinner and Sara went to her room. Simon was going to go take a shower when his phone lit up with a text.

Wille🤍: i wish you were here :(
Simon💕: Wille you just saw me like 2 hours ago
Wille🤍: I know but i miss you already. we lost sm time together and i want to make it up </3
Simon💕: by doing what 😏
Wille🤍: idk i was thinking makeup sex buttttt
Simon💕: Wille! you're weird 🙄
Wille🤍: i might be weird but you are hot so

Simon blushed at his phone and he sat on his bed and continued to text Wille.

Simon💕: shut up.
Wille🤍: i'm guessing i made you blush ?
Simon💕: i- no..
Wille🤍: i would make you blush more if- yk
Wille🤍: ooo wait lemme join
Simon💕: No! oh fuck off 😭you are such a tease
Wille🤍: but you love me <3
Simon💕: yeah, yeah i do..
Wille🤍: Okay okay go take your shower :)

Simon smiled and put his phone down and walked to the bathroom. Damn Wille! made me blush so much. He said to himself.

After he was done his shower he texted Wille and they ended up calling for some of the night. Wille asked if Simon wanted to sleep on call and Simon said sure and so they both went to sleep while on their call.

yayyy everyone's favorite couple is back together!! fuck you micheal, <3 respectively. new chapter coming soon !! <3 i have written the next 4 chapters so they should all be coming out a new chapter everyday!! <3 !! have a good night!!
word count: 701

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