Chapter 9: With him

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Holy shit 140 reads? omg thank you guys sm <3 it means sm 😭 also sorry for not posting yesterday, i wasn't feeling very well!

The next day the two woke up and just cuddled into each other enjoying each other's touch. They took some selfies of each other and Simon sent one to Sara to let her know how things were going. Sara then replied to him and they started texting.

Sara✨: You guys look so happy!! Glad things are going well! :)
Simon💕: yeah!! and thanks ! :)
Sara✨: You do know that you do have a bunch of hickeys on your neck in the picture right? lol you guys had some fun
Simon looked into the picture and saw all of the hickeys.
Simon💕: i didn't even see those- and shut up we didn't do anything..
Sara✨: Sureeee
Simon💕: okay okay fine we did- shh don't tell anyone tho i stg
Sara✨: You're fine i'm not going to

Simon smiled at the phone.
"Wille, did you know you gave me a shit ton of hickeys" Simon shouted to Wille when Wille was in the bathroom.
"I did?" he said coming out of the bathroom.
Simon turned to him and Wille saw all of the hickeys. The two chuckled and Wille went down to kiss him.

Wille asked if he wanted breakfast, and Simon said yeah, and so they both started getting shirts on at least so they weren't half naked.
"Wille jesus i'm sore" Simon complained standing up and feeling a tight soreness in his lower back.
"Sorry!" Wille said going over to his boyfriend and hugging him.
"It's fine, I enjoyed it" Simon rolled his eyes.

Wille picked Simon up bridal style and carried him to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Wille asked what Simon wanted for breakfast but he wanted Wille to surprise him, so Wille started getting things to surprise him with. While Wille was cooking, Simon decided to post on instagram since it had been some time since he last posted. Wille finished cooking their breakfast and he set it on the plates and called Simon to come in.

"Oo pancakes! My favorite" Simon smiled and sat down at the table.
"I remembered that you had told me they were so i made them! here there's syrup!"
"Thank you babe!" Simon smiled.

The two are their pancakes and talked for some time. Afterwards they went back into Wille's room and just rested for some time. Simon ended up falling asleep on Wille and so he decided to take a picture. Simon woke up about an hour later and they both decided to take a walk around the palace and go into the town area for some time. Wille took another picture of the two of them and he posted it on instagram. They went shopping and walked around Stockholm. Wille even took him to Wille's favorite spot near his house, the creek. The sat on a rock in the middle of the river for some time while holding hands and watching tiny little fish swim right past them.

They eventually went back to the palace where the cook prepared dinner for them. They ate their dinner and then went to watch a movie in Wille's room. They cuddled up to each other and just watched the movie. Wille kissed Simon's forehead and Simon looked up at him and smiled. Wille smiled back and leaned down to kiss Simon on his lips.

"You're so cute" Wille told Simon.
"Stoopp" Simon blushed and hid his face in his palms.
"Never" Wille moved Simons hand off of his face and kissed Simon again.
They broke the kiss and Simon cuddled back up to his boyfriend and eventually the two fell asleep.

word count: 598

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