Back to school

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Gil's POV
Today the first day back to school from thanksgiving break. I woke up and looked at the clock by my bedside. 7:00 perfect timing. I really need to remember to use an alarm though just in case. I had some weird dreams again last night, but luckily I didn't have sleep paralysis, because man that is the worst.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I was nervous about school, since well.. what's been happening. I took a deep breath, it's okay Gil, your gonna be fine, I thought to myself. I walked over to my closet, and pulled out one of the sweaters I got at at the mall. It was nice and stretchy and bigger then my old ones. I can always knit myself clothing if I need to as well. I knew how.

I put on shorts from the mall too. Nice and stretchy in case something crazy happens and I begin to transform. I got bigger socks too. They were extra warm. If I get cold I'll just pull my socks up higher. Especially if the fur begins to show. This will help me hide it. I Made sure all the clothing I got from the mall was stretchy, and big enough so nothing would rip if I transformed.

I am going to try very hard to not let that happen though. I put on my dress shoes and tied them up. I put my books and school stuff in my book bag. I put my wallet and my cell phone in the pocket of my bag. I also put my gloves that I knitted into my bag as well, just in case I lose control over my hands and my claws start coming out. I know people will wonder why would I wear gloves inside if that happens, but I'd rather them think I'm weird then know that I'm half werewolf.

I probably won't have anything to worry about though, my inner wolf is mostly only triggered at night, but I wasn't taking any chances. I also packed one of my video game devices, in put it in the side pocket of the bag. I case I start to get upset, then I can occupy myself with some video games. I was going in prepared. I grabbed my book bag and put it over my shoulder.

I looked in the mirror, I felt like I was ready for war with all the precautions. I walked out my bedroom and closed the door. I headed downstairs to make breakfast for me and mayor dad. Mayor dad was waiting for me. I made his morning cup of coffee. Then I made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon the usual. I put breakfast on the table and got myself some orange juice, and we ate up.

                 A little while later at school.
I saw Sam, flint, and Brent, and they asked me how I was holding up. I was doing okay, I told them. I just wish a had a little more confidence. Sam did the usual morning report for cannery high news. Today we were putting up Christmas decorations for school. We were working on some of that in art class.

I really didn't feel like going to class right now, so I just stayed in mayor dad's office sitting on the floor, making some paper snowflakes to hang up in the halls. We did this each year right before December. I was working on the Christmas decorating while mayor dad did some paperwork at his desk.

I got some big white papers, so I could cut out circles and make frosty the snowman. I made a few of those. I also drew lobster claws! Instead of Santa Claus here in swallow falls, we have lobster claws. I got a big green paper, so I could cut out the shape of a Christmas tree after drawing it. I cut out red and green and white circles for ornaments. I cut out a star for the top of the paper tree.

There was no way I was going to be able to reach to the ceiling, even standing on chairs and stuff to be able to tape and hang all the decorations up. We Shelbournes have a long family history of shortness. Sometimes mayor dad will step on me like a stool, or stand on something els, to grab stuff because neither one of us were tall enough reach things very easily.

Mayor dad was short, and he was a lot bigger then me! Which meant I was a really tiny, short, little thing. I guess I could use a ladder, but I'd rather just have someone taller put it up. I'll just have Brent or officer Earl do it. I finished making the decorations. I brought them to the hallways and Brent and officer Earl taped them up. I smiled at my handy work. Good job with the snow flakes dude! Brent said to me. Thankyou Brent.

A few hours later it was time for lunch, I was really considering just eating in mayor dad's office. I don't know why but I just didn't feel like being around people. Although now would be a good time to talk with flint, Sam, and Brent about everything, so I made my way to the cafeteria.

They were serving mashed potatoes with gravy and few side foods and of course drinks. I love mashed potatoes with gravy so I got that and a snack as well as a drink. I sat down with Brent, Sam, and Flint. Hey guys. Hey Gil! Said Flint. So what are you guys talking about?

Oh I'm just trying to come up with some new invention ideas, said Flint. Speaking of, the dream device I invented should be ready tomorrow! Oh Flint that's great news Thankyou. I felt a lot of relief knowing his invention was almost done.

I know half the time his inventions do stuff they aren't supposed to, and backfire, but I gotta give this a try at least. It should help with dreams and sleep paralysis! I hope it makes things easier for you. Especially with the wolf process, Flint said quietly. I'll give it to you tomorrow, said Flint. Thankyou, I replied. Finally, let's see if we can get rid of those awful nightmares, but little did I know that I was about to have a night I would never forget...

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