Midnight Train

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             At the Shelbourne mansion:

Gil's POV
It dark outside, it was probably around 9 at night. Mayor dad let me go outside since it's dark, but he said I have stay within the gate of the mansion. I was in my human form. I think I'm getting better at controlling this. I have a swing hanging from a tree at the back of the mansion.

I like to sit in it and swing, it was calming. It was really cold tonight. I'll probably go back inside soon. Aroooooo... I hear that howling sound again. I really wanted to go and find it and see what it was. I texted Flint, and told him about howl.  He texted back, Flint, Sam, and Brent, we're coming over and we were going to go check it out!

                       A little while later:

It was around midnight, mayor dad was asleep. I however am wide awake because boy do I have plans tonight! Sam, Flint, and Brent came over and we were all in my room. It was a Friday night we didn't have school the next day, so we didn't have to worry about going to bed early.

Okay you guys, I want to find out what's making those howls. Old Rick was worried that something might be coming after me. He wants me to stay away but I want to find out what it is. What about your dad? Asked Flint. He's asleep. Just sneak out. Said Brent. I'm just kidding don't do that.

Actually Brent, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Well, if your going, then we're coming too! Said Sam. Alrighty I guess we're all in. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a black trench coat and put it on over my sweater. I buttoned it up, and pulled my socks up higher. It gets even colder in the woods.

I grabbed my book bag, and packed gloves, flashlights, batteries, (just in case they die) and a few other things. I put my cell phone in my bag too. Gil, you look great! You look like a detective ready to solve a mystery! Yeah you kind of do! Flint said. Gil the great detective! Said Brent. Gil the great detective huh? I like it! I reply with a smile.

We walked down stairs, out the mansion and walked out the gate. I guess we will have to get a late night taxi. Are there even taxis this late at night? Asked Sam. Probably not on swallow falls. What about the train? They go up to the woods all the time, there's some kind of business up there that the train goes to.

No one ever goes on that train Brent, remember the story about what happened to that elderly couple many years ago? Before we were even born. They took the train and for some reason, nobody knows why, but they never came back. Really?? Sam asked. Yeah, it was in the swallow falls news. Yep, and hardly anyone ever took the train since. They say the train may or may not take you to your death.

That was such a long time ago. That was probably when our parents were babies! Said Flint. I'm sure it was just a freak accident. Well, whatever it was, I still want to find out what's out there. There's a small train station that runs all night, it's only a 20 minute walk from here.  Alright you guys let's go.

              A little while later on the train:

We were on the train we were almost to the woods. It doesn't take long to get there by train, swallow falls is pretty small. Although it would still take an hour or two to walk there, but I really don't have all night. I have to make it back home before mayor dad wakes up. So here we are.

We got off the train and into the woods. I gave Brent, Sam, and Flint, each a flashlight. He looked around. I was much colder up here then back in town. I could see some snowflakes falling. After about a half hour of walking, we heard the howl, much more louder this time.

It's coming from over there! Flint pointed towards the sound. It's so dark you guys! Said Brent. That's the way of the deep woods, Brent. Plus it's also winter. I tell him. He heard the howl again. I don't even know how this is possible! It's a small island! There's no wolves here! Flint said.

I know, I'm just as confused as you are, I reply. Then suddenly we heard some deep growling. Then, then the scariest barking we've ever heard. What the?? Then there it was, there was a big wolf looking shadow thing, moving around. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

We all screamed in terror. What is that?!? Said Brent. I don't know!!! I reply. Suddenly it came charging at me! Like it wanted me for some reason. We all ran as fast as we possibly could, back to the train station in the woods. By the time we got there, the wolf thing was gone. That... was.. horrible... I said out of breath.

Gil.. Flint spoke.  I don't know what the heck that was... but clearly it's after you for some reason.. you HAVE to stay away from here! Finally another train came by heading back to swallow falls. We got on the train. Gil, old Rick was right! You have to stay away from the woods, said Sam.

I know, but I want to know what that thing is! Is it worth your life Gil?? Is it really??? Flint asked. No I guess not.. I reply. Please don't tell mayor dad! I tell them. We won't, as long as you stay away from there. At least stay away at night. That's when that shadowy thing shows up, apparently.

Maybe we could go back during the day light?? We never hear the howl during the day! Just at night. Flint thought for a minute, that actually may not be a bad idea. That way we can actually see around us. Okay Gil, we will go back during the day light and look again. But never at night! Okay? Okay. I reply. Now, let's get you back home before morning so your dad doesn't know your gone.

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