Chapter 21: Paris

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ah yes paris <3 sorry for not posting i've been busy :)

The next couple days went by fast. Simon went to the store and bought some toilet trees he knew he would need, like travel size everything. He packed most of his clothes even though he knew Wille would probably spoil him with clothes in Paris. He still packed a bunch of clothes just in case. He was really excited to leave the country for the first time to Paris, and of course to be with his boyfriend.

Wille on the other hand, was barely packed. He had been so busy the past couple days he just totally forgot to pack. He finally had packed since they were leaving the next day. They decided that they were going to pick up Simon on the way to the airport since the airport they like was close to Simon's town.

The next day, Wille woke up early and got everything else he needed to get packed, packed and they left the palace and went to pick up Simon. They finally got to Simon's and Simon was waiting outside with Linda and Sara saying their goodbyes and hugs. Malin helped Simon with his bags, and put them in the trunk and Simon hopped in the cars back seat with Wilhelm and gave his lover a hug. They got to the airport and they went through the security and they were waiting for the private plane to be available.

Once they got onto their plane, they took off and Simon got scared, since it was the first time he was on a plane, so Wille held his hand tight. Once they were stable in the air, Wille loosened his grip on Simon as he calmed down. Wille sat up and went over to the couch that was there and Simon followed and they both laid on the couch talking. At some parts of the trip, they went to sit down at the table to eat or play a game or whatever. Then finally after about 2/3 hours, they were finally in France.

They had landed, and they got off of the plane and they got their luggage and got into a rental car, and they drove to their hotel. When they got into the hotel, they checked in and they went up to the rooms. Wille's parents had their own room, as well as Wille and Simon and Malin and the other bodyguards. Wille and Simon unpacked some of their items, and they hung out in the hotel room for some time.

Wille's parents knocked in their door and told them that all of them were about to leave for dinner. Wille and Simon got dressed and they headed out and met with the king and queen and they went to a fancy restaurant for dinner. After dinner Wille's parents went back to the hotel but Wille and Simon went to go get ice cream.

"I'll take a scoop of chocolate please!" Wille told the ice cream shop worker.
"And i'll take a scoop of vanilla!" Simon smiled.

They both got their ice cream and they walked through the town looking at all of the lights in awe. They found a little park to sit at and they gazed over the city while eating ice cream. They ended up going back to the hotel room a short couple hours later and they got changed for bed and they went to sleep.

"Thank you for bringing me with you Wille. I love you so much" Simon told him while getting closer to him.
Wille put his arm over his boyfriend and kissed his forehead.
"I love you too baby, and no problem. What type of boyfriend would i be if i didn't take you on a vacation?" he chuckled.

Simon smiled and fell asleep. He was so lucky to be dating Wilhelm. Wille watched Simon sleeping as he scrolled through instagram. I'm going to marry this man. Wille thought to himself as he blushed when he looked over at his peaceful boyfriend. He put his phone down and fell asleep hugging his lover.


On their first full day of being in France, Wille woke up super super early and he went over to a local bakery and bought him and Simon coffee and a french breakfast pastry. He went back to the hotel and Simon was still sleeping. Not surprising. Wilhelm put the coffee and the pastries on the counter and he crawled back into bed with Simon.

After an hour Simon woke up, and Wille kissed him and Simon got up to make himself stay awake. Wilhelm brought the coffee and pastries over to the bed and they watched tv and drank their coffee and ate the pastry. Simon cuddled up next to Wille while he ate his pastry and he put his head on Wille's shoulder.

"This is really good, thank you Wille" He said to his boyfriend.
"I'm glad you like it, this bakery is my favorite"

Simon smiled and went back to watching tv. Wille and Simon decided to walk around town and just explore stores and stuff. They came across this one store that they both wanted to go into. The store was very... fruity if you will. They had rainbows everywhere, and they had a bunch of pride flags. They looked at the clothing and their was clothing for everyone. They looked around and Wille found this cute little bag. Simon looked around and he found this cute hoodie that said Paris in a rainbow format. The two bought what they liked and they left to go meet up with the king and queen for dinner.

They went back to this hill that they had found on their first day here that if you looked straight ahead, there it was; the Eiffel tower. They loved that spot a lot. The two just sat on a blanket and just watched the night sky as the tower was right in front of them. Wilhelm fell asleep on Simon and Simon took pictures of the tower and sent them to Sara and Linda.

Simon💕: *sent image*
Simon💕: Hey from Paris :)
Sara✨: Awww look at it!! you guys are pretty close to it!
Simon💕: mhm!!
Sara✨: Having fun?
Simon💕: yepp!! it's been really great, how are you?
Sara✨: I'm good! me and Felice hung out today and she's spending the night.

They texted for a little while before Wille started to wake up and Simon started putting his fingers in his hair. Simon asked if he wanted to go back to the hotel and Wille nodded. They went back to the hotel and they both almost instantly fell asleep.

word count: 1106

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