Chapter 17: Confronting

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A week went by, and none of the three of them spoke to each other. Simon was still really upset about the whole thing, so was Wille. Wille wanted to talk to him, but he just didn't know how to even ask him. Micheal had tried to talk to Wille but Wille ignored him since he was so done with him. Wille just wanted his boyfriend back and so he decided to text him.

Wille🤍: hey

Simon got the text and he thought about not replying, but he was curious about what he wanted.

Wille🤍: hey
Simon💕: hey.
Wille🤍: want to come over? i want to talk..
Simon💕: i don't think that's a good idea..
Wille🤍: Simon please. I just want to talk and explain and i just want us to work things out.
Simon💕: Yk- fine i'll be over in 20
Wille🤍: Thank you 🤍

Simon grabbed a hoodie and he put on some shoes and started walking to the door of the house.

"Where are you going?" Sara asked.
"Aren't you still upset at him?"
"Yes.. but he wanted to talk"
"Okayy. i'll let mama know when she gets home"

Simon gave her a smile and he walked out the door to the bus stop. He got on the bus and went to Hillerska. When he got there, he walked up to Wille's window. He was so nervous. He hasn't spoken to him since the breakup and he was scared that he would get even more upset at him.

He knocked on the window and Wille got up out of his bed and opened the window and helped Simon into the room. Wille closed the window and the curtains and Simon took off his shoes and put his coat on the chair. Wille sat down on his bed and Simon sat in the chair.

"So what did you want to talk about." Simon broke the silence.
"I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry this is all happening. I hate this so much, but please i didn't kiss him, i'm not cheating on you, i would never do that. I love you so much and i don't want to loose you."
"Wille, how am i supposed to just forgive you. Even if you didn't cheat you still kissed him, i mean it's all in a photo."
"Simon he forced it on me, please can i just explain."
"Sure. explain it then."
"Micheal had asked me what i'd do if someone confessed their feelings for me, and i said i would reject them, because we were dating and i wouldn't want to break up with you"
"And then he said he liked me, and i told him that i didn't like him back, and he wanted me to cheat on you with him. He wanted me to date you in public and then date him in secret. When i told him no, i walked away and he grabbed my arm and turned me around and forced himself on me and kissed me."
"How do i know you are telling the truth Wille"
"Why wouldn't you trust me, i thought you trusted me. See, you aren't listening"
"I am. But how do i know you aren't lying."
"Want the truth? fine"

Wille texted Micheal to come to his room and Micheal texted that he would be there. Micheal knocked on the door and Wille opened it and Simon was confused. Wille closed the door and Micheal asked why Simon was there and why Wille had asked him to come. Wille told Micheal to explain that he forced himself on Wille and Micheal laughed.

"I didn't make him kiss me, he kissed me first and so i took a picture and posted it." Micheal
"Oh you big fucking liar. YOU kissed ME. I didn't even know you were going to kiss me"
"But you liked it"
"The fuck i didn't asshole"
"STOP" Simon yelled
"ENOUGH- now Micheal, why did you kiss Wille"
"Because i like him"
"But you know he likes me"
"And? I liked him, i wanted to date him"

Wille rolled his eyes.

"Tough luck" Wille said and Simon put his hand near Wille's mouth.
"But why did you post the picture, why didn't you just send it to me or something"
"Because i wanted the world to know that we kissed"
"So you used Wille to get views?"
"Nooo.. I used Wille to get you away from him."

All three of them just started arguing about the situation and Simon punched Micheal because of how mad he was that Micheal took advantage of Wille. Micheal punched back and Wille tried breaking them apart. Micheal ended up punching Wille in the stomach and he got away from the two of them, who started cursing at each other. Simon opened the door to Wille's dorm and threw Micheal out into the hallway and Wille called the house master. They came, and all three of them gave the principal their side of the story and Micheal ended up getting suspended for a couple weeks and removed from all of Wille and Simon's classes.

Wille and Simon went back to the dorm with Simon having an ice pack on his face from being punched. Simon started crying hard as he sat down on Wille's bed.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong?"
"I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry i didn't trust you, i'm sorry i didn't believe you.."
"Simme it's okay, you didn't know."
"I'm sorry."
"Simon i should be the one saying sorry to you" Wille chuckled.

The two talked it out and they ended up cuddling up to each other while Simon was still slightly crying. Simon fell asleep on Wille's chest and Wille kissed his forehead and played with his hair until he fell asleep as well.

thank god micheal is done with :))
i officially have the next 3/4 parts done i wrote a lot during the night.... but i think i know what chapter will be the last chapter now </3 but it won't be for a little while!! have a good day luvs !! <3 (my cat says hi)
word count: 956

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