Chapter 28: Spring Break

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It's been a couple months since new years and so it's almost spring break, and Hillerska was throwing their annual spring party. Not much happened between the two in the past couple months, other than them just hanging out on weekends and classes, but now that the spring party was going on, they were excited.

"Babe" Wille called out to Simon who was basically asleep on his bed"
"What" Simon said in his morning voice.
"C'mon get up love, we have to go to classes soon"
"Can't we just skip, we can go to my-"
"Simon up now"
"Ughhh fine"

Wille chuckled at how much Simon was not a morning person, and he found it cute. Wille went back to his bed, and said good morning to him and gave him a little forehead kiss. Simon smiled and got up. He put on his shirt and some
pants, and went over to Wille's sink and used his toothbrush that he keeps at Wille's. The two finished getting ready and they walked out of the dorm and started heading towards classes, holding hands on the way. They went to all of their classes and at lunch they grabbed their lunch and went back to Wille's dorm because they didn't really want to be near the rest of the students.

"What are you doing over spring break?"
"i think me and mama and sara are just staying home, you?"
"i think i'm just staying home too"
"sooo we should hang out over break if what i'm hearing"
"We should! and we will"

They both smiled and then they walked back to classes, and Wille walked Simon to his class and then he walked to his own. After Wille's last was done he headed over to Simon's last class, and met up with his boyfriend and he greeted him with a smile when he walked out of the class.

"You know i love it when you greet me when i walk out of class" Simon said grabbing the others hand as they walked out of the class buildings
"Well then i'll do it every day"
"Good, you are so cute"
"not as cute as you baby"
Simon blushed and they walked to the dorm to study for a bit.
Simon ended up going home, since Sara was done studying with Felice and so Wille walked his boyfriend to the bus stop, and when the bus came and picked up the other two, he walked back to his dorm.

Wille was back home for Spring break, and Simon and Wilhelm texted and called every night and even though spring break was only a little over a week long, they still missed each other. Simon asked if Wille wanted to hang out, and Wille of course said yes, and so Wille asked if Simon wanted to come over to the Palace and he said sure. Wille went down to where his parents were and he asked them if Simon could
come over for a couple days, and Wille's dad said it sounded fine to him, and his mom said sure.

Simon got picked up by Malin, and when he got to the palace, Wille was outside waiting for him. Simon got out of the car and walked up to Wille and hugged him. Wille kissed his forehead, and all of them walked into the palace. When they walked in, they passed through the room where Wilhelm's parents were sitting around, and they walked inside of it.

"Thanks for having me over your majesty" Simon said.
"Oh don't worry! you're allowed anytime Simon! it's very very nice to see you again" Queen Kristina spoke.
"By the way, we heard you in the choir from a tape from Hillerska before spring break and you have such a beautiful voice!"
"Thank you!"

Wille and Simon went back up to his room, and they mainly just hung out in his room for a little. They basically cuddled for some time, and they talked about their spring break so far. When dinner was almost ready, Queen Kristina called the two downstairs, and they headed to the dining hall.

"So Simon, are you going to be going into the music career? You are very talented!"
"Yeah actually i am! after highschool, i plan on attending a school for music, and i even have a song or two already written!"
"That's wonderful news! I hope we could hear it one day!"
"I hope i'll be able to produce it in the future"
"Simon you definitely should, they are beautiful songs" Wille spoke and grabbed his hand.
"Wille i'm very glad you found such a polite person to be with, Simon we genuinely really like you!"
"Thank you your majesty"
"Oh you can call me Kristina!"
"Thanks Kristina"

After dinner, the two went back up to Wille's room and they talked about how Simon was so grateful that his parents liked him. Wille was happy that his parents liked Simon, and he was happy that it made Simon happy as well. They got changed and they cuddled for some time before they ended up falling asleep, Simon falling asleep resting on the others arm.

Spring break was finally over, and everyone was back to school. Wille and Simon were in classes, and they sat next to each other while they were there. When they were at lunch they talked with Henry and Walter about one of their classes since they had been assigned to do a project together over a book they were going to have to start reading. After the school day was done, Wille walked Simon to the bus stop, which was their normal routines, and they met up with Sara who was talking with Felice, and when the bus came and picked up the two, Felice and Wille walked away.

"How are things with you and Simon?" Felice asked.
"Things are amazing."
"That's great news! i'm so glad you guys found each other!"
"Same here, i feel like, like he's the one you know?"
"You guys are perfect for each other, so it makes sense that you guys are each other's"
"I really really like him, i've never liked him as much and anyone else"
"And i bet he feels the same Wille" Felice smiled.

They continued walking together until they got to the dorms, and then they split up. Wille went to dinner and afterwards he just walked back to his dorm. Simon fell asleep pretty early so Wille didn't really have anyone to talk to, so he decided to walk over to the living room area where most of his peers were around this time of night. Wille played a coupes rounds of chess with Walter and then everyone ended up going to their dorms for the night. Wille got into his, and he got changed for bed and he turned off his lights. He texted Simon goodnight and he put on a random movie to watch, and he ended up watching the whole movie, but then fell asleep shortly after.

Simon woke up from a nightmare he had about his father, and he started shaking and he almost started to cry. He looked at him phone and he decided to call Wille. Wille woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, and he picked it up. Simon on the other end was shaking, and he felt terrible that he had woken up his boyfriend, but he didn't know how to calm himself down.

"Hey baby, it's okay.. it was just a nightmare it's not real okay love?"
"I know i know but i- i just i don't know what if it ever came true.."
"It's not okay? take deep breaths with me okay? Breathe in one... two... three.."
Simon breathed in.
"And out one... two.. three.."
Simon breathed out.
"Feel better?"
"Yes, but also no. I feel better now that you helped me calm down, but now i'm scared to go back to sleep."
"I understand, do you want me to stay on the phone with you while you try?"
"Mhm, yes please.."

The two spent about half an hour on the phone before Simon fell back to sleep, and when he did Wille hung up the call so he wouldn't accidentally wake up the other one again, and he turned off his phone and he went back to sleep as well.

I just finished rewriting the last chapter of this, and i'm so sad it's done :(( i loved writing this soooo much <3 so sad to see it come to an end </3
word count: 1396

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