Chapter 25: 1 year

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It's their one year !!! they celebrate it very well ;) (smut chapter !!) but anyways, i'm probably going to have to take a break from posting for a couple days just because i injured my shoulder last night, and don't have much movement in it at the moment, (not fractured thank gosh) but updates of the last 5 chapters will be slower, thank you guys for being patient with me <3

The next weekend, Wille woke up pretty early, for him at least. He texted Simon, but after a couple minutes, he realized that Simon was still asleep. He called up a fancy restaurant, and he booked a reservation for him and Simon for dinner that night. Today was their 1 year anniversary, and they were spending the entire day together.

Simon finally woke up to the text from Wille and he realized that it was their 1 year anniversary. He texted Wille back.

Simon💕: Happy 1 year baby <3 i love you so much, words cannot explain <33!!
Wille🤍: Happy 1 year <333 i love you so so so much my pretty boy <33 can't wait to see you today <3
Simon💕: ugh i want us to be together forever i love you so much, and i'll be over in an hour ;)
Wille🤍: same <3 n yayy okay i'll be waiting for you my love.

Simon blushed so much, he loved this boy so much. He got up out of bed, and went to go take a shower. After he was done he put something nice on, and he got a text from Wille to bring something really really nice to wear. Simon went into his closet and pulled out his best nice outfit. He carefully placed it in his bag, since he was staying over with Wille tonight. He packed the rest of his stuff, and he said bye to his mom and Sara and he walked to the bus stop.

Simon got to hillerska, and he walked up to the window, knocking on it to get Wille's attention. Wille got Simon into his room, and immediately brought him over to the bed. Wille sat down and Simon climbed onto his lap, and they connected their lips. Simon pushed Wille down so they were basically laying down. They continued to make out for a little while and Simon started grinding on Wille. Wille moaned, but he broke the kiss shortly after.

"Baby, let's save this for later tonight okay? don't want to be tired for dinner"
"Makes sense," Simon smiled.

They both sat up and they gave each other a hug.

"Happy one year my prince" Simon said kissing Wille's cheek.
"Happy one year my pretty boy" Wille smiled.
"So what are we doing for dinner?"
"It's a really fancy restaurant, you will love it i promise"
"If you say so" Simon smiled and kissed Wille.

They kissed for some more time before they broke the kiss again, and they put on a movie to watch for some time cuddling up to each other. Around 4:30, Wille and Simon started getting dressed for their dinner. Wille got changed in the main room, and Simon got ready in his bathroom. When Simon was done, he walked out to see Wille ready too.

"You look beautiful baby" Wille said staring at his boyfriend and going up to him.
"You look better" he said before Wille kissed him.

They walked out of the dorms, and went to Malin's car, and they went to the restaurant. They talked for a while, they ate really good food, and they had a great time together. Right before they were getting desert, Wille pulled out a little box.

"Simon, i love you so so much. You are probably the best person i've ever met, and i really do believe you are my other half, and so i'd like you to have this promise ring, to promise you the future with me"

He opened the box, and inside was this beautiful golden band promise ring. He took it out and put it over Simon's finger. Simon smiled and he loved it. Simon took his hands and brought Wille's head to his, and kissed him.

"I love you so much Wille" He said.

Simon pulled out a little box as well, and he gave it to Wille. He opened it and found a necklace, almost similar to the one he gave Simon. He opened it and saw a picture of both of them smiling together. Wille smiled and almost started blushing. They ate their desert together, and then they went home.

(smut start)
When they got back, they were not waisting any time. When they got into the dorms, Wille pushed Simon against the door and started making out. Simon slid his hands up Wille's shirt, and he broke the kiss to get it off. The two separated and chuckled as they walked over to the bed where Simon threw his shirt off. They got on the bed, and Simon was laying down while Wille was on top of him. Wille slowly started sliding his hand down Simon's pants but stopped.

"Is this okay?" He looked up.

Simon nodded, and Wille continued. Wille slid his hand down more and started palming Simon, moments later Simon started moaning softly. Wille kept palming his boyfriend, and he started to make hickey's on his neck. Simon pulled Wille's hand out of his pants, and with a confused look coming from the other, Simon unbuckled his belt and slid off his pants and Wille did the same to his. The two were both in their boxers and before they continued, Wille got up and went over to get a condom.

He came back over to his lover and got in between his thighs. Wille bent down and started placing little kisses on Simon's thighs. Simon tilted his head back, and Wille looked up at him only to see a tent in his boxers.

"Wille- Wille please stop teasing.." Simon moaned out of impatience.

Wille smiled and took both of their boxers off. He slipped the condom on, and he grabbed the lube and put some on his dick and sat up to face Simon and looked down at him. Simon smiled and nodded giving Wille consent to continue. Wille pushed himself into Simon slowly and Simon arched his back and moaned. Wille gave him some time to adjust and then he started to slowly thrust.

"Ahh shit..Wille.." He moaned out. Wille started thrusting faster and he groaned.
"Fuck.." Wille moaned out. Wille kept at the same pace for some time, at least until Simon wanted more.
"Wille... Ahh.. mm.. Faster please.."
Wille started getting faster and Simon moaned louder and he gripped the sheets under him as he was getting railed. Wille bent down and started kissing down Simon's stomach, and leaving hickey's here and there.
"Wille i'm going to cum if you keep d-doing" Simon squinted his eyes.

Simon started feeling a knot in his stomach indicating that he was close. Wille started going faster as he knew Simon was close. Oh how Wille loved how that he was the only one that made Simon feel this way. After a couple more thrusts Simon came with a loud moan, while arching his back. Wille slowed down his thrusts to let Simon recover, but he didn't fully stop. Simon felt overstimulated slightly, but because Wille didn't cum yet he wasn't going to complain.

"Do you want me to stop? i don't want to overstimulate you baby"
"No.. mm.. no it's fine!!... it feels good" Simon replied.
Wille smiled at him and started thrusting faster.
Only a couple minutes later, Wille came into the condom and he stopped thrusting and Simon came for a second time. Both of them started to catching their breaths and Wille pulled out of Simon and the two grunted and Wille collapsed next to Simon. Simon got close to Wille and Wille kissed his forehead.
(smut end)

"Happy one year baby boy, i love you"
"Happy one year my prince, i love you so much"

Wille leaned down and kissed on his jawline and he sat up. He took off the condom and threw it away and put both of their boxers back on. They spooned each other, Wille being the big spoon and Simon the little. Wille kept nuzzling Simon's neck here and there, and he placed little kisses. Wille slid his hands up and down Simon's side while he placed more kissed on his hands. He turned those kisses into hickey's on the backside of his neck, almost down his back and Simon moaned.

"Round two?" Wille asked and Simon blushed
"Fuck yeah" Simon replied.

and here's their one year anniversary!!! <3 sorry about not going to be able to post everyday for the next couple of days, but i'll try <3
word count: 1380

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