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Based on the cwacom tv series:

Gil Shelbourne was always somewhat afraid of his father. Not only was it clear he never liked him, but he had seen how frustrated his father gets if he even makes the slightest mistake.

The only thing Gil ever wanted was his fathers love. However the only thing in mayor Shelbourne's life that wasn't a dream come true was his son.. although at times Gil would try his very best to please his mayor father, he was well aware of the truth. He didn't like him. It was always obvious.

It had been like that since he can remember. Ever since his earliest memories. I just hope he's in a good mood tomorrow.. Gil thought to himself as he lay in bed. He looked around his massive sized bedroom.

Of course he was used to this, as his father is mayor of swallow falls, he had lived in a mansion his entire life. Every room was big. Gil looked over at the clock beside his bed quietly ticking through the night. It was almost midnight, and he had school tomorrow.

Gil hoped he would be able to calm his mind enough to fall asleep.
Especially after all those nightmares, he just
couldn't quite explain. It had been quite difficult to fall asleep lately, with so much on his mind. Gil sat up in bed, trying to think about something other then the nightmares.

He stepped out of bed and walked over to one of his large bedroom windows and opened it. He walked out to the balcony. He sighed heavily as he took a deep breath, and looked up at the stars with eyes of wonder.

So beautiful.. Gil thought. He knew his father probably never wanted children, and he knew very little about his mother, who was never really in the picture. Just vanished with no trace, and at some point, passed away.

Whatever it was between them, he knew it really wasn't much of a relationship. More then likely they had him by accident. However his father gave him life, wether it was intentional or not, and Gil was so happy to be here.

Although Gil was quite on edge with anxiety most days, he was so happy to exist and experience life. He watched the stars shimmer in the night. The moon reflecting in the water of the ocean in the distance. He always loved watching such beautiful sights.

If only mayor dad could enjoy this with me.. he thought. His father was always hyper focused on money and power, to be in control. He was materialistic, His love for money exceeds his love for even his own son.

Not only that, but his father doesnt really like anyone. He only pretends to like those whom he wants to impress. People with money and power. He was mean, tyrannical, greedy, malicious, and pompous. however no matter how selfish, and thoughtless his father was, Gil still loved him.

He felt as though he couldn't be himself around his father. He loved enjoying things like cartoons and movies. He loved poppa piglet one of his favorite shows. Although his father wasn't so okay with that.

Being the son of the mayor he had expectations. Expectations to grow up proper, and not watch or play with such childish things. Gil took a deep breath in the cool night air. It was the beginning of November, and he was starting to feel the chill in the air.

He looked at his clock once more, and realized it was 12:30 am. He really should get to bed. He went back inside from the window of the balcony and closed it. He walked back towards his bed until he stumbled and nearly tripped on one of his toys on the floor. Oh crap! He had to be quiet. His fathers bedroom wasn't too far away from his own.

And if he woke  him, boy would he get an earful. He went to his bedroom door and looked down the massive luxury hallway of the mansion. It looks like he's out of the woods. He climbed back in bed and tucked himself in.

He was a little chilly from sitting outside his window. He curled up in a little ball. He hoped he wouldn't have any nightmares. However there was one that was terrifying night.

As he remembered from a little over a
year ago, on past Halloween his friends saw his
father transform into a werewolf. He closed his
eyes and eventually drifted off into sweet

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