Wise old Rick

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Gil's POV
I was walking on my way back home. I felt really bad for letting my emotions get the best of me, I'm lucky I didn't transform right there in the cafeteria. Panic is such a terrible feeling.

I was walking down the sidewalk and I decided to step into an alley way for a second, I was starting to get a stress headache. I unzipped my backpack and grabbed a bottle of pain killers and took two of them with a water bottle. There was a dumpster a few feet away from me.

Suddenly old Rick came out of the dumpster. Well hi there little whipper snapper! GAHHH! I yelled out startled by him, oh, hey old Rick. Why the long face? He asked. I sighed and looked at old Rick. Why bother? It's not like you would believe me anyway.

Believe you? Little Gil, I've been around for a long time. I've seen more things then you have probably your whole life. You don't have to hide things from me. Yeah, but I don't want too many people to know about this. A few friends know, but that's about it. Well, I won't tell anyone young Gil.

Back in my day, I've seen and heard some of the scariest stuff. I've had lots of life experiences. I know everyone here thinks I'm just a crazy old man, but it's true. Try me. Well, okay, I reply. So on Halloween last year, my dad turned into a werewolf. Huh? Oh yeah I heard that rumor. Old Rick said. Right, umm well, recently the same thing happened to me.

I see, old Rick said. I can show you if you want, but I can't let anyone els see. I tell old Rick. You don't have to show me anything young one, I believe you. You do?? I asked surprised. Yes I do. Well, anyhow, I'm trying to not let my dad find out. Your dad is the mayor right? Old Rick asked. Yeah that's him.

He already hates me enough. Im scared of him. He doesn't like me, and he probably wishes I was never born! If he finds out it will probably make things worse. Young Gil, I know are neglected by your father a lot. Old Rick said. He hates the fact that I exist! You can just see it!

And he's my father! Why would he have me if he never wanted me?? Tears began forming in my eyes again. Old Rick looked at me with sympathy. Gil, I don't think this is just about the werewolf thing. Old Rick asked. I think a lot of it is about you being afraid of you father.

Yeah it is. I don't understand! Why am I such a pest in his eyes?? Im his son! Suddenly my transformation took place. Old Rick saw the whole thing. Tears falling down my face as my wolf was revealed. Old Rick didn't look surprised or shocked, he just looked at me with sympathy. 

Suddenly the rat birds that were sitting near the dumpster came closer, almost like they could sense my distress. What I do do old Rick? I'm tired. I'm in pain. I just want to runaway and hide! I sat down in the alley way against a wall. Old Rick walked over and sat next to me.

The rat birds came closer almost like they were trying to comfort me. He put a hand on my shoulder, ugh.. evil Shelbourne..he muttered. All he cares about is money! I tell him. Gil, I believe you. I've seen how he treats you before. Gil, remember that one time you left home because your father wouldn't let you watch that show you liked?

How did you know about that?? I asked. I hide in random places all over the place. Ive stalked people before. That's creepy, I reply. I know, but anyway I saw what happened Gil. In the end your father asked you to come home. So I don't think he hates you. He's just a terrible father.

Usually I would defend my father if someone called him that, but for the first time ever, I can't really argue.. old Rick was right. I loved mayor dad so much, my whole life, desperate for his fatherly love, that sometimes I was blind to the truth.. old Rick, I think in a way, I loved my father so much.

Even when he was awful to me, and my love was blinding me from the truth. I tell him. That is probably so. He replied. I focused for a minute, and then I went back to my human self. The rat birds seemed very alert, like they were trying to tell me something. What's with the rat birds? They seem alarmed about something.

Gil, I think the rat birds are trying to warn you about something. What do you mean? I asked. Well, has anything unusual happened lately? I mean besides the wolf thing. Well, last night I heard this weird howl. It sounded creepy. It sounded like it was coming from the north side of the island where all the woods are.

Old Rick thought for a minute.. Gil, I don't mean to scare you, but I think the rat birds are surrounding you because they are trying to tell you something. I think they're trying to say, don't go into the woods on that part of the island.. old Rick said..

Wait what?? How could they possibly know that?? They're animals Gil, they have better senses then humans ever had. The rat birds were laying by my side. Watching over me. Gil, I think they are sensing something in the woods. Something that is up to no good.

Oh man.. I looked at old Rick worriedly. And it's not like we could tell anyone. This whole thing sounds crazy. I tell old Rick. I know. Young Gil, you have to stay away from the woods, I don't know why, but I think the rat birds are sensing that something is coming after you.

I suddenly felt my heart drop into my stomach.. are.. are you sure..? I ask. I know it sounds insane.. and I could be wrong, but yeah I think so. Your in danger Gil. I just have this feeling. Whenever you hear that howl, stay away.. if it sounds like it's getting closer, you must hide yourself somewhere safe. What do you think it is old Rick?

I don't know, but I want you to remember what I said. I will. And if anything happens, I'm always around. You can come find me. Now go somewhere safe young Gil! Your in danger. Stay away from the woods! Okay old Rick, okay. I grabbed my backpack and went home. I knew Rick could be a little mixed up sometimes, but something was telling me to listen to him. Maybe I really am in danger.. How could this be..?

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