Adventures in the ceiling

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                    The next day at school:
Gil's POV
I was in mayor dad's office, he wanted me to stay in there. He won't let me go to class because he's worried I may transform in class if something excites me enough. There was nothing exciting about class though. I don't know what he's so worried about.

I was very happy to be with mayor dad in his office all day, but to tell you the truth, I really wanted to go outside. I know it's sounds weird, but I wanted to run around, and chase rat birds, and sniff things. All of my senses have heightened. My sense of smell, my sight, my hearing, taste, and touch. All of it. It made me want to explore!

I even thought about sneaking out when mayor dad wasn't looking. A lot of people already knew about mayor dad turning into a werewolf last year on Halloween night. So what if a few more people find out? So what? What was the big deal? Probably half of swallow already knew about it anyway.

Woah, I thought to myself. A week ago I was terrified of people knowing, but now I don't even care! I really have relaxed a lot.. and it feels.. good.. Gil, I'm going to the coffee shop, I'll be back in about 15 minutes, mayor dad said.  And do not leave the office! Okay, I replied.

He left and shut the door behind him leaving me alone.. okay... I thought to myself. I'm totally leaving the office!!! This was my chance to escape. I just need some fresh air, I was getting a little stir crazy being all cooped up in here day after day. I mean, I was used to always being in my father's office, but after becoming half werewolf, I've been wanting to explore and wander around.

I tried to open the door, but the handle wouldn't move. Are you serious?? Mayor dad locked me in here? Well that sucks... I thought to myself. I looked up at the wall. There was an air vent up there. I got a stool from the closet, I stepped on it and opened the air vent. I jumped up from the stool into the air vent struggling a bit. Yes! Sweet freedom!

I would normally never do this, but now that I'm half werewolf, I've been so restless. I crawled through the air vent in the ceiling. I was looking for a way out. After a few minutes of crawling, I started to hear some voices. I recognized them. I crawled closer to it.

I saw another door thing. I opened it, and realized I was above my English class. I could see everything. I saw Flint sitting in his desk directly below me. I guess no one heard me open the vent thing up in the ceiling. Fliiiiiiiiiiiiiint... I whispered down below. He looked up at me. What the heck?? Gil what are you doing up there??? Flint whispered back to me.

Flint, I love mayor dad more then anything, but I'm so restless! I don't want to stay all cooped up in that office every single day. Gil! You have to go back to the office before your dad finds out! I don't want to go back, I replied. I want to go outside. Plus he's at the coffee shop right now. Ahhhh! There's a monster up in the ceiling! Brent suddenly yelled.

Oh it's just you Gil. Heheh... Brent, and Flint, what are you talking about?? Asked the teacher. Nothing! They both said. Flint looked back up to me. Gil! Your dad is going to come back, you have go back! I'll talk to you after school! Flint said. Just hang in there..Ugh...fine, I replied.

I closed the vent back up, and started crawling back to the direction I came from. Flint Lockwood to my office immediately! Oh no... that was mayor dads voice on the loud speaker. He knows I left! Crap! That was a really quick 15 minutes! I finally got back to the open vent in the office.

I was still in the air vent. Flint was in my dads office, mayor dad standing next to him. Lockwood, where did my son go? I don't know, why are you asking me? Because! You have known about Gil becoming a werewolf like me long before I have. So I'll ask again, where did my son go? I'm not in the mood for games!

I was about to close the air vent back up, and then I accidentally broke it, and it fell to the floor. Crap! Then mayor dad saw me up high in the air vent, in the wall, the stool beneath it where I climbed in. Gil?! Mayor dad said. What on earth are you doing?? Get down here now! Mayor dad sounded really angry. He was yelling at me at this point.

I back up a little in the air vent, afraid to come down. Mayor dad glared angrily up at me. He let out a quiet, but deep wolf like growl. He was always in human form, but he could still growl, it was scary. Gil! Come down here or so help me!!! Lockwood! Get him down! Ummm, Flint said, clearly not knowing what he should do.

Suddenly mayor dad walked out the office, and came back with a broom. He stepped on the stool, and scooped me closer with the broom. Your coming out of there one way or another! He said angrily. I kept resisting. Gil! Come down here now! When did you get so stubborn??? Mayor dad yelled.

There was no way I was coming down. At least that's what I thought, until I suddenly see a cockroach running toward me in the air vent. AHHHHHHH!!! I freaked out, and fell backwards, out of the vent, but mayor dad caught me by the collar of my sweater.

Mayor dad held me up by the collar of my sweater. Did you know about this Lockwood?? Well, not until he was in the ceiling above the classroom.. Flint said. He's just getting a little restless I think, that's all. Enough!!!! I don't want to hear another word from either of you! Mayor dad said. Go back to class Lockwood!

Flint closed the door behind him, leaving me and mayor dad alone. And as for you! Mayor dad said, still holding me by my collared sweater. You are in big trouble young man! He carried me over to the plastic bin cage thing. No dad! I don't want to go in there! I tried escaping his hold.

Well you should have thought about that, before doing the exact opposite of what I told you to do! He replied. You should be grateful I let you out of the cage at all! This is what happens to ungrateful children! He said as he shoved me in the cage, closing it and locking it. I really didn't want to be in here.

Though unfortunately, I already knew I was going to be stuck in this cage until it was time to go home. Ugh! If it weren't for that stupid cockroach! I really didn't want to be in the cage. Mayor da- SILENCE! He yelled back. I sighed heavily. I looked around the office from inside the cage. Man this was no fun! I guess I'll just have to find a way entertain myself until it's time for us to go back home...

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