Morning rush

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NOTE: Just FYI, I'm autistic and I have a lot of memory problems so my grammar is more then likely not gonna be great. Anyway here's the next chapter enjoy.:)

Gil's POV
I woke up as my awareness slowly came back, and I absolutely did not want to move. I was so comfortable. Why is it so hard to get comfortable when I'm falling asleep but after I wake up my bed feels amazing?

I haven't opened my eyes yet, but I can sense some light coming in through the window. I was so relaxed this feels rather nice.. I stretched my arms and legs. It's nice to wake up like this. I wonder if.. GIL!!!! Suddenly I hear mayor dad yell across the hall.

I opened my eyes, I looked over at my clock on my nightstand it was already 7:30! Crap! School starts at 8:15! I overslept and didn't even realize it. I still have to make mayor dad breakfast!

I rushed out of bed and went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and saw my messy ginger hair. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I then went over to my closet in my massive bedroom.

I pulled out one of my several sweaters and put it on over my undershirt, changed into my usual dress shorts and socks. I've always had some graphic t shirts, and even some jeans, like some of the other kids at school wear, but mayor dad doesn't let me wear that out.

I think it has something to do with me being the son of the mayor or whatever. I grabbed my backpack and put my books inside. I put my cell phone and wallet in the side pocket of my backpack.

I grabbed my dress shoes and hurried downstairs, almost tripping on my way down, hopping on one foot trying to get my other shoe on and tie them up. Once I got both shoes on, I headed over to our massive kitchen. I'm coming mayor dad!

And there he was. Just standing there arms crossed. Not looking very pleased. He was wearing his usual business suit. I gave a nervous smile and said morning mayor dad!

Can it! He said, it's already almost 8:00 why are you just now down here! I'm on a schedule every day Gil, you know this! I'm sorry dad, I overslept. I'm really sorry.

Yeah yeah, nobody likes a suck up son, he said. No they don't I know..I told him as I was already cooking breakfast. I began making his daily cup of coffee, as he sat and waited. I handed him his coffee, with a nervous smile.

He took a sip and spat it out on my face, it was hot too. This is too creamy! Do it again. I wiped my face off with a rag, and hurried over and made more coffee, less creamy this time, and handed it to him.

Luckily this time he accepted it. I finished making some pancakes and eggs and cut them up. There was a beautiful fountain in the middle of the dining room table, instead of water, it poured out orange juice.

I've seen it pour out hot chocolate at Christmas time before. Pretty much any beverage you can think of. I set breakfast on the table. I only had some eggs and orange juice, as I wasn't very hungry.

I looked out one of the mansion windows, and saw that it was pretty cloudy. I wouldn't be surprised if a storm rolls through tonight. I can just ask Sam once I get to school.

Some time later:

This is Sam sparks with cannery high news! I watched with flint as Sam did the morning report for the day. After she finished, we all started to head to class. Yo Gil!!! What is up my duuuuuuuuude??

Oh hey Brent! I waved to him as I walked down the hallway of the school. We walked together to class. Good morning Officer Earl! Good morning class, he said. We sat in our desks.

Brent's desk was next to mine. Yo Gil! What's up?? What's new?? Brent was always laid back, not a care in the world. Stress free. I wish I could be like that.

Oh everything's fine same old I told him. What about you? Eh, not much, I ate like over 10 pieces of pizza over the weekend and then I totally blacked out and laid on the floor for like 12 hours and went into like this amazing food coma.. it was so magical.. he tells me.

Uhh, nice.. I replied. That sounds typical of Brent, I thought. So I've been having these weird dreams lately.. Brent looked over at me. About what??? He asks. Is it about the giant man eating pizzas??? Because I get those too!

Ummm no. I replied. What about from that scary sardine movie we saw last year?? I still have nightmares about sardines hiding in the fridge and then I open it and they all start attacking me until I die.

No Brent, I tell him. That's not it. It's not about sardines, and I know you love pizza Brent but that's not it either. Well then what is it? Brent! And Gil! Officer earl suddenly yells out. You know the rules! No talking in class.

I sighed heavily. Just tell me at lunch, Brent whispered to me. Okay, I replied.

After class I headed over to mayor dads office. Since he was the swallow falls mayor and also principal of our school, that meant a lot of paperwork. I walked in. Gil! Where have you been?!

Oh, I was just in cla- yeah yeah whatever! He snapped. Giving me this death glare, he walked over to me. I thought he was gonna send me to the bucket of disappointment for a second.

I'm going to the coffee shop, he tells me, I'll only be gone for 15 minutes. While I'm gone why don't you make yourself useful for once and organize my paperwork. Wanting to please him, I saluted to him. I won't let you don't Mr. Mayor dad principal sir!

Again.. no one likes a suck up son. No they don't. I replied my head hanging down. And it better be all organized and neat by the time I get back.. He said with a death stare. Or are my suspicions correct about being pre - disappointed in you?

No no! I said I will get it done. He turned and walked out. I sighed heavily once more. I sat my fathers desk chair, looking down at this enormous pile of endless paperwork. Welp... I better fix all this before mayor dad comes back..

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